CFAR Website Information When complete, please email to

New submission Updated information (see also section VII)

I. Contact Information

Name and Credentials
(as you would like them listed on our website):
University / School or Organization
Department or Division

II. Membership Category(choose one)

CFAR Investigator / An Emory faculty member, at any level, who has an interest in HIV / AIDS research.
TMLDirect Adjunct CFAR Investigator / 1) A faculty member from another academic institution.
2) A researcher from a non-academic organization who actively engages in HIV /AIDS research.
TMLDirect Associate CFAR Investigator / A post-doc or research fellow who is actively engaged in HIV /AIDS research.
TMLDirect Affiliate CFAR Member / A graduate or undergraduate student at Emory University or Morehouse School of Medicine who is engaged in supervised HIV /AIDS research.
CFAR Research Staff / An individual employed by the CFAR or by any project that the CFAR directly supports

III. CFAR Groups and Meetings

What HIV-related research groups do you belong to or would like to join / do you belong to?

AIDS Malignancy Interdisciplinary Research Group

HIV Reservoirs and Eradication Scientific Working Group

Neuro-AIDS Scientific Working Group

Non-human Primate Models of HIV Pathogenesis and Vaccines Scientific Working Group

Pediatric HIV Journal Club

Social and Behavioral Science Research Network

Translational Research Interdisciplinary Group

Vaccine Dinner Club

Other (please specify):

IV. YouTube Video

If we haven't already done so, may we make an appointment to film a short YouTube video of you describing your research interests for posting on your bio page on the CFAR website?

TMLDirect YesTMLDirect
No, I would prefer not to have a video on my bio pageTMLDirect
You already have a video of me but I would like to update it.
Not Applicable – you already have an up-to-date video of me

V. FIELDS in which you do AIDS-related research (check all that apply)

Clinical and Translational Science

Antiretroviral Therapy
Antiviral/Antiretroviral Drug
Molecular/Genetic Approach
Other: / Healthcare Delivery
Access / Retention in Care
Adherence to Therapy
Factors Affecting Treatment
Other: / Opportunistic Infections and
TMLDirect Hepatitis
TMLDirect Herpes Zoster
TMLDirect Pneumonia
TMLDirect STIs
TMLDirect Tuberculosis
Co-morbid Illnesses
TMLDirect AIDS Dementia
TMLDirect Malignancies
TMLDirect Metabolic Complications
TMLDirect Vitamin D Deficiency
Other: / Translational Science --
Clinical Studies of:
HIV Pathogenesis
Behavioral Prevention
Biomedical Prevention

HIV/SIV Pathogenesis

Virus-Cell Interactions
Virus Assembly and Host Restriction
Envelope Glycoproteins / Particle Structure /
Virus Entry
Nef Pathogenesis
Other: / In Vivo Studies in Non-human Primates
Natural SIV Infection
HIV-associated Mucosal Immune Dysfunction
HIV-Associated B Cell Dysfunction
AIDS Neuropathogenesis

Immunology and Vaccine Development Trans-Domain

Fundamental Discoveries
Other: / AIDS Vaccines
Pre-clinical Research
Study Subject Recruitment
Evaluating Vaccines in Humans
Other: / Bioinformatics
Biomedical Informatics
Decision Support

Prevention Science and Epidemiology

Distribution and Determinants of HIV
Among Adults
Among African-American Adults
Among African-American Youth
Among Drug Users
Among MSM
Other: / Intervention Development and Distribution
for African-American Women
for African-American Youth
for MSM
in Africa

Other fields of HIV-related research not covered above:

NICHE POPULATIONS in which you specialize
(do not check a population unless it is a focus of your research)
TMLDirect Infants
TMLDirect Adults
TMLDirect Elderly
Other / Racial/Ethnic Group
TMLDirect African
TMLDirect African-American/Caribbean-American
TMLDirect Asian
TMLDirect Hispanic
TMLDirect Southeast Asian
Other: / Stage of Infection
TMLDirect HIV-negative
TMLDirect Acute Infection
TMLDirect Elite Controllers
TMLDirect Long-term Non-progressors
TMLDirect Men
TMLDirect Transgender
TMLDirect Women / Sex Partnerships
TMLDirect Couples
TMLDirect WSW / Vulnerable Populations
TMLDirect Drug Users
TMLDirect Dual Diagnosis
TMLDirect Homeless
TMLDirect Non-English Speakers
TMLDirect Refugees/Immigrants
TMLDirect Sex Workers

LOCATIONS in which you do AIDS-related research (Check all that apply)

TMLDirect Georgia: Not Emory / Specify where:
TMLDirect Other US / Specify where:
TMLDirect Africa / Specify where:
TMLDirect Americas (Non-USA) / Specify where:
TMLDirect Asia / Specify where:
TMLDirect Europe / Specify where:
TMLDirect Oceana / Specify where:
TMLDirect Southeast Asia / Specify where:

VI. AIDS-related Research

NOTE: If another website already provides any of the information requested below, feel free to simply provide the link to that website instead.

A. Please provide a summary bioblurb describing yourself, your research interests, and your work in HIV/AIDS.

B. Please list the key individuals with whom you collaborate/have collaborated in HIV/AIDS research.

C. Please list your key non-NIH HIV-related grants (we will direct people to the NIH RePort database -- -- for your NIH awards).

Include your role on the project, the project title, and the funding agency: For example:
Co-Investigator: "The mediating role of unicorn horn in HIV pathogenisis." Gates Foundation.

D. Under what name(s) have your key HIV/AIDS related papers been published?

VII. Updates (for people making changes to previously submitted information)

To help draw our attention to them please summarize the updates you made to this form:


For CFAR use only

Date entered on website:


Rev 7/14/11