Rod Planck Photography

Great Location!!

Southern Appalachian Mountains- Tellico Plains – Cherohala Skyway

April 10 – 15, 2016 (Advanced Workshop – 8 Participants)

Over the years we have been asked by clients to conduct a workshop or tour in the Great Smoky MountainsNational Park but would not because of the amount of tourism and traffic we would have to contend with. After a lot of research and networking with people we trust, we have found an excellent location outside of the National Park, one which provides ample opportunities for landscape and close-up photography. Last spring,after doing a lot of scouting, wewere so excited by what the area had to offer photographically that we decided to offer thisworkshop.

Workshop Location Description

The TellicoRiver corridor within the Appalachian Mountain region features many cascading waterfalls, bluffs and other scenic views. Another highlight of the area is the Cherohala Skyway which is not well known to photographers. This 43-mile National Scenic Byway contains numerous valleys, rivers and overlooks much like the SmokyMountainNational Park but without the nightmare of dealing with hoards of tourist and traffic.

We’ll also spend time within the southern district of Cherokee National Forest. This region is home to more than 11 designated Wildernesses, totaling nearly 67,000 acres and provides habitat for 43 species of mammals, 154 species of fish 55 species of amphibians and 262 species of birds. It also has more than 500 miles of cold water streams!In addition, we’ll explore portions of the NantahalaNational Forest which lies in the mountains and valleys of southwestern North Carolina. The largest of North Carolina'sNational Forests, the Nantahala encompasses 531,148 acres with elevations ranging from 5,800 to 1,200 feet.

While spectacular landscapes are the main focus of this workshop, we’ll also search out of a variety of late spring flowers, red-bud blossoms, several species of Southern trilliums, ferns and insects to makeclose-up images. To get the most out of the workshop, participants need to have a full photographic system which includes the tools to photograph a diverse selection of subjects (landscapes, plant life and insects (natural light.)

What Will Be Taught

Through classroom and field instruction Rod will teach you advanced techniques for landscape and close-up photography. He will also conduct a critique and show you how to process RAW files using YOUR images! This is a great learning experience – one that you will enjoy.

Group Lodging Rates and Accommodations

We have selected the Mountain View Cabins and Riverfront Lodge as our home base for the workshop. This location is perfect for theworkshop because of the variety of accommodations and range ofrates ($40 - $120 per night – rates include tax.) Upon registration, we will send a detailed confirmation letter outlining check-in time, directions, suitable photographic equipment, and recommended clothing.

Tuition / Payment

$1395 per person (includes classroom and in-the-field instruction, instructional handouts, and any park entrance fees and permits.)Group Size: 8 participants.To reserve a space, please send a deposit of $250. The balance of $1145 is due 90 days before the workshop begins.

Rod Planck Photography, PO Box 100, McMillan, MI49853(906) 293-3339;

Registration- Rod Planck Photography

Southern Appalachian Mountains- Tellico Plains – Cherohala Skyway

_ April 10 – 15, 2016 (Advanced Workshop)

Cost: $1395 per person (includes instruction, instructional handouts, and any park entrance fees). Deposit of $250 is required with registration. Balance of $1145 is required 90 days prior to the beginning of the workshop. 90-day advance notice is required for refund of deposit. If you cancel with less than 90 days notice you will receive a refund only if we are able to fill your space. All cancellations incur a $50 processing fee.

Participants are responsible for lodging, meals, transportation, and contributing to “fuel kitty” during the workshop. Carpooling is mandatory. Please let us know if you have a large vehicle and are willing to volunteer to drive. Your fuel cost during the workshop will be defrayed by the group.

Reservations: Early reservations are recommended.

By phone: Call (906) 293-3339. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. We accept credit cards (for deposits only), or we'll hold your space for 7 days, while awaiting your check.

By Mail: Complete registration and mail with payment to:

Rod Planck Photography

PO Box 100

McMillan, MI49853

Name ______

Address ______

City/State ______Zip ______

Phone ______/______

E-mail ______

Payment: _____ Check _____Visa/MasterCard (Deposit Only)

#______/______/______/______Exp. Date ___/____


Enclosed_____$250 Deposit/Person _____$1395 Full Tuition

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, WhittenBuilding, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C.20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.Rod Planck Photography operates under permit on the CherokeeNational Forest and NantahalaNational Forest. (Permits Applied for)