Chris Linsmayer


ENST Senior Seminar

Research Outline

The Colorado River

Population expanses has caused degradation to the Colorado River ecosystem

· Damsà Hoover Dam

· Pollutionà historically as well as today

· Problems to fix the degradation

o Prior Appropriation

o Big Industry

o States v States

River used to exist in pristine condition

· John Wesley Powell Expedition in 1869

o Saw potential for Agriculture

o River flowed unhindered all the way to the Gulf of California

Population Increases Result in Dams

· Hoover DamàBoulder Canyon Dam Project

o Dams seen as part of humans conquest over nature and in positive way

o Battle to begin development on Colorado

· Battle between California and other states

· US v Mexico

· Colorado River Compactà1922

· Upper Basin v Lower Basin

· Problems of the CompactàMAF not correct

· Congress finally steps in 1928

o Benefits

· Control of flooding in the Imperial Valley

· All American canal ensured Mexico had no right to the water

· Also a consistent source of water to the Imperial Valley

· Supply of water other than for agriculture

· Electric Output of the Dam

o Negative Impact of Damsà Not just Hoover, but with focus on Hoover

· Disrupted Water flow

· Destruction of habitatàExtinctions

1. Through regulated flows

2. Loss of flow of energy and food

· Loss of Sediment Flow down the riveràLoss of Habitat

· Causes sediment to gather on the bottom/banks of reservoir instead of the rivers bank

1. Hardly any sediment or water now makes it to the Gulf of Californiaàbad for fisheries

· Pollution

· Historically the river was used as a water source for mining from 1820s on

1. Hydraulic Mining ruining agricultural land

· Mining for natural gas and uranium continues along the river and these mines continue to use water and pollute

1. Potential for oil underneath the banks

§ Drilling means we’re less dependent on foreign oil and the Middle East?

· Pollution not directly from the dams

1. From 3 things

§ Contaminated ground water from human waste, radioactive material, perchlorate from rocket fuel during Cold War

· Concentration of the Pollutants

1. Threat to recreational use

§ Bad for childhood development

§ Bad for species within the river’s ecosystem

Problems to finding a solution

· Prior Appropriation

o “First in Time, First in Right”

o Beneficial Consumptive Use can be easy to prove

§ Prevents more water from flowing down river

§ Places unfair burden on later appropriators

· Restrictions on transferring water rightsàeconomic inefficiency

· States v States

o All states want as much water as possible for themselves

§ Problems with the Colorado River Compact

· Trying to prove prior appropriation + pass less water downstream b/c of poor science in the CRC

· Lobbying Efforts of Corporations

o Mining Industry

§ Trying to ensure that environmental regulations remain as low as possible to mine for natural gas and uranium

o Recreation Industry

§ Want as much water in the Reservoirs during high times of recreationàLabor Day, Memorial Day, etc.