Professorial Zoning Form
The University introduced a zone based pay & reward structure for professorial staff in January 2012. The set of 4 zone descriptors specific to each College provide the criteria against which each professor will be measured – College Zone Descriptors.
New Professors are requested as a one-off exercise to submit the form below, duly completed, outlining career highlights, for some areas focusing on the most recent six year period. You are also required to attach a full publication listing. Should you wish to include citation data, the University library can provide you with the relevant InCites (web of Science) reports which can be requested by e-mailing .
The submitted documentation will be assessed against College specific zone descriptors. The information that you choose to submit is central to the decisions making process, since it is an opportunity for you to outline the continuing development of your recent career highlighting your contributions to the Subject, School, College and/or University. The information you provide should therefore address each heading under Research & Scholarship, Knowledge Exchange and Impact, Teaching & Learning, Academic Leadership and Management and Indicators of Esteem. Reference to activity associated with internationalisation should be recorded under the relevant heading i.e. Learning & Teaching, Leadership & Management, etc.
Zoning panels will have access to RussellGroup and sector median data by subject discipline and publication databases. There will be external professorial expertise on the University wide panel in the interests of consistency and moderation.
It is recognised that distinction in all of the areas detailed in the zone descriptor will very rarely be achieved. Professors will be placed into the appropriate zone, normally on the basis of ‘best’ fit with the criteria outlined across the range of academic activity in the relevant College zone descriptor and ultimately to the zone to which there is an overall preponderance of conformance. Please complete each section as fully as possible.
Relevant documentation for the zoning of your post into the zone based pay & reward structure should be submitted to the following:
- Recruited Professors – to the Recruitment Department, by email to .
- Promoted Professors - to the Performance, Pay & Reward Team,by e-mail to .
If you have any queries in relation to the zoning process, please contact the Performance, Pay & Reward Team or on ext. 3004.
PERSONAL DETAILSName / Employee Number
Date of Professorial Appointment
School / Research Institute
Zone Level Sought /
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4
Academic - degrees and class, diplomas, etc. Institution, date.
Professional - names of institutions, including standard abbreviations of Qualifications.
Current roles/appointments, including date of appointment, within and outwith the University of Glasgow.
Previous roles / appointments, including dates of appointment, within and/or outwith the University of Glasgow.
Please detail any interruptions to full time employment such as career breaks, maternity leave, long term sickness absence, employment status e.g. full/part time, etc in accordance with the University’s equality and diversity policies.
(A1) / Please detail your top 4-6 outputs in the recent (6 year*) period stating the date of publication.
Please specify the justification (in accordance with your subject discipline) for inclusion of the outputs that you have selected and where these are joint authorships, state your contribution to each publication. You may wish to place this 6-year record in context of your whole career
* Note: Please attach/append full publication listing to the end of this document.
Award Generation
(A2) / Recent (6-year*) grant/contract award(s). Please state the number and value of awarded grants. Where appropriate, state the number of Post Doctoral Research Assistants/year and PGR students that these grants support(ed). / Click here to complete Appendix 1: Grant Calculation spreadsheet. Copy to be returned with zoning form.
(A3) / Recent (6-year*) record for PGR student supervision. Name the PGR students supervised and state supervision loading (i.e. % responsibility of student supervision). / Click here to complete Appendix 2: Phd Calculation spreadsheet. Copy to be returned with zoning form.
(* 6 year record is based upon academic year(s). This may include employment outwith the University of Glasgow).
SECTION B : KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE AND IMPACTIndustrial connectivity, partnership with private or public sector agencies or companies; influencing public policy; public engagement.
Recent (6-year*) record of substantive contribution to Learning and Teaching, including normal routine activity. For example, external examination of UG and PG level, contribution/leadership of PGT growth. Leadership and innovation in improving the student experience. Roles in education policy development at local, national or international levels.
(* 6 year record is based upon academic year(s). This may include employment outwith the University of Glasgow).
SECTION D: LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENTRecord of substantive contribution to Leadership and Management (with emphasis on last 6-years*).
For example, leadership of strategic initiative and/or policy at school, college, national or international level. Leadership in the shaping of school/discipline in the University. Leadership in shaping the discipline nationally and/or internationally. Membership of key external committee(s) at both national and international level.
(* 6 year record is based upon academic year(s). This may include employment outwith the University of Glasgow).
SECTION E : ESTEEM INDICATORSRecord of external esteem indicators (with emphasis on last 6-years*). For example, winner of prizes and medals at national and international levels. Memberships/fellowships of learned societies and committee membership/chairmanship. Press/public profile. Invited/plenary talks at international conferences. Reviewing of grant applications and appointments both nationally and internationally.
(* 6 year record is based upon academic year(s). This may include employment outwith the University of Glasgow).
SECTION F : MISCELLANEOUSPlease detail any other information regarding career highlights which you would wish to include as key to your role as a professor within the University that has not been provided for within the criteria outlined above.
Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………………………Date: …………………………..………