Ankeny First United Methodist Church

Confirmation 2017-2018

Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Who: Youth currently in 7th grade or older

When: Classes starting September 2017, Finishing May 2018

Requirements start as soon as registered

Where: Classes at Christian Life Center at 5:00pm Sunday

Will be outings throughout the year to other sites and facilities

Why: To foster an understanding of: different religions and Christian denominations, Methodist practices and beliefs, the role of the Church, the role of Christ in ones life, what it means and looks like to be an active member of a Church community. We seek to do this in a way that grows the youth’s faith and relationship with God, and allows them to make an informed decision on being confirmed at Ankeny First United Methodist Church and to join our Church family in membership.


  • Must do 2 of 3
  1. Attend a Methodist Church Camp or Summer Games University
    (Summer 2017)

Camps are: Lake Okoboji United Methodist Camp and Retreat Center

Pictured Rock United Methodist Camp and Retreat Center

Wesley Woods United Methodist Camp and Retreat Center

If your youth is already registered for a different Summer Camp than listed please be in contact with Drew.

Sumer Games University

July 10th-14th in Grinnell Iowa (Mon-Fri)

Takes place on Grinnell College campus – Stay in the dorms

2. Spring Break Mission Trip – Sunday-Friday the week of spring break

3. Discovery Weekend – Shifted to Fall, to better accommodate confirmation

Oct 27th – Oct 29th Friday Evening – Sunday Morning

  • Attend Confirmation classes Sunday evening, as well as outings
  • Sermon Notes Vs. Specific Sunday attendance with discussion at Confirmation
  • Home family assignments
  • Memory Verses
  • Acolyte at 8:30 and 11:00 uptown services
  • Service Projects- 1 Large and 3 Small

Large examples: Helping out with VBS or Youth Summer Soccer Programs.

Small examples: Easter Egg Hunt, Agape Garden, Meals for the Heartland

Visit our Church website to sign up to register for the Easter Egg Hunt and

Vacation Bible School

Pat Crownover -

VBS and Easter Egg Hunt

Traci Schermerhorn -

Youth Summer Soccer Program

Cost: $40- Scholarships can be made available for Camps, Spring Break Trip, and Discovery Weekend, We will also hold aSpring plant sale fundraiser (2018)

Drew Saforek,

Director of Youth Ministries