Board Of Selectmen’s Minutes July 28, 2015

TA Guerino


Stephen Mealy, Chairman

Don Pickard, Vice-Chairman

Michael Blanton, Clerk

Don Ellis

Peter Meier

Note this meeting is being televised and recorded. If anyone in the audience is recording or videotaping, they need to acknowledge such at this time – Michael Rausch Bourne Enterprise and Ryan Barber Cape Cod Times and Paul Gately Enterprise.

All items within the meeting agenda are subject to deliberation and vote(s) by the Board of Selectmen.


Meeting Called to Order

Chm. Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Moment of Silence for our Troops/Salute the Flag

Public Comment

Margaret Burk spoke briefly about the industrial size wind turbines and the effect it has on humans. She handed out an article from experts about residents living to close to the turbines.

4) Minutes:

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to approve the minutes from July 14, 2015 as presented. Vote 5-0.

5) Correspondence

Michael Blanton brought the committee up to date on the correspondence.

a)  A letter from Division of Marine Fisheries: Shellfish Propagation Permit being issued to Keith A. Mann d/b/a/ Mann Farms, Inc.

b)  Judgment in Tax Lien Case: Town of Bourne vs. Frank, Lauren & George Hitchcock Jr. closed.

c)  Letter of interest from Don Rhodes of Pocasset to be appointed to SWOP

d)  Letter from James Sulkowicz of the Town of Barnstable regarding Weights and Measures submitted quarterly report from April 1 – June 30, 2015

e)  Letter from Coalition for Responsible Retailing re: a City Official’s Perspective on Tobacco Regulations

f)  Letter from American Jewish Committee asking the Board to sign statement on Anti-Semitism in Europe by Mayors and Municipal Leaders

g)  A letter from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the 46 Annual Scallop Fest looking for 500 volunteers

h)  Letter from Lt. Governor thanking Selectmen Meier for the opportunity to visit and hear about plans or Bourne

i)  Letter from Travelers Casualty & Surety have a bonding relationship with Consolidated Edison Solutions

j)  Letter of interest from Jeanne Azarovitz to serve as Bourne Financial Development Board of Directors (Bourne Rep to CCC and Transportation Advisory Committee have been filled)

k)  Email from Amy Kulan who rescind her letter of interest for the Counsel on Aging

6)  Licenses/Appointments:

a.  Pan Mass Challenge – One Day Liquor

b.  Custodian for the Care, Custody, Management and Control of Town Property appointment related to upcoming Town Property Auction

c.  Council on Aging Appointment to fill one vacancy

d.  Cataumet Civic Association request for Fireworks Display on 8.1.15

6 a. Pan Mass Challenge – One Day Liquor

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to approve the one-day all alcoholic liquor license for Pan Mass Challenge for the location at the Mass Maritime Academy from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Vote 5-0.

Tom Guerino stated Chief Woodside has provided a very through list of what can and can’t be done by the volunteers relative to the direction of traffic; bicyclist and how they will come in; the Academy Drive wont be detoured; no parking sign will be removed by the DPW.

6 b. Custodian for the Care, Custody, Management and Control of Town Property appointment related to upcoming Town Property Auction

The Appointment of the Custodian Under MGL. Chapter 60, Section 77B, for the care, custody Management and Control of Town Property for an appointment valid until December 31, 2015.

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to move the name Nancy J. Sundman to be named Custodian. Vote 5-0.

Tom Guerino stated this deals specifically with the Auctions.

6 c. Council on Aging Appointment to fill one vacancy

This item is being tabled because the applicant has withdrawn her application. Tom Guerino stated this position will be re advertise as appropriate.

6 d. Cataumet Civic Association request for Fireworks Display on 8.1.15

This is an extension of a routing slip approved in May to close Grasslands Lane for the Cataumet Club’s 100th Birthday to include fireworks display. Fireworks to be delivered to the Squeteague Harbor Road boat ramp on August 1st at 8:00 AM and preparation throughout the day for a 9:00-9:15 PM fireworks display from a barge. Complete timeline is on file at the Town Administrator Office. This is just to include the fireworks.

Stephen Mealy stated the addition of the fireworks triggered a couple of things. Town of Bourne will have a fire watch and an onsite crew; there will be 2 details by the Police Department; and the DNR will be involved because they have to escort the Fire Chief to the barge for inspection of the barge when it comes into Bourne waters, they are also involved with doing a watch on the waters.

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to add the addition of the fireworks from the Cataumet Club Association based on the completed application. Vote 5-0.

Stephen Pelky, Presidency of Atlas PyroVision Productions, gave a brief overview of the history with the Cataumet Club Association, what happened, and why they had to come back in front of the Board. He also briefly went over how they do their fireworks display show.

Don Pickard requested the selectmen take 7C as the next item on the agenda.

7) Selectmen’s Business

a.  Second reading on Financial Policy proposed changes

b.  Second review of proposed reductions should Proposition 2 ½ question fail

c.  Dan Barrett – Surplus Property – Sale of 3 recycling balers

d.  Discuss support to maintain Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Center – Sagamore and Cape Cod Center

e.  Vote to appoint member of Board of Selectmen to attend first meeting of Charter Review Committee to read charge and election of officers under Board of Selectmen Rules of Procedure XIV. Board of Selectmen New Committee Procedures as amend and adopted February 24, 2015.

7 c. Dan Barrett – Surplus Property – Sale of 3 recycling balers

Tom Guerino stated with the new process we are working on for single stream recycling with Covanta and C.L. Harvey. There needs to be adjustment to the baler building. We have two older balers and one newer baler that are no value to our operation anymore.

Dan Barrett spoke about the selling of the 3 balers. We have two older bailers, one was purchased in 1999 and one was purchased in 1993. When we retrofitted the bailer building we took the bailers out. We had expert bailers come down and appraise the bailers. They came up with a sealed bid. With the approval of the Selectmen we would like to put that in motion. Tom Guerino questioned if they will put this on Municibid as well? Dan Barrett wasn’t sure if there would be interference with the sealed bid process. Mr. Barrett will look into putting it on Municibid.

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to authorize ISWM through the Town Administrator to declare and put up for bid the following pieces of equipment: 1993 International Baler, model CEB-602, the 1999 International Baler, model LD-60-SD, and the 2003 International Press and Shear, model E6-AT965-HS. Vote 5-0.

7 a. Second reading on Financial Policy proposed changes

Stephen Mealy went over the highlights of the Financial Management Policies and Guidelines as the second reading. The highlights are the areas that the Financial Project Working Group felt could be changes in order to provide more stringent controls on the towns free cash, and provisions to address newer expenses the town faces.

Tom Guerino wanted to highlight some strong points that have been a strong determination as it relates to free cash. By putting that control in place it puts a good limit as to how we can spend and what we can spend free cash on.

Don Pickard stated that a few years ago we had Mrs. Marzelli, the Finance Director with the representative of the Bonding Company. They had a discussion of lowering the stabilization and our free cash limits and if we did our bond rating would be reduced to be less favorable than it is. Has there been any discussion on fiscal reserve guidelines part B, stabilization fund, where the working group is recommending that we go from 7% to 6%.

Tom Guerino stated that was if we didn’t adhere to the financials policies at that time. If we didn’t achieve those the bond companies would look at that as less than favorable, but because we are changing the policy, if we stick to what we have in our policy we will not be looked upon in an unfavorable way.

Jim Mulvey questioned where you are setting certain parameters whose obligation it is to oversee that and how often does that information have to be brought to the Board of Selectmen for action?

Tom Guerino explained there are four entities that have to sign off on the policies, the BOS, the Finance Committee, the Finance Director, and the Town Administrator. We have our free cash certification annually; during our budgetary period we would look at our debt on an annual basis and report that to the Selectmen. All four entities have the responsibility to oversee the policy.

Voted Peter Meier moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to move this from 2nd reading to 3rd and final reading on the draft dated June 15, 2015. Vote 5-0.

7 b. Second review of proposed reductions should Proposition 2 ½ question fail

Tom Guerino went over the budgets and cuts and how they got to these numbers.

Peter Meier voiced his concerns about closing the Sagamre Fire Station.

Don Pickard voiced his concerns: going down to a 3-person car Police, and the Administration positions.

Don Ellis voiced his concerns about the Sagamore Fire Station closing, and going down to a 3 car police, we also have to look into the Department of Public Works.

Mr. Pickard also directed questions to the Town Administrator, what is the cost of the COA lunch program, could we go to some outside source like Meals on Wheels and would that be a savings. Reduce library hours to 4.5 hours a day. Reduce supportive day program to 3 days a week. Eliminate the recreation department but keep lifeguards at two beaches. Could we reduce DNR by another $50,000 and how would you propose we do that. Have you calculated the savings or cost associated with a 3-year retirement program and the bonus program, and what would the cost be if we privatized all of our janitorial.

Peter Meier stated he hopes we are working with our school counterparts because a substandard school system will not help us, people will not want to live in this town.

Michael Blanton voiced his concerns with the school budget cuts and how it will impact our youth and the future of this community. The other item is the Economic Development line item budget. If we are not able to invest any money in our economic development we are not able to create any new revenues that will help us bring about positive change. The cut in recreation goes to the quality of life that the residents of Bourne enjoy.

Stephen Mealy stated he asked to have a meeting next Monday, August 3rd with the Financial Project Working group to allow the residents of the town to attend the meeting and after getting a presentation of the cuts allow them to ask questions. Also for us as representative of the town, to get a feeling for what the residents are feeling. If the residents are unable to attend the meeting they can send questions to the Town Administrator. We will do our best to address those questions during the meeting. We have put together a Facebook page that will be for the override question. We will put up 10 -15 frequently ask questions that we will post answers to so you can see how we got to where we are and what our plans are to get out of the situation, what would happen if the override doesn’t pass, and why we are asking for the amount we are asking for, so we can make a decision as a community this fall.

Don Ellis questioned Mr. Guerino when you go out and negotiate with the unions that exist in the town and they are looking for a 2 or 3% raise, is that based on what each individual makes or is that a set fee. Mr. Guerino stated the bargaining unit generally comes in with a request for the unit not the individual positions. Mr. Ellis questioned have you considered a policy where the increase is only on the first $16,000 of each union. Mr. Ellis questioned if it is worth looking into because it would save the town a great deal of money.

7 d. Discuss support to maintain Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Center – Sagamore and Cape Cod Center

Don Pickard read the letter from the Honorable Robert DeLeo, Speaker of the House. Mr. DeLeo is requesting the Selectmen to override the veto of the 7008-0900 of $400,000 earmark for visitor center operations from Memorial Day to Columbus Day. The visitor centers are: Berkshire Visitor Center, Adams; Boston Common Visitor Center, Boston; Boston Prudential Center Visitor Center, Boston; Cape Cod Visitor Center, Route 25 Eastbound, Plymouth; Upper Pioneer Valley Visitor Center, Greenfield; Jonny Appleseed visitor Center, Lancaster; MA Tourist Visitor Center, Route 3 Plymouth; Maria Miles MA Tourist Center, Salisbury; Sagamore Bridge Visitor Center, Bourne; Route 6 Cape Cod Visitor Center, Barnstable; and Route I-195 Visitor Center, Wareham.

Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to approve by the Board to show our support to the Chamber of Commerce. Vote 5-0

7 e. Vote to appoint member of Board of Selectmen to attend first meeting of Charter Review Committee to read charge and election of officers under Board of Selectmen Rules of Procedure XIV. Board of Selectmen New Committee Procedures as amend and adopted February 24, 2015.

Stephen Mealy went over the appointment of a selectman to attend the Charter Review Committee’s first meeting. We have appointed a Charter Review Committee and as per our Policies and Procedures a member of the Board of Selectmen is to attend the first meeting to help organize and get the ball rolling for the committee.