2015 -2018
"The Judo Academy aims toprovide excellent fundamental and technical judo coaching to all participants;using traditional judo values and progressive coaching techniques.The Judo Academy will foster, promote anddevelop Judo ina safe and friendly environment. The Judo Academy will adoptan 'athlete centred' approachthataffords each individual judoka the opportunity to have a judo experience that will be positive and inspiring forever."
“To maintain and excel at all ‘clubmark’ standards through teamwork and leadership; excel in providing fully inclusive and progressive Judo coaching and competition experiences for all age groups and abilities; and to secure a fully functional community dojo to promote the well documented benefits of Judo. ”
THE JUDO ACADEMY is a familyorientated organisation,providing quality Judo lessons to boys, girls, men, women and families; from the age of 5. The lessons cater for all levels and abilities, and provide sound fundamental coaching principles that can transcend most sports.
One of the aims ofTHE JUDO ACADEMYis to offer an affordable and diverse activity to both schools and school children that may not be available in their area. The success of this and other projects of its kind are in the provision of the activity within the educational boundary of the school; where parents, teachers and children are familiar and comfortable in the surroundings.
THE JUDO ACADEMYintroduces students to thefundamentals of Judo through the Judo Academy ‘Star Award’ scheme. This is a certificate-based scheme in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Judo Federation (NIJF).
THE JUDO ACADEMY follows a strict technique based grading system. Each level of grade is unique and is significant in the student's progress. The students will be assessed individually and in the group. Students may also be assessed by external assessors/coaches.
For students that wish to enter the competition arena, THE JUDO ACADEMY has direct links and access to all local and national competitions. We can also provide a direct pathway from our clubs to the NI Judo squads.
Club Management Aim
‘To ensure the club is managed in an effective, efficient and progressive manner giving due consideration to the skills and ideas players, parents and staff can offer.’
Objective / Strategy / Budget / Timeline / Responsible / Progress1. To seek new ways to communicate with members. / Use website as a source of information gathering through ‘Book your Place’ each term.
Use of Social Networking group – Twitter.
Use of group email and group text information messages. / £120 per annum on website / Ongoing / Anne Marie / Ongoing, Twitter account operational / Book your place form very effective / email, text groups working well
2. To have all staff/volunteers DBS checked as required by NGB. / To keep record of DBS documents in ‘clubmark’ file / seek funding stream to train new volunteers and educate existing / No cost (done through NGB), updated every 3 years / March 2017 / Anne Marie / Complete for existing volunteers, New volunteer scheme through LCDI from Sep – March 2017
3. To have all new coaches on ‘Safeguarding Course’ and ‘First Aid’ course asap. / Check SportNi, Lisburn Council website and NGB for coach education timetable and make sure volunteers are available / £15-£20 per person, updated every 3 years / March 2017 / Stephen / Complete for all L1 and L2 coaches for 2016, New LCCC education programme pending
4. To have 2 new members on ‘Designated Officer’ Course in 2016 / Check SportNi, Lisburn Council website for coach education timetable and make sure volunteers are available / £20 per person / March 2016 / Anne Marie/ Davy Kerr / Complete Danny Nolan, Ellen Nolan & Anne Marie McCurry
5.To have at last 3 members of the coaching team take part in a Disability Awareness training course / Communicatewith DSNI and explore how people with disabilities can enjoy Judo in our club / NGB course to become available in future / £35 per person / March 2017 / Stephen / LCDI funding applied / VI course pending – Disability awareness course achieved
6.To explore the possibility of delivering Judo to people with disabilities / Discuss setting up a link between The Judo Academy, Local Council and DSNI to provide Judo to local schools on a ‘try it’ scheme – Parkview School, Lisburn / TBC / January 2018 / Stephen/Elaine Reid/Clubmark Officer / 1 adult that is blind training regularly at the club – B. Toner
VI education course pending /DIT course pending
7. To deliver a fundamental judo skills course to people with learning disabilities in the community / Discuss setting up a link between The Judo Academy, Local Council and DSNI to provide Judo courses in community setting - / TBC / April 2018 / Stephen/Elaine Reid/Clubmark Officer / Approx. 10 junior members that have learning difficulties; autism, azbergers, dyslexia – pending
8. To maintain ‘Clubmark’ / Meet with Clubmark officer to follow through on scheme / obtain NGB clubmark / TBC / January 2018 / Stephen and Anne Marie / Complete up until September 2016
Disability awareness remains at the top of our management objective for the next phase in our club development plan. The committee have explored the possibility of providing people with all disabilities the opportunity to participate in our club. We have spoken at length to Elaine Reid from DSNI, and have taken advice from Sport NI and Lisburn Council on how to make our club as inclusive as possible.
Sarah Beattie is the CP Officer for NI Judo, and is the main contact for policy in this area. The Judo Academy has suggested, through DSNI, that NI Judo offer Disability Inclusion Training (DIT) for Judo Clubs, coaches and volunteers on a NGB wide approach. We have discovered that Scottish Judo (NGB for judo in Scotland), have adapted DIT with a judo specific model that can be rolled out across the rest of the UK. This is currently being recommended at Executive level.
People with Physical disabilities
Because of the nature of the sport, and the very physical aspects of throwing, wrestling, pinning etc. judo can offer a limited scope of participation for people with restricted movement. However, Judo has proven very beneficial in enhancing the experience of those with balance and coordination difficulties. The Judo Academy can provide opportunities that are not coaching or mat based. For example, the administration of the club is a huge area that volunteers can make valuable contributions. Competition officials, event organisation, travel and financial arrangements are all areas that strong clubs need volunteers for.
People who are deaf or hard of hearing
There is no reason why people that have hearing difficulties cannot participate in judo classes. Although the coach and referees speak the commands in Japanese, they are normally accompanied by hand signals. With considerate communication between the club, coaches, parents and participants, this should not be a barrier for inclusion in Judo. We have one coach and one adult member that require the use of hearing aids. This does not affect their participation in Judo.
Blind and Partially sighted people
By nature, Judo is ideal for those with visual impairments and indeed people that are blind. Judo competitions, classes, and coaching methods have been easily adapted to allow inclusion. VI judo in Britain is very prominent, and there is a full British VI team, with VI coaching team. Again, with good communication between player, coach and parents, there should be no barrier for visual impairment in The Judo Academy. Currently, there is one member of the club that is blind, trains and participates regularly and has completed his first grading this week, November 2013. This is a fantastic achievement for Barry and a credit to the adult members that take the time necessary to make sure the disability does not affect his inclusion.
People with learning Disabilities
Judo has been identified by the Autism Ni as a recommended sport for children with Autism. Obviously, the Autism spectrum is very wide ranging, but coaches are more than happy to include people with learning disabilities in their clubs. The Judo Academy currently has approximately 10 members with varying degrees of Autism, Azbergers, Dyslexia and other learning and co ordination difficulties that have gained so much from participation in Judo. One of our members with Autism has achieved an orange belt, has participated in numerous judo festivals and indeed has moved on to try out a competition. One of the members of The Judo Academy has ‘selective mutism’. He has attained a green belt, and recently competed in the NI Schools Judo Champ’s, winning a silver medal. This is not a barrier to inclusion with The Judo Academy.
Judo coaches are not given any specific training in these areas with their coaching award, but The Judo Academy have made strides to learn as much as possible to ensure inclusion for all in their clubs.
Club Coaching Aim
‘To provide quality Judo coaches and coaching structures that helps Build Confidence, Develops Character, Promotes Individualism andDiscipline. We also aimto promote and nurture the basic skills of Balance, Coordination, Range of movement and Flexibility.’
Objective / Strategy / Budget / Timeline / Responsible / Progress1. To have 2 new Level 1 coaches in 2016 / To make use of the coach education programme provided by NIJF/BJA / £150 per person / March 2016 / Stephen / Complete – Patrick Toal, Brian Cassidy
2.To have 2 new Level 1 coaches in 2017 / To encourage new adult and volunteer team to take the roles as their predecessors / £150 per person / December 2017 / Stephen / 2 candidates Identified
3.To have 1new UKCC Level 2 coach in 2017 / To apply for financial help through local government scheme/ by encouraging new instructors to further their coach development / £425 per person / December 2017 / Jim / Lisa / Ongoing
4. To introduce professional S&C session for teens/adults to complement their judo / To contact local S&C coach for costing and fundraise to secure programme.
Advertise and promote through club website and social media / £300 per annum per person / September 2016 / Lear Training / Pending
5. To have enough volunteers, coaches and officials qualified to run a Level 2 event in 2018 / To attend BJA/NIJF competition officials/referees courses / £1500 / December 2017 / Stephen / Ongoing
6. To continue to break through to regular competitions / Develop players skills and confidence in our own club arena, and take small steps outside the club environment / Event fee only / December 2017 / All staff / Ongoing / All Ireland and British medals achieved in 2016
Club Membership Aim
‘To increase the membership of The Judo Academy by 5% each year and strive to retain members through consistent progress and evolvement.’
Objective / Strategy / Budget / Timeline / Responsible / Progress1. To consolidate existing members. / Make classes fun, varied, progressive and full of learning opportunities.
Make full use of the TGS.
Continue the LTAD plan with festivals, inter club events.
Enter into the competition arena. / £200 / Continuous / Coaching team / Ongoing
2. To attract new members of all ages and abilities to Lisburn Club / Social Media advertising.
Website, merchandise displaying names.
Word of Mouth.
Local council awareness drive/ promotional DVD made / TV appearance / £200 – vistaprint advertising material and brochures/ £300 DVD – Lear Training / December 2016 / Stephen/Anne Marie / Largest full membership base in NIIJF from May 2013.
2nd class at Lagan Valley established
DVD made
TV appearance UTV live
3. To attract new members in our Glenavy Club.
To attract older members to the club for an adult class. / Launch of new ‘Club Development Initiative’ through ‘I am Team GB’ coverage on ITV.
Word of Mouth. / September 2016 / Stephen/Anne Marie / Advertised for 27th August 2016.
Taibo/Boxercise for parents while kids are doing judo.
5. To have one new club opened in a separate location. / To carry out demonstrations/displays in local schools.
To seek alternative venues for club development. Eg. Crumlin / £250 / September 2016 / Coaching team / 3 new after school and 4 new community clubs set up in Sept 2016
Club Equipment Aim
‘To ensure Judo Academy players have the use of up to date equipment and facilities that allows them to reach their full potential, maximize their judo experience and generate a variety of lifelong transferable skills.’
Objective / Strategy / Budget / Timeline / Responsible / Progress1. To have 1 full new mat area in for use in 2016 / Fund Raising committee established for club resources / £2000 / December 2016 / All members / Complete
2.To introduce club merchandise and make available to all members / Design and sample garments from local sources / As required / Ongoing / Stephen/Anne Marie / Complete and Available
3.To secure funding for a set of club scales / To apply for financial help through local government scheme/ by fund raising in community / £4-500 / April 2017 / Anne Marie / Ongoing
4. To secure our own ‘dojo’, or venue, with full exclusive usage for The Judo Academy / To maintain clubmark and continue to provide quality opportunities for all ages. To continue fund raising with aim of being ready for the opportunity of a venue. To advertise by w.o.m. that The Judo Academy is ready and open for business / £7500 per annum / December 2017 / The Committee / 2 venues already identified and enquiries are ongoing
The main objective of the plan is to ensure an effective, efficient and fully compliant club. The increasing legislation governing the sports coach industry requires a plan highly concentrated on coach and volunteer education. The employment of this strategy will ensure the clubs and coaches have the necessary legal requirements and qualifications to run a successful Judo club.
This cannot be achieved without considerable financial input. We hope that the time, effort and dedication of The Judo Academy staff and volunteers will result in the significant achievement of ‘Junior Clubmark’ in the near future. This standard is considered a defining factor in appraising local sports clubs, and goes a long way in securing future stability in the community.
The Judo Academy continues to take significant strides in increasing levels of participation; promotion of healthy ‘sport for all’; long term player and coach development; parent, player and coach education; cross community and inclusive governance. Our main goal is to develop our own exclusive ‘Judo Academy Performance Centre’ in the Lisburn area, providing fully inclusive age banded, structured, progressive and diverse opportunities for people to enjoy Judo.
The Judo Academy is still very young in terms of club development, but with the help and support of the members and their families, the next few years will be exciting and prosperous for us. We welcome any and all support that members can offer, and hope that we can fulfil the expectations of each and every one of the players that come and join THE JUDO ACADEMY.