Tuesday, April 16, 2013
W8349 DUMKE RD., PORTAGE, WI 53901
Citizens Present: Mary Cupery, Jane Schroeder, Geri Slager, Sherwood Slager, William Maxwell, Jon Conway, Mary Walker.
Chairman Schroeder called the Annual meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30pm.
Clark Cupery moved, seconded by Bruce Walker to approve the amended Agenda. All 12 Citizens Approved.
Roll Call:William Schroeder, Bruce Walker, Clark CuperyDelmont Molden, Kris Conway.
Open Meeting Law compliance check: Meeting notice was posted in three locations in the township and Fort BP on March 28, 2013, and the meeting notice was published in the Portage Register Government Meeting Column.
Mary Walker moved, seconded byJane Schroeder, to approve the April 10, 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes as printed. All 12 Citizens Approved.
New Business
a)Jane Schroeder moved, seconded by Mary Walker to accept and approve the 2012 Township Annual Financial Report, prepared by the Clerk. All 12 Citizens Approved.
b)Suggestion was made to have the road marked with a double yellow no passing zone on County CX to Hogan Road. Bill Schroeder has researched this topic with the County Commissioner and Columbia County Sherriff; both saw no issue in making this traffic change. County CX will be seal coated in 2013, after the seal coating the new road markings will have a double yellow, no passing zone extended through the entire 45 mph section on County CX in the Town of Fort Winnebago to the top of the hill to the north. This will not impact emergency response vehicles.
c)Bill Schroeder brought up the annual request received from the Portage sports league requesting the Township donate $1,000. The Portage Sports League charges a $10 nonresident fee to individuals (adults and children) participating in the programs. In 2012 there were nine Town of Fort Winnebago residents participating in the program. Bill requested citizen input on if the Town should donate $1,000 to this program.
Vote: 1 yes, 11 no.
d)Attorney Miller had drafted and Bill Schroeder signed and sent a letter to the Portage School District stating the Town of Fort Winnebago’s interest and utilization of the Fort Winnebago School for the Town Hall.
e)The Portage School District has not yet decided what they will be doing with the Fort Winnebago School Facilities. The Town Board will need authority to either purchase land or buildings for a Town Hall in 2013.
William Maxwell motioned, seconded by Mary Walker, to give the Town Board authority to negotiate and purchase land, buildings, or build a facility for the town hall. Vote 11 yes, 1 no.
No vote was concerned about not putting a dollar cap on the amount authorized for the Board to spend.
f)An agreement has been reached related to the pending law suit between the Town of Fort Winnebago and The Wheel. Fort Winnebago will be dropping the charges, and any more offenses in the first year will be considered a second conviction. A letter is being drafted to be signed and sent to Judge White. This case is now completed and litigation is no longer outstanding.
g)On May 6th a Public Hearing will be held to discuss the proposed revisions to the Noise Ordinance, Special Event Permit Ordinance, and updated fee schedule. A Special Event Permit will be required for events of 75 or more attendees. There is no times listed in the Noise Ordinance since the County Noise Ordinance supersedes the Town’s Noise Ordinance which indicates 10 pm. There will be up to four permits issued per month for outside events.
h)Notice for Road Bids has been published in the Portage Register. Repaving Fox River Road to Dumke Road. The advertisement did not list the actual work, just to contact the Town Chairman for details.
i)County Highway Aid Money will be discussed at the May Meeting. The application and payment to the County is due in June.
j)The Ice Age Trail crosses onto Clark Road by the Bridge. The Ice Age Trail Organization is concerned about the changes with the new bridge, guard rails, change in the grade of the road, and is requesting additional black top for the walking trail in the road easement. There is no official easement or agreement between the Ice Age Trail and the Town of Fort Winnebago to the Clark Road easement. This is currently being researched to determine if the Ice Age Trail request is a Federal Government, State regulated issue, which could postpone the bridge replacement project.
k)Columbia County Highway Department at their April Meeting agreed to continue to appropriate 10% to the cost of all bridge projects in the County. This includes the Township’s Clark Bridge Project.
l)Mary Cupery reported that Columbia County voted not be build or own a shooting range in the County. The County Board wants the DNR to establish a shooting range, hours of operation, and enforce regulation compliance for usage of the range.
m)Town Board will be meeting for the annual town road inspection on April 20th.
Clark Cupery motioned, seconded by Mary Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:25. All 12 Citizens Approved.
Next Year’s Annual Meeting will be held the third (3rd) Tuesday of April 2014, April 15, 2014.
Minutes Prepared by Kris Conway, Clerk.