GeneralMusic Standards
Grade 1
AnchorStandard#1GenerateandconceptualizeartisticideasandworkS1C3PO1 / 1.GM.CR.1.a / Withappropriateguidance, improvisemusicalideas(e.g.beat, meter,andrhythm).
1.GM.CR.1.b / Withappropriateguidance, generatemusicalideasinmultiple tonalities(e.g.major,minor,modal, andpentatonic)andmeters(e.g. duple,triple,simple,and compound).
Anchor Standard #2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
S2C3PO2 / 1.GM.CR.2.a / With appropriate guidance, demonstrate and discuss personal reasons for selecting musical ideas (e.g. expressive intent).
S1C5PO4 / 1.GM.CR.2.b / With appropriate guidance use notation to document and organize personal or collective musical ideas.
Anchor Standard # 3 Refine and complete artistic work
1.GM.CR.3.a / With appropriate guidance, discuss and apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to refine personal musical ideas.
1.GM.CR.3.b / With appropriate guidance, present a final version of personal or collective musical ideas to peers or informal audience.
Anchor Standard #4 Select, Analyze and Interpret artistic work for performanceS3C2PO1 / 1.GM.P.4.a / With appropriate guidance, demonstrate and state personal interest in varied musical selections (e.g. knowledge, purpose).
S3C1PO1 / 1.GM.P.4.b / With appropriate guidance, demonstrate knowledge of musical concepts in music from a variety of cultures selected for performance (e.g. beat and melodic contour).
S1C5PO2 / 1.GM.P.4.c / With appropriate guidance read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns using notation (e.g. traditional notation).
S1C4PO1 / 1.GM.P.4.d / Explore and describe musical concepts (e.g. voice quality, movement, dynamics, tempo, and melodic contour).
Anchor Standard #5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation
1.GM.P.5.a / With appropriate guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performance.
1.GM.P.5.b / With appropriate guidance, use suggested strategies in rehearsal to address interpretive challenges of music.
Anchor Standards #6 Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work
S1C1PO1 / 1.GM.P.6.a / With appropriate guidance, perform music with expression (e.g. dynamics).
S3C2PO2 / 1.GM.P.6.b / Perform appropriately for the audience and occasion.
AnchorStandard#7Perceive and analyze artistic workS2C3PO2 / 1.GM.R.7.a / With appropriate guidance, list personal musical interests.
S1C1PO2 / 1.GM.R.7.b / With appropriate guidance, demonstrate musical concepts in various styles of music (e.g. beat and pitch).
Anchor Standard #8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
S2C1PO3 / 1.GM.R.8.a / With appropriate guidance, identify expressive attributes that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent (e.g. dynamics).
Anchor Standard #9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work
S3C1PO3 / 1.GM.R.9.a / With appropriate guidance, apply teacher-provided criteria to evaluate musical works and performances.
Anchor Standard #10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.S2C3PO2 / 1.GM.CN.10.a / With appropriate guidance, express personal preferences in music.
S2C2PO1 / 1.GM.CN.10.b / With appropriate guidance, explore various uses of music in daily experiences (e.g. songs of celebration, game songs, marches, T.V., movie, and video game sound tracks, dance music, and work songs).
Anchor Standard #11 Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepenunderstanding.
S2C1PO4 / 1.GM.CN.11.a / With appropriate guidance, explore relationships between music and other content areas (e.g. dance, visual art, dramatic arts, literature, science, math, social studies, and language arts).
1.GM.CN.11.b / With appropriate guidance, explore how context (e.g. social, cultural, and historical) can inform a performance.
General Music Standards 1