Easter 7 John 17:1-11
June 1, 2014
One thing that marked Jesus’ life more than anything else was how much he prayed.In fact, he prayed so often that his disciples asked him to teach them how. Most of his prayers were private, but in the Bible God lets us listen in on some of them. We’ve heard pleas in the Garden of Gethsemane just before his arrest and his prayer at the Cross, “Father, forgive them.” In the upper room he told his headstrong disciple, Peter, “I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail” hours before he jumped headfirst into his shameful denial and sank into sin. Now in their last memory of their last meeting withJesus before his arrest was this prayer for their spiritual needs recorded in John 17. Soon he would suffer and die for their sins. Then he would rise again and ascend back to heaven. His earthly mission would be over, but theirs was just beginning. This is how Jesus wanted them to remember him- as theSavior who wanted them to be his, who wanted them to be safe, who wanted them to be with him in eternity more than anything else.
That evening Jesus also prayed foreveryone who would believe in him until over the ages, including you and me. And even though he has returned to all his glory in heaven and is no longer visible to us on earth, “he is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” at this moment. Kelly and Abbey, as you graduate from high school and go forth in the life God has given you, you will need to remember that JESUS PRAYS FOR US!
I.That we may truly know him
Jesus prayed:"Father, the timehas come. Glorify Your Son, that the Son mayglorify You."Jesus loves us much more than we realize. He cares whether we go to heaven or hell. He made a promise to save us from our sins, and it was just as much a promise to himself. He would do whatever it took to rescue us from the judgment that our sins deserve. Jesus is faithful to his Word -even if many don’t believe it -even if we have no idea how much he had to do to keep his promise. But he didn’t do it just to prove he could or to get a pat on the back from his Father. Jesus did it because it would bring glory to his Father.And this waswhat glorified his Father more than anything else: that your sins would be forgiven by his amazing grace. That is something no one else in all the universe could ever do. And then to have you believe it – to have God make you his child and an heir of heaven – to see the joy he earned for you beaming from your face forever – that’s the only trophy Jesus wanted.
In this world we really prize our education system, and we pay a high price for it.By the time you graduate from college you’ll know all about that as you start to pay off your student loans. But as valuable as our education is in this world, it is useful only for a little while, however long we live on this planet. Everything you and I need to know for eternity is learnedonly through God's Word.“This is eternal life” Jesus said,“ that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
Jesus did not prayabout buildings or programsor styles of worship. He prayed abouthearts and faith. He didn’t pray for his people to have successful, high-paying careers but that we would know him better and better through his Word. That is how God gives us eternal life!So if the top of Jesus’ prayer list was a prayer for us to grow in his Word, that tells us what our top priority must be, too. We need to know thatJesus' Father is our Father. We need to knowthat Jesus is the only way to theFather. We need to know that we are believersbecause the Father gave us to Jesus. And we need to know it better and better. If Jesus’ first disciples, who lived with him, ate with him, listened to him, talked to him, and watched everything he did – if they neededto know him even more through His Word, boy, to we ever need it! "Jesus, keep praying for usthat we may truly know You!"
2. That we may always be safe
The other day we were driving along when suddenly we saw a mother duck and her ducklings smack dab in
the middle of the road. I swerved to miss them, but there were a lot of cars behind us. The ducks had no idea how muchdanger they were in as cars whizzed by in bothdirections. Momma duck was no match for the rolling monsters that threatened her ducklings.
Jesus' disciples were about to leave the nest, too, and Jesus could seewhere they would land. Hewas sending them out into the world, asdangerous a place as ducklings crossing a busy road. Theycould not see how great the danger would be fortheir faith. And there wasn't a power on earththat could keep them safe.
The world is a terribly dangerous andhostile place for anyone who believes in Jesus. We are notbig enough to stop the rolling thunder of unbeliefor avoid being crushed by the devil's temptations. Although we believe in Jesus, we have a sinful nature. We can't sort outevery attitude that comes our way, every feelingwe have, every suggestion, every bit of advice. If we were left to ourselves, we would quickly and certainly give up onJesus and give in to the devil. This is exactly what happened to one of Jesus’ own disciples
Jesus could have made things very simple for hisdisciples by taking them to heaven with him rightaway.He could have done the same for everybeliever afterwards. But he prayed, "I will remain in theworld no longer, but they are still in the worldand I am coming to you." Jesuswas going to prepare a place for us and has every intention of taking us to be with him when it is time for us to leave this world. Until then he continues to bring glory tohis Father through us. As we follow Jesus, we’ll talk about him to others. This is how Jesus will bring theminto his kingdom, too. It may be a classmate, a friend at work, or one day even your own children.This is how Jesus keeps bringing glory to himself and to the Father. He does it through us!
And that’s why we need him to protect us. If a man or woman would have stepped into the road and steered traffic around those ducklings, momma could have scooted them off to a safe place. Only if someone much bigger than we, the almighty God Himself, steps in to steer spiritual danger away from us, can our faith survive in this world. So Jesus continued: "My prayer is not that you take them out ofthe world, but that you protect them from theevil one. Holy Father, protect them by the powerof Your name." This Book (Bible) is an answer to Jesus’ prayer. This Book is the power of God’s name. It is our only place ofrefuge. This is where our Father steps into thetraffic of trials and temptations and steers them away. This is the only place we canbe shielded from the attitudes, suggestions, andadvice of the world. Because we have this Book Jesus is confident to leave us here until he calls us safely home.
Kelly, Abbey – your parents are proud of what God has done in your lives, and they know he isn’t finished with you. Like all parents, they are excited and a little nervous as you go forward. But they know how much Jesus loves you. They know that Jesus prays for you.
You’re excited and a little nervous, too, but Jesus is with you. He knows the big picture of your life and what is ahead. He knows the plans he has for you. Trust him to know what is best for you. Stay safe and close to him by hearing and learning his Word as long as you live. Then this will be the mission statement for your life: “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, gifting thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17) And know that Jesus is always, always praying for you! Amen.