/Jaguar Clubs of North America
JCNA Board of Directors Meeting
September 26 and 28, 2016
George Camp-SE PresDennis Eklof – NE
David Hayden - SE
David McDowell - SC
Gary Vaughan - SC
Jack Humphrey - SW
Doug Dechant - SW
Peter Crespin - NE
Mike Meyer - NC
Bob Matejek - NC
Carol Borgens - NW
Barbara Grayson – NW VP
Dick Maury – Past Pres
Rob Thuss - Legal
Gary Kincel – Treasurer
Gary Cobble – CC Committee
- Great Planes Jaguar Club
- The Club has paid their dues but nothing more. Brock was instrumental in forming the Club. There are about 7 members in the club and no Affiliate paperwork has been filed.
- The SC Regional Directors have been tasked and unanimously given the authority to get the Club up to speed by the end of 2016 or else their dues will not be accepted for renewal in 2017.
- The Club could either become a functioning Club or the members could be MAL’s.
- 2017 AGM in Vancouver, BC. 3/17-19/2017
- The event will be hosted at the River Rock Resort and their web site is
- Carole Borgens provided an event summary and it is attached at the bottom of these minutes.
- 2018 AGM in San Antonio, TX. March 2018
- The San Antonio Club is working on it.
- Brian Blackwell is the Club President and is leading the team.
- 2017 IJF at Lanier Island, Atlanta, GA. 10/13-15
- The event planning is well under way.
- John Hoffman is the event chair. Sponsorship is proceeding well.
- 2018 IJF, So far no Club volunteers.
- JCNA’s 60th Anniversary
- We will celebrate at both the AGM and IJF in 2018
- The actual date is 1/1/18 and it is the Diamond Anniversary.
- There will be a banner across the top of the Jaguar Journal
- Mike Dale and Kim McCullough will support us on the anniversary.
- Increase travel expenses for the JCNA Executive BOD.
- George will make a proposal and it will be reviewed at the 12/19/16 BOD Meeting
- Jaguar Journal to become a separate Company
- JJ will earn more in advertising income than the IRS allows of JCNA.
- There will be a separate BOD and accountant.
- It will be a Delaware Corp and will consider Maryland.
- JCNA will subsidize the Jaguar Journal
- It was unanimous to support Rob Thuss and the independent Jaguar Journal.
- Policy of Nominations and Election Committee
- When and how to campaign?
- Who owns the address lists and for what purpose can they be used?
- The Election Committee will create a policy.
- This will be reviewed at the 12/19/16 BOD Meeting.
- When does a new RD start running their office?
- A RD term comes after the AGM and starts at BOD Meeting on Sunday.
- Can a new RD candidate run for President? Currently no.
- A candidate must be a RD before they can run for President
- This could require a Bylaw change.
- George to write up a proposal and it will be reviewed at the 12/19/16 BOD Meeting.
- JCNA Trophy Update
- NILUSA will now be supplying our trophies
- The old owner and sales manager came on board with the new company.
- They will be made in the USA and have a small price increase
- Our molds were not retrieved so we had to replace them at a reasonable price.
- Facebook Update and Ginger Corda
- Ginger was working without a contract or control and demanded to get paid.
- She was paid and will no longer be managing the JCNA Facebook.
- Diane Dufour will manage it for now.
- JCNA Support of Clubs in 2017
- We can discuss this at the 12/19/16 BOD Meeting.
- Clubs efforts towards membership recruitment.
- The Membership Committee has been busy and needs to report.
- Report on JOA Badge sales
- JOA Badges sales were incredible
- $23,000 in gross sales.
- 550 were sold in 3 months. Previously 50 were sold in 3 years.
- The molds have since been destroyed.
- Report on sales of JJ Archive
- About 60 copies have been sold, bringing in about $5000.
- JCNA Concours Judging Claims
- A Concours score must come from a sanctioned Concours and follow all the judging and Concours rules. Having a car judged outside a sanctioned Concours is not proper and needs to be stopped.
- Membership Software Committee
- The plan is to make the JCNA web site interactive to handle membership and other record keeping.
- There are short term and long term action plans
- Plug and play solutions are being investigated as well as custom developed solutions.
- Revised Concours Judging System
- A solution needs to be presented at the upcoming AGM so resolve some of the Concours concerns: unequal judging across NA, excessive perfect scores, cherry picking Concours, cars going back into storage after 3 shows, ties.
- An IJF Invitational for about half the classes would judge the top cars side by side by the top judges. Concerns: cost, distance, high end participants only, judges.
- Proposals:
- Status Quo – no changes
- Aggregate Judging – 3 scores set the basic score. A fourth and fifth score would break ties.
- Two Tier – NA awards are only awarded to winners of the IJF Invitational. All others just get Regional Awards, regardless of their composite score or number of shows.
- Three Tier – Status Quo or Aggregate Judging with the IJF Invitational to award a new higher Heritage title to the high end cars and participants.
- Judging needs to be improved in all cases: Improved training, longer apprenticeships, more judging guides, etc.
- JCNA and Jaguar Journal have been Trademarked and Jaguar Journal is now contained in the Library of Congress
- JCNA Web Site Update
- Still growing pains
- Eastern European hackers
- Everything is public
- Forms are being massaged
- Move to a database system – voted and passed unanimously
- There may be needs to shut down for maintenance. So far it hasn’t happened.
- Classified ads could / should be dropped after one year. Some are old!
- Concours, Slalom and Rally Scoring Rollup
- We are still lacking some Club inputs
- Issues with the Judges List and non-JCNA participants
- Tom Wright hasn’t made any Slalom’s Official
- JCNA Corporate Policies
- A final copy of the latest JCNA Corporate Policies is going to be posted to the JCNA web site.
- New Issues
- Volunteers – Who owns the volunteers?
- We need to collect all the requirements, inputs and outputs for each organization within JCNA to make sure they are being met.
- Next Meeting will be December 19, 2016 at 8:30 PM Eastern and 5:30 PM Pacific.
Bob Matejek
JCNA Secretary
Jaguar Clubs of North America, BOD Report
Annual General Meeting
March 17 – 19, 2017
This event is fast becoming reality with March, 2017 closing in. All plans are in place, and notices sent to JCNA affiliate clubs by email and through Jaguar Journal announcements, with more to come. Host hotel, the River Rock is 5 minutes from Vancouver International Airport by SkyTrain and right on the Fraser River. A reminder that passports are required for international air travel.
Friday evening’s St. Patrick’s Day dinner party is fast becoming a favourite with those attending. The Saturday evening awards banquet and dinner will be a highlight, not only because of the speakers, Wolfgang Hoffman, President, Jaguar Land-Rover Canada, and Nigel Matthews, Global Director of Client Services for Hagerty Insurance, but that many of our members will be walking up on stage to collect their year-end competition awards.
Also of great interest are the Friday and Saturday afternoon seminars, one by JCNA’s Awards Committee, covering JCNA Awards Program and the other by Nigel Matthews focusing on his global travels as a judge of exotic cars.
While meetings are underway Friday and Saturday, spouse activities take place which include bus tours, lunches and visits to both Bloedel Conservatory and the world-renowned Museum of Anthropology at University of British Columbia.
The River Rock Hotel has extended favourable guest room rates of $149 CDN and 1-Br. suite at $179 CDN, and they have been very welcoming toward our group. Food-service is excellent and the chef’s creations are what we would expect from one who came from a top downtown Vancouver hotel.
Many delegates are planning vacations around this weekend, with some already booking their Whistler ski packages and accommodations following these meetings. It seems that the lure of Vancouver is strong and will bring an excellent turn-out of delegates to this AGM weekend.
Registration will be through our website as well as a printed registration form included in the Jaguar Journal being delivered about January 1, 2017. Our website will be linked to our Jaguar Journal page for greater ease of accessibility.
Carole Borgens, Regional Director, JCNA
AGM Planning Group
Sept 2016 BOD Minutes11/6/2016