Lieve Leegte – 18/10

Over liefde & geluk

“Moge de Ene u zegenen en u beschermen,

moge de Ene het licht van zijn gelaat over u doen schijnen en u genadig zijn, moge de Ene u haar gelaat toewenden en u vrede geven.” Numeri 6, 24-26

Air – Left Bank

Left bank, I'm waiting for someone
Someone to be my friend
Outside, traffic's running slowly
I hear it from my window
Without you, I'm getting lost
Without you, there's no release
I can't hold the sun
I can't hold the sun
It's raining, love is not around me
How can it get SO COLD? *
Homesick, this is how I feel now
This is how you left me
Without you, I'm getting lost
Without you, there's no release
I can't hold the sun
I can't hold the sun
Without you, I'm getting lost
Without you, there's no release
I can't hold the sun

Huub Oosterhuis – Zijn wij gelukkig

Stevie Wonder – Love’s in need of love today

Good morn or evening friends

Here's your friendly announcer

I have serious news to pass on to everybody

What I'm about to say

Could mean the world's disaster

Could change your joy and laughter to tears and pain It's that

Love's in need of love today

Don't delay

Send yours in right away

Hate's goin' round

Breaking many hearts

Stop it please

Before it's gone too far The force of evil plans

To make you its possession

And it will if we let it

Destroy everybody

We all must take

Precautionary measures

If love and please you treasure

Then you'll hear me when I say Oh that

Love's in need of love today

love's in need of love today

Don't you delay

Send yours in right away

Hate's goin' round

Breaking many hearts

Stop it please

Before it's gone too far

Before you know that

Love's in need of love today

Did you ever think that love was a little love today

Hate's goin'round

Breaking, breaking many hearts

Stop it please, you’d better stop it please, you’d better stop it

Before it's gone too far

There will be

Love's in need of love today

You’d got to stop the world delayed

Don't you delayed

Send yours in right away

You got to give the world LOVE

Moge Gij,



in de vrucht van

ons leven en werken,

in onze inzet om

deze aarde beter te maken

en in het ontspannen

samenzijn met elkaar.

Moge Gij

in dit samenzijn

van delen,

van zoeken, twijfelen

en zien soms even,

aanwezig komen

als vuur van genade

en hoop.