23 May 2017
The school held a reunion in September 2016 to mark the 40th anniversary of the opening of The Ashcombe School. The event was very well received, with many attendees suggesting that they would like the opportunity to connect with the school on a more regular basis. The event in September offered the opportunity to meet school friends, visit old haunts and catch up with teachers. As a result of the positive response to the reunion, we are in the early stages of creating a Friends of Ashcombe group.
We are hoping that the group will be able to enhance and extend the Ashcombe community in a number of ways:
First, we would like to have a group that organises reunions on a regular basis so that ex-teachers, staff and parents have the opportunity to re-visit the school. We would like this to include past students, staff and governors from all four schools – The Ashcombe, Mowbray, Archbishop Langton and Dorking Grammar. We are also hoping that the group will be represented by all age groups, encompassing the interests and wishes of the different generations who have passed through the school. Second, we would like to keep all interested parties up to date with school news and send home Accent twice a year, so you can keep in touch with how life continues to flourish at Ashcombe. Third, we would also welcome support from ex-students and parents who could enhance the experiences of the present student body. Over the past few years, volunteers have made events such as the Careers Fair, business week, and careers speed-dating so successful. We would love to hear from anyone who is keen to be involved in our careers programme, sharing experiences of education, vocational training, the world of work and interesting life stories. Students are inspired by, and appreciative of, the contribution of the alumni and we are hoping that Friends of Ashcombe will greatly enhance the numbers involved.
Our first event will take place on Saturday 15th July, where we will open the school for all who are interested to walk round and look through the pictures and year books that we have collected in the archives. This event is to both mark the end of the 40th anniversary and also welcome those who were not able to be with us in September. The event will be similar in structure to our September open day, with the school opened up for ex-students and staff to look round from 10.00am through to 2.00pm. There will be tours of the school for those who are interested. The initial response from people canvassed has been very positive and we are hopeful that a large number of ex-Ashcombe, Dorking Grammar, Mowbray and Archbishop Langton students and staff will attend the event. Please could you register your interest for the event by clicking on the link below? We will then add you to the mailing list and we can send out regular updates relating to the group.
Click here to register
Please forward this email to everyone you think would be interested.
We are hoping that this will be the start of a regular programme of annual events which offers people the chance to stay in touch and remain part of the Ashcombe community. Please do also write to me on if you are interested in being involved in helping to establish the group.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Chris Panting and the Friends of Ashcombe