Day / Morning / Afternoon / Evening
Saturday 13th / Arrival / Eleanor & Gareth will meet Young People
14th / Mayne Service 10.00am
Omagh 11.30am Youth Service / Preparation Time / Teen Tapas Night Youth Fellowship in Omagh Hall
7.00 – 8.00pm
15th / Parent & Toddler Omagh 11.00-12.00am A puppet’s Picnic / School Visitation Omagh High
County PS / TIME OFF
16th / TIME OFF / Gillygooley
Primary School 2pm
Drama & Music / Mayne Bible Study
at 8.00pm
17th / Omagh Prayer Room
Set up 9.30am.
Prayer Room begins 2pm.Overnight stay in Church / Prayer Room Integrated High School
Pastoral Visitation / Prayer Room
Omagh Bible Study 8.00pm
18th / Prayer Room Omagh Finish at 2.00pm / TIME OFF /
Drumquin Bible Study
And Fellowship 7.30pm
19th / Gibson PS 9.00am
Drama & Music / TIME OFF / Togherdoo CE & YC 7.00pm – 10.30pm
20th / Children’s Workshop Omagh Hall
Arts & Crafts
10.30am– 12 noon / Children’s Workshop Togherdoo Hall
Arts & Crafts
2pm – 3-30pm / Praise Service
Omagh Methodist
Hotdog Supper Farewell to Team

Team on Mission

Please pray for Team on Mission (TOM) on the Omagh and Fintona Circuit

Saturday 13th January – Saturday 20th January 2018

Encourage/ Equip / Energize

  • To Encourage and deepen our faith and involvement
  • To Equip our young people for service
  • To Energize our youth and children’s work

Team on Mission 29

Team on Mission is the Methodist Church’s gap year programme for 18-25 year olds. Its mission is to answer the call of Jesus to love God and others and make disciples.

We have a packed programme planned for one week this January. The Team will be working across our circuit, visiting Parent & Toddler, Youth Fellowship, CE, Children’s Workshops (art & craft) and assisting in RE lessons in the various schools. Also the Team will participate in Bible Study and Prayer Fellowship, so let’s anticipate a wonderful time of God’s blessing and His presence with us.

In all of the planned appointments we need YOU to pray for the Team over the seven days they will be with us. Along with the prayer points, please use the programme printed on the back page to focus your prayer.

Prayer Points:

Praise God

“Gracious Father, we praise you for your love and for the many blessings you have showered on us. We thank you for Jesus who demonstrates the reality and power of your love and for those whose lives have made the love of Christ real for us. We thank you for the opportunity to share this love where you have placed us and for all that you will do during this time together.”

TOM Team

Give thanks for the step of faith these young people have taken and for their commitment.

Pray for

  • Good health and safety of the team as they travel to and from Omagh and between venues.
  • Team unity and a good rapport with all who they meet.
  • Wisdom in their preparations.
  • A fresh expression of God’s Love.

The work in schools

Give thanks for the opportunity to participate in assemblies and RE lessons


  • That the team will be able to communicate the good news effectively and that they would be well received.

Our children and young people

Give thanks for their enthusiasm, energy and gifts.


  • For their protection from harm and confidence to withstand peer pressure. That they would have good friends.
  • That they would be encouraged in all that they are doing and would be affirmed in their gifts and have their faith deepened.
  • That they would be equipped for service.
  • That they would have great fun and memories of this time together

Our young people in our wider community

Give thanks for the opportunity to listen to young people and their concerns


  • That God would surprise us and that young people would be found by him.

Our Circuit

Give thanks for the faithfulness and commitment of our leaders.


  • For wisdom & guidance in preparing for the eight days and for the on-going programmes in all our children’s and youth groups
  • For encouragement and refreshment during this time.
  • For a deepening of our faith and fellowship of all our societies and that we would not be too exhausted! For a clearer sense of what is our calling.