Classified Senate Meeting Minutes (10/10/12)
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2012
Orchard Room
Opening: The Classified Senate meeting was called to order at 1:40 p.m. on October 10, 2012.
Present: Shevonna Blackshire, Shelly Charron, Chou Chasengnou, Brandon Ellis, Breanne Holland, Alma Mejia, Laurie Pownall, Eva Rhodes, April Robinson, Mary Thao,
I. Welcome/Greetings
II. September 28, 2012 Meeting Minutes Approval
1. The minutes from the September 26th meeting were approved and will be distributed.
III. Reports
1. Classified Senate President
a. Breanne reported that there had been no significant changes since the Senate last met.
b. Breanne distributed an email that Chou sends out, as an example of the questions an Area Rep can ask their co-workers, to gather information to bring to our Senate meetings.
2. Classified Area Rep Reports
a. Brandon Ellis reported that budget issues and the repeatability of classes, with regards to Adaptive PE classes are being discussed in his area. There are other aspects of these classes that need to be addressed which are not strictly academic. April suggested that his department faculty and/or staff might want to speak with Kale Braden, the Academic Senate President.
b. Shelly Charron and Chou Chasengnou didn’t have anything to report.
c. Julie Elliott and Banafshe Amini were not present.
d. Alma gave feedback she received regarding the retreat.
e. Mary Thao (see item IV below).
f. A couple of areas still need reps. Alma is working on finding a rep for the Business & Family Science, Humanities & Social Science, and Child Development areas.
IV. Shared Governance Committee and Area Rep Assignments
1. Mary Thao reported on her attendance at the Health and Facilities committee which discussed the new construction taking place and how the projects should be completed in a year. The committee also reported on the Health Fair held last month and also, ways to fill the committee with designated staff—no one from police or custodial has come on board. There were no updates with regards to the smoking guidelines; some of the smoking areas will possibly be moved, although the smoking task force has not yet met this year.
V. Fall 2012 Welcome Back Luncheon Feedback
1. Breanne explained to the committee that the Shared Governance meeting/luncheon was comprised of past Faculty and Classified Presidents, plus this year’s Classified Senate. While the Shared Governance committee doesn’t meet very often, the purpose of the committee is to review all shared governance committees to see if any restructuring needs to be done. There has been difficulty with filling all the positions on the various committees and some clarification of committee roles is needed; is there overlap among committees that can be eliminated?
2. Breanne distributed a list of the Top 5 Strategies from the Strategic Plan and said that the Shared Governance committee wants to ensure that all shared governance committees are addressing these core strategies. Breanne called attention to the Organizational Effectiveness strategy, which seemed most pertinent to the Classified Senate.
3. Breanne asked the Area Reps present to take a poll of their areas to find out who is on a committee and why they decided to participate; what do they see as their job on the committees.
VI. Strategize/Plan Department Recognitions
1. The Department Recognition sub-committee met on October 9th and decided that the first departmental recognition should be performed by the end of the month. The sub-committee has decided to present the departments with a certificate of appreciation, to decorate the front counters and have the senate members visit to show our appreciation. April will be able to provide Sam passes, for admission into the zoo and museums. Breanne mentioned that since some of the activities can be funded, a proposal needs to be drafted. Alma suggested using existing software to produce the certificates and said that she has access to a color printer. Laurie mentioned that she might have some paper certificates available in her area. Admissions & Records, the Business Office and Outreach are the departments to be celebrated first.
VII. Strategize/Organize Planning Committee for Professional Development (PD) Day
1. Breanne reiterated the proposed idea of having a retreat that involves all campuses. Folsom is resistant because they are the smallest campus and would be most affected by lack of staff coverage. Everyone is concerned about coverage. Spring break would be a preferable time but IT folks would be left out. There are no concrete plans yet.
2. Shevonna mentioned the idea of having a district-wide PD Day to a few of her co-workers and the majority of feedback she received leaned towards it not working or not being practical. Brandon said that said that there were a couple of people in his area not interested at all and some who were lukewarm in their responses (they would need more details or plans). Alma put the message out and found that more wanted a district-wide event.
3. Breanne asked the Area Reps to gather information from their areas on how coverage would be managed for a PD day, particularly during spring break. Breanne would like to have the information before October 24th—which is when she will be meeting with her SCC counterpart. Breanne will send out questions for the area reps to ask of their co-workers.
4. Alma suggested holding the event on a Friday evening or Saturday, but Breanne said that there would be issues of insurance, liability and pay. Another proposal floating in the air is to host a company-wide picnic. Alma said that if the event is more personally satisfying, then she would be more willing to attend as would others.
VIII. Classified Staff Newsletter
1. Brandon will come up with a template for the newsletter. November 15th is the target date for publication of the first newsletter. Breanne will find out if we need approval from the VPs or Kristie to publish a newsletter and Brandon will also check on his end.
2. The important thing to do is to detail what each department does and how they make it a professional development activity.
3. Chou will gather pertinent information about Classified staff in those areas. Classified Temps and students will also be featured in the newsletter.
IX. New Employee Mentor Program
1. The New Employee Mentor Program committee consists of Laurie Pownall and Leanne Rogers. The Mentorship program has been added to the Constitutional Bylaws of the Classified Senate.
2. Laurie mentioned that the program needs Classified Senate approval to go forward. There needs to be some clarification as to what the mentor’s responsibilities will be.
3. Breanne shared that the program fits into the Organizational Effectiveness goal in the Strategic Plan.
X. Future Agenda Items Discussion
1. Breanne asked to have any items forwarded to her. Shevonna will also forward an email she drafted for review.
XI. The next Classified Senate meeting will be on Wednesday, November 14, 2012.
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.