Goal Setting - Mission Statement
Life Skills:
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Complex Thinking
  • Responsible Citizenship
Time Frame:
3 class periods that run 60 minutes each.
Group Size:
Large Groups / Summary:
Lesson on how to write a personal mission statement, decide on a personal hero, and combat fear. Could be used at the end of the year after the State Test.
Primary Core Objective:
Adult Roles And Responsibilities 200107-0103
Classify short- and long-term goals and the steps needed to achieve them. National Standard 2.1.1
  • Explain types and functions of short- and long-term goals
  • Describe the goal setting process
  • Set long-term goals, consistent with personal values
  • Set short-term goals, necessary to complete long-term goals
  • Accomplish one short-term goal
Career Connections:
  • Any career
Power point projector and access to Internet computer lab. Video machine to show first few minutes of "Jerry Maquire" movie where he has an epiphany and writes his mission statement. "Go Above & Beyond" video from Nuskin highlights famous people. "Follow Your Heart" video from Nuskin is about ignoring negative comments and following your dreams.
Background For Teachers:
The chapter in Covey's book on Mission Statements and viewing the various web sites would be helpful.
  • Mission_Statement_Lesson_Plan.doc
    Lesson plan
Web Sites
  • Franklin Covey
    This web site has a tool for students to build a mission statement in a rough draft form.
  • Cyber Courses
    Helpful information and a great story to read about Terry Fox.
  • 5 passions
    Information on creating a personal mission statement.
Student Prior Knowledge:
Awareness of mission statements and what they are.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Students will write a paper on their personal hero, a paper on their fears, and a personal Mission Statement.
Instructional Procedures:
See lesson plan.
  • Mission_Statement.ppt
    Power point presentation on how to write a mission statement (24 slides).
    Power point presentation on fears (29 slides).
Assessment Plan:
Rubric on Traits of Writing to help students write a good essay. Rubric for their mission statement.
  • Essay_Writing_Rubric.doc
    Rubric instructions for writing a good essay. Would be helpful to give to students.
  • mission statement rubric
"7 Habits of Highly Effective Families" by Stephen Covey and various web sites. "Maximum Achievement" by Brian Tracy. "The Psychology of Winning" by Dr. Denis Waitley.
Renee Hyer
Created Date :
Jul 12 200317:40 PM