Dated: 20.07.2017



To: All Shooters

We are pleased to announce that the2ndCol. JASWANT SINGH MEMORIAL SHOOTING Competition 2017in AIR RIFLEeventswill be held at D.D.A. Sirifort Sports Complex, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi on 12 & 13August2017 as per the following programme.

  1. The competition is open to all interested shooters - irrespective of DSRA membership ormembership of any other State Association.
  2. There will be only mixed double Team Entry in Air Rifle event.
  3. The competition would be conducted for the first 250 participants (125 Teams); Registration for the competition is on First-come First-served basis.
  4. DSRA reserves the right to alter any rule(s) for the smooth conduct of the competition.


  1. The competition will consist of a pair of a male & female who will form a Team.
  2. Both the shooters will shoot 25 shots each simultaneously.
  3. The combined score of 25 shots achieved by both the shooters will be added to derive the total score of the team out of 500.
  4. The scoring will be based on Full Ring Score.
  5. In case of a tied score, count back method would be adopted to break the tie.
  6. Sighting time allowed would be 10 minutes, after which all shooters will start the match together and would need to shoot 25 match shots in 25minutes.

The category of the matches is based on age of the participant as under:

  1. Under 15 years (Born in the year 2003 onwards)
  2. Under 18 years (Born in the year 2000 onwards)
  3. Under 21 years (Born in the year 1997 onwards)
  4. Between 21 years and 59 Years
  5. Aged 60 years and above (Born before 1957 )
  1. Shooters can participate in ONE match only, according to age. Youth Category shooter are permitted to participate only in youth category match and they are not permitted to participate in Junior or Senior category. Similarly Juniors are permitted to participate only in Junior category match and not in Senior category.
  1. Documents to be submitted with the entry form:

a)Copy of Identity proof (Self Attested copy of Voter ID/ Aadhar Card,/Passport)

b)Proof of Age (Self attested copy of Municipal Birth Certificate / NRAI Shooter I.D. Card.

  1. Entry fee per team : Rs. 1000/- only. Participation is on FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis for the first 250 shooters only.
  1. Prize Distribution ceremony will be held on 13August 2017 at 06:00pm.
  1. Certificates will be issued to all participating shooters who achieve MQS as per NRAI 2016 Match Book.
  1. Compressed Air will be provided free of cost on production of competitor card.
  1. The last date for submission of entry is 10 August 2017. Incomplete forms without required documents will not be accepted.
  1. Entry Forms may be submitted to any of the following :
  1. Mr. Ishwinderjit Singh (99991-00359) at Dream Merchants, S-39, Green Park Market, New Delhi from 10:30 am to 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
  1. Mr. Falaqsher Alam (9891019786) MS-1/17, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi.
  1. Mr. Sabir Khan at (97185-35896) , G.H.P.S West Punjabi Bagh, Road No. 73, near N.C. Jindal Public School New Delhi from 10 am to 5 pm.
  1. Mr. Harnam Singh (99994-18603) & Ms. Shakun Bhugra (98118-10950) at Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range, New Delhi from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
  1. Mr. Achal Sehgal (9868261813) B – 237, Ashok Vihar Phase-I, New Delhi from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.

List of Matches (Entry Fee: Rs. 1000/-)

Age Groups for Matches:

S.No. / Match No. / Description / Age Group
2 / Code-A / Air Pistol Under 15 years / Under 15 years
(i.e. born after 01-01-2003)
3 / Code-B / Air Pistol Under 18 years / Under 18 years
(i.e. born after 01-01-2000)
4 / Code-C / Air Pistol Under 21 years / Under 21 years
(i.e. born after 01-01-1997)
5 / Code-D / Air Pistol Under 59 years / Under 59 years
(i.e. born after 01-01-1958)
6 / Code-E / Air Pistol 60 years and above / 60 and above
(i.e. born before 01-01-1957)

Sincerely yours,

(Rajiv Sharma)

Hony. Secretary

Delhi State Rifle Association

Individual Entry Form

2ndCol. Jaswant Singh Memorial Shooting Competition-2017

LAST DATE :10/08/2017


The Hony. Secretary,Delhi State Rifle Association, New Delhi.


I wish to participate in the above mentioned shooting competition in the match mentioned below. I have read the rules and I agree to fully abide by them.

Name of Competitors
(BLOCK LETTERS) / Male: Click here to enter text.
Female: Click here to enter text.
NRAI Shooters ID : / Click here to enter text. /
Date of Birth / Click here to enter text. /
Residential Address / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Telephone No. / Click here to enter text. /
E-mail ID / Click here to enter text. /
DSRA Membership No.
(If applicable) / Click here to enter text. /
Match No. in which Participating / Click here to enter text. /
Entry Fee (Enclosed) / Rs. 1000/-

I hereby certify that neither I nor anyone on my behalf will make a claim of any nature against DSRA in event of any injury or accident sustained by me or through me and that I will be responsible for my conduct during the competition and I further undertake that I shall represent Delhi State in all shooting competition for the next two years. I have not been disqualified by NRAI to participate in this competition and I shall abide by all the rules of NRAI Rule book and I also understand that I shall be debarred if any information given above is found to be false/ incorrect.


Counter Signature of Parent in case ofJuniors / Youth Signature of Competitors


  1. Two Passport size photograph with names on reverse (one pasted & one clipped).
  2. All Documents as per Circular.
  3. Copy of Birth Certificate / Passport, duly attested by Govt Gazetted Officer or Principal of school.
  4. Copy of DSRA Membership card / Shooter ID / Residence Proof of Delhi (duly attested by Govt Gazetted Officer).