West Point Junior High School Special Education Resource
Disclosure 2013 - 2014
Gwen Christiansen
SCHEDULING IEP’S: Our paperwork assistant will call you to schedule your student’s annual IEP meeting. Please be prompt in returning her calls.
Your student is in one or two of my resource classes: Applied Language Arts 7 & 9 (English) and Applied Skills 7 & 8. The purpose of resource classes is to teach the academic skills necessary so students will be successful in the general curriculum and for future employment opportunities. This is accomplished through a positive, structured and supportive classroom environment.
Responsibilities of Students:
· Follow directions of the teacher immediately.
· Be ready with materials and in seat when the bell rings.
· Keep hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself.
· Raise hand to speak and wait for teacher to call on you.
· Work when you are supposed to.
Grading and Citizenship:
Each student will have a point sheet to monitor behavior each class period.
Please see the student handbook for the school’s tardy and absence policies.
Grading Scale:
95-100% = A 90-94% = A-
87-89% = B+ 83-86% = B 80-82% = B-
77-79% = C+ 73-76% = C 70- 72% = C-
67-69% = D+ 63-66% = D 60-62% = D- Below 60% = F
Discipline Policy:
1) Verbal Warning
2) Point Loss
3) Seat Away 5-10 min. with Behavior Log and call/letter to parent.
4) Think Time- student will be sent to another resource teacher’s class.
5) Office Referral and call to parent by grade level principal.
Positive Reinforcers: (may include, but not limited to)
· Verbal Praise or call home to parent
· Tickets for prizes or drawings
· Snacks, drinks, or school supplies
· Computer time, self-management time or games
· Reduced assignment or extra hall pass
Materials: Student are required to bring to class each day
· Pencil or pen
· School planner
· Homework (if assigned)
· Lined paper
· Independent reading book
Homework: There will be sufficient time in class to complete nearly all assignments.
Occasionally if homework is given, it is due the next day.
Applied Skills: This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to develop basic study and social skills and prepare them to be successful in the regular education classroom. Students may earn up to 100 points per day, and 100 points for bringing back their status report (grades) signed, for a total of 600 points on a regular school week.
All resource students will receive a status report on Wednesdays. Applied Skills students return signed report on Thursday or Friday for full points.
Applied Language Arts: The goal of the resource English classes is to provide extra instruction in reading and writing skills, while providing the students access to the general education English Core curriculum. Daily assignments will be given and for the most part completed in class. Students will work individually, in pairs, and in groups. We will use the internet based program MyAccess.com to complete writing assignments, and go to the computer lab on Tuesday’s and Friday’s.
The best way to get a hold of me is through email. I would prefer this, but you can also call 801-402-8100. My prep period is 6th. Please visit my web page on the school website for more information and assignments.
Thank you, and I look forward to a positive, productive, and successful year with your student in my class!