New Street and Netherton Group Practice

Patient Participation Group


Saturday 20th February 2016 (42nd Meeting)

Present: Anne Tinsdeall (Practice Manager)

Dawn Vince (Deputy Practice Manager/Office Manager)

Andrew Redfearn (Patient/Group Secretary)

Margot Redfearn (Patient)

Susan Jennett (Patient)

Aileen Patterson (Patient)

Raphael Adesina (Patient)

Kevin Smith (Patient)

1. Welcome

Anne welcomed the group to the meeting.

2. Review of Previous Minutes

Andrew went through the major points of the last meeting.

3. Friends and Family Feedback – January 2016/Uptake

92% of patients who completed the in-house survey said that they would be “extremely likely” to recommend our practice to friends and family who needed similar care or treatment. Some comments were:

·  “Well looked-after by staff”;

·  “Informative notice boards”;

·  “Receptionists help me to complete forms”.

We are always looking at ways to increase the visibility of this survey so that more patients are aware of it and will complete it. There is a late clinic on Monday 22nd February, so the staff will attempt to get more responses at this clinic. Other ways to hopefully get more responses are:

·  GPs to hand-out the survey at the end of consultations;

·  Receptionist Keeley Holmes to create a sign to go on the auto-check-in terminals.

If patients receive this survey in the post, they are encouraged to complete and return it.

4. Locum Cover Throughout March 2016

Dr Nathan Carnie will be providing in-house locum cover at New Street during March 2016.

5. Huddersfield A&E Public Meetings - Press Releases

These have been delayed before being released to practices and the public, as they are currently going through Local Health Authority “Scrutiny”.

6. Rachael Heeley’s Healthy Walking Group

Rachael is still working on this, but due to the Christmas period and the bad weather it isn’t complete as yet. The group discussed walking between New Street Surgery and Lockwood Surgery and possibly around Beaumont Park (there is a coffee shop for post-walking refreshments). Rachael and Anne to find out.

7. Any Other Business

·  Margot: asked if two of her neighbours who are over 65 are eligible for an “M.o.T.”. Anne said that they were and they should book-in with the practice for a double-appointment health-check and bring a urine sample. Margot will relay this information onto them;

·  Date of next meeting: Saturday 19th March 2016, New Street Surgery, 10.00 am;

·  The meeting closed with thanks to all.