Beer Parish Council

The Parish Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 12 January 2016 at 7pm at the Mariners’ Hall. Copies of minutes and reports are available on request.

Present: Cllr. D Clinch Cllr. M Graham Cllr. M Green Cllr. L Harrison

Cllr. R Lawless Cllr. G Pook Cllr. M J Richards Cllr. M Westlake

In attendance: A Dallaway (Clerk); Cllr. J Knight (DCC); two members of the press

1. Apologies accepted by the Council: Cllr. U Makepeace, Cllr. L Vine

The Chairman reported that Cllr D Clist had resigned as a Parish Councillor.

2. Declarations of Interest: All members declared an interest in agenda item 10. However, a universal dispensation has been granted to all Councillors for the duration of the Council, to enable them to participate and vote in relation to precept planning matters (Full Council resolution 3 November 2015).

3. Items to be dealt with after the public, including the press have been excluded: Councillors agreed that there were none.

4. Public participation: There were no members of public in attendance at the meeting.

5. Approval of minutes: The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 1 December 2015 were approved and signed as a true record. Action points from the meeting:

01/12/2015/5. Cllr Clist attended a site visit with West Country Ambulance Service in order to identify the best location for the installation of a defibrillator at the beach. WCAS has also provided details of costs and potential funding opportunities. It was agreed that the Parish Council would explore local funding opportunities. In the interim, it was agreed to display a sign at the beach indicating the locations of all defibrillators within the village. ACTION: CLLR RICHARDS/CLERK

01/12/2015/5. Cllr Pook will continue to liaise with EDDC Parking Services Manager regarding the request for the allocation of 2 parking spaces for medical staff in the Central Car Park for the afternoon surgeries in July and August. Beer Business Forum has expressed support for this initiative. ACTION: CLLR POOK

01/12/2015/5. Cllr Pook will liaise with EDDC to identify a suitable area for motorbikes to park within the Central Car Park. A sign will be produced to direct motorbikes accordingly. ACTION: CLLR POOK/CLERK

01/12/2015/7. Cllr Knight reported that Highways would be conducting a safety audit regarding the corner of the junction between Underleys and Mare Lane by the school.

01/12/2015/7. Cllr Richards will design a suitable grate for installation where the brook flows under the road at the bottom of Fore Street. ACTION: CLLR RICHARDS

01/12/2015/10. Cllr Pook will liaise with EDDC regarding the proposed amendments regarding the s106 eligibility criteria for applications to make the shortlist for housing allocation at Short Furlong.


6. Police Report: PC Jenkins was in attendance at the meeting and reported that there had been three recorded crimes for Beer in December – two burglaries (non dwelling) and one incident of violence without injury. PC Jenkins also reported that the Have Your Say surgeries will in future run in conjunction with the Mobile Library service in Beer at Barnards Farm.

7. Reports – Chairman, Clerk

Chairman’s Report:

·  The Chairman reported that local residents were very pleased with the new bus shelter at Underleys.

Clerk’s Report:

·  A Parish Council surgery will be held on 16 January at the Horticultural Society Table Top Sale at the Mariners’ Hall.

·  Cllr Vine was not in attendance at the meeting but had raised concerns about flooding on the road into Beer (near Hangman’s Stone), exacerbated by mud from the fields. Cllr Knight advised that Highways Officers were currently monitoring this situation and would be drawing up a plan of action.

8. Financial report:

i) The bank reconciliation to the end of December 2015 was received and approved. RESOLVED

ii) Cheques required:

001689 - £4800 B&C Shelter Solutions Ltd (bus shelter)

001690 - £3.41 Bradfords Building Supplies

001691 - £35 Information Commissioner (data protection)

001692 - £805.87 Inland Revenue (PAYE/NI)

001693 - £78.50 Annie Dallaway (reimburse stationery/postage)

An additional cheque was requested: 001694 for £65 for R&H Signs Ltd (signage for Ash Hill play area and the Kiosk).

The Council resolved to approve the cheques listed above and the additional cheque which was previously approved expenditure. RESOLVED

9. To approve the minutes and recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee

The minutes from the Finance & General Purposes Committee had been previously circulated. Discussion took place regarding the review of Townsend Coach Park Terms & Conditions. Councillors fully endorsed the principle of maximising the use of the parking bays for the residents of Beer. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to all permit holders and highlight the new clause in the Terms & Conditions, which aims to encourage permit holders to fully utilise their parking bays or risk losing them to those on the waiting list.

The Council resolved to approve the minutes and recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee on 30 November 2015. RESOLVED

10. To approve the precept figure for 2016/17

The Council resolved to approve a 3% increase in the precept figure for 2016/17 to £17,088 to reflect the increasing costs and financial responsibilities falling to the Parish Council. Proposed by Cllr Pook and seconded by Cllr Clinch. RESOLVED.

11. To approve the Internal Auditor for 2016/17 and to provide an update re external audit procedures

The Parish Council requires a new Internal Auditor – the Clerk will make enquiries. The Audit Commission has now ceased to exist and procurement procedures for external audit will change from 2017/18 onwards. An auditor will be appointed by a “sector-led body” for a 5 year period or Parish Councils can opt out and appoint their own auditor by 31 March 2016. The Clerk will make enquiries regarding a suitable independent auditor who can meet external audit requirements. ACTION: CLERK

12. Training/planning session – to review notes and agree actions

The Clerk has produced a summary of the main priorities identified during the training session: Asset Transfer; Affordable Housing; Commercial Enhancement; Environment; Traffic and Community Support. Lead members have been identified for each priority area and tasks for action identified. A review will take place quarterly to monitor progress regarding each priority area.

13. Bus services – to receive an update

Further letters have been sent to Stagecoach South West, First Hants & Dorset bus company and DCC, urging the bus companies to give greater consideration to providing a more comprehensive service on the X53 route. Responses have been received from the bus companies and it was agreed that Cllr Westlake will follow up by telephone. A resident of Seaton has contacted the Parish Council proposing a joint representation to the bus companies and relevant agencies on behalf of Seaton, Colyton and Beer. Cllr Westlake will contact the resident to explore this matter further.


14. Sign at bottom of Court Barton Hill (to Exeter) – to review location

Discussion took place regarding the re-location of the sign which is often overlooked by motorists. DCC will not fund the re-location of the sign which will cost £350. The Parish Council agreed that it could not justify the expense but would continue to monitor the situation.

15. Pavement cleaning for safety reasons – to discuss and action as appropriate

A number of reports have been received from local residents regarding slippery pavements in Fore Street and on Starre Bank steps. A Highways Officer has advised that additional pavement cleaning will not be authorised. The Council agreed to monitor the situation.

16. EDDC asset review/Coastal Community Team – to receive an update

Asset Transfer: A revised financial model for asset transfer has been forwarded to EDDC. This document will be circulated to Councillors for comment and the final document will be approved at the February Parish Council meeting.

Beer Coastal Community Team: The consultant has produced a draft Coastal Community Team Business Plan which will also be circulated to Councillors. A CCT meeting will be scheduled during January prior to the business plan submission deadline of 31 January 2016.

17. Neighbourhood Plan – to receive an update and reports from the Steering Group

A Steering Group meeting will be scheduled during January to organise the launch of the draft Neighbourhood Plan and the programme of public consultation.

18. Planning: Minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on 21 December 2015 had been previously circulated.

The Council resolved to accept the recommendations of the Planning Committee. RESOLVED

19. Reports of EDDC and DCC Cllrs including matters for attention

Cllr Pook, EDDC raised the following items:

·  EDDC is one of 19 local authorities, together with the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, leading on devolution for the Heart of the South West area. Cllr Pook will update the Parish Council as developments arise.

Cllr Knight, DCC raised the following items:

·  The Devon Emergency Community Flood Resilience fund has just been launched which will make funds of up to £2K available via Parish Councils or community groups. Grants will help communities buy flood resilience equipment.

20. Reports of Parish Council representatives on other bodies:

·  Cllr Graham will in future act as the Mariners’ hall representative, on behalf of the Parish Council (jointly with Cllr Makepeace).

21. Correspondence/Literature: As on Appendix A.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Date of next Parish Council meeting: Tuesday 2 February 2016

Date: ………………………………….. Chairman: ………………………….

