P&F Meeting Minutes
Date:Wednesday 3 June, 2015
Held:Meeting held in the Boardroom, Mandurah Catholic College
AWAndrew Watson / JPJo Pustkuchen / MPMichael Pustkuchen AFAlan Farley / NGNicole Gill / KMKerrie McAlinden
DHDeb Head / MBMaryanne Baker
DSDonna Stiles / STSarah Tutolo
1. / Meeting Opened
Prayer – School Prayer
2. / Acceptance of Minutes
NG mentioned we hadn’t minuted discussions around creating a template for fundraising - identifying what we have asked for, from whom, when and what has been donated. NG to set up a spreadsheet with Quiz Night and Gold Coast Fundraising to commence with and check if KM is still able to manage this document. / NG/KM
Otherwise previous minutes accepted by consensus.
3. / Actions from Previous Meeting
3a. / Quiz Night
AW expressed his thanks to all committee members involved and suggested he and DH draft a letter to acknowledge those who came in support of the event. 29 tables of 8 were sold. Over 230 guests were present (given some tables had more than 8). General feedback was positive. Ample drinks supply (Rekorderlig Cider ran out quite early). We had to purchase a fair few prizes ourselves this year however a profit of $5,676.86 was made. / AW/DH
3b. / Parent Year Representatives
DS could not locate a copy of the previous Class Liaison guidelines. NG suggested she would have a look. AW and MB to report back on what the College Executive’s expectations are in relation to this at the next meeting. / NG
3c. / School Banking (Dollarmites)
DH has had expressions of interest from two parents who are willing to manage student banking. AW advised the Catholic Diocese of Bunbury does not permit commercial entities to operate within the school. He supports financial literacy and will raise this again with the Bishop in a few months’ time. / Defer 6 months
3d. / Wish lists
DS has advised the following of their successful applications…
- Gavin Scully (Property Manager) $1,530.00 Wheelie bin lifter
- Michelle O’Neil (Year12 HOY) 2,862.75 Elevate Incursion
- Nancy Belfrage (ANZAC Committee) 500.00 Honour board
- Matt Edwards (Year 11 HOY) 500.00 Vegie garden project
- Nicole Gill (Patch Pals Garden Club) 350.00 Shed and shelving
- Krystal Heal (Year 1) 750.00 Big books
- Sandra Guest (Home Economics) 2,000.00 Thermomix – food prep
DS is happy to coordinate wish lists again in the future. We will look at the next round dates and inform interested parties in a timely manner.
DS to advise the following approved wish lists:
- Tania Ward (Sick Bay) 4,449.00 2 x split system air cons
- Tania Ward (Sick Bay) approx 300.00 Small Ice Machine
3e. / Hot Klobba – School Uniform
AF reported on the meeting he and AW attended with representatives of Hot Klobba (who are very willing to work with us through these uniform teething issues). Deb is going to ‘road test’ the white shirts to put the alleged poor quality to the test. Hot Klobba will continue to sell second-hand uniforms however it will be based on a Buyer Beware policy where purchasers must inspect the garments closely. AF asked for Administrator details of MCC Second-hand Uniform Facebook Page. NG to supply.
It was also suggested that the school logo be put on girls’ summer school dresses and house shirts. AF to look into this. / NG
4. / Reports
4a. / Treasurer’s Report
JP tabled activity for May 2015 as follows:
- Mother’s Day stall profit $1,070.86
- Quiz Night profit $5,676.86
4b. / Board Representative (College Executive Representative)
MB attended her first meeting. The College Executive is keen to work in collaboration with the P&F. She will continue to report on their developments.
5. / Correspondence
None tabled.
6. / New Business
6a. / P&F Working Committees
DH suggested once we have worked out a Fundraising Plan for the next financial year, we can appoint working committees to manage each event and report back to the main committee.
6b. / Sports Club Position
ST asked for clarification on what is expected of each sporting club, in terms of funding uniforms, trophies, windups, etc. as there is no clear understanding at present. There are 3 school sporting clubs: Netball, Basketball and Soccer. Discussions have taken place in the past between AF, ST, Nick Jenkins and Lisa King. This matter is ongoing and is being reviewed by the CollegeExecutive. ST has a soccer windup to plan and hopes for a resolution soon. AF to report on status next meeting. / AF
6c. / Change meeting day
DH asked for group consensus on changing the day of future meetings to free up some of the Kindy mums. AW thought we could introduce evening meetings to accommodate working parents. We will trial this next term and change meeting days to a Tuesday.
6d. / 2015/16 Fundraising Plan
We will commit to four main fundraising events throughout the year as follows:
- Easter RaffleApril
- Mothers’ Day StallMay
- Quiz Night
- Fathers’ Day RaffleSeptember
AW added that our fundraising culture should reflect that of CECWA’s framework and policies. NG suggested we obtain a copy of this as a tool for forward planning. NG to follow up. / NG
6e. / Seating, bus shelters, general shelters and lockers
DS has identified there are some benches currently being stored between H Block and Design which could be put to good use. AW will inspect the benches (and lockers) discuss with relevant staff and report back.
DS also enquired about the possibility of providing shelter along walkways to the rear of the campus. This has been raised in the past and is part of a long-term plan that the College Executive is working on. It is a great expense that cannot be dealt with in the interim.
AF advised the issue with Bus Shelters involve City of Mandurah and implications due to fire breaks, etc. DS to provide AF information on exact location of proposed shelters. AF to contact the council with this information and table their response at the next meeting. / AW
6f. / New P&F Logo
Due to time limitations, this item was not discussed. Add to next meeting agenda. / Note
6g. / P&F Plaques
Due to time limitations, this item was not discussed. Add to next meeting agenda. / Note
6h. / Other Business
AW would like to see a shift in the P&F’s focus on fundraising and look more into ways of supporting and fostering the whole school community. He tabled a proposal which outlines four Special Interest Groups (SIGs) refer attached. These may include:
- Parent Network – introduction PALS (Parent Liaisons) for each year group.
- Fathering Project Group – working towards establishing a fathers’ profile.
- Ministry and Care – further expand the outreach we are providing for those in need.
- Parenting Education – provide resources and opportunities for parents to collectively’ parent with effect.
7. / Meeting closed 10.20am.
NB. Unless otherwise named in the Constitution, the “Board” is to be referred to as the
“College Executive” herein.
Att.AW’s Special Interest Groups proposal (1 page).
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