The Village of Milligan Board of Trustees met in regular session on May 10, 2011, notice of meeting being posted in three public places in advance of the meeting.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Eric Milton at 8:24 p.m. On roll call the following were present: Eric Milton, Steve Briske, Laura Steuben. Also present were Scott Oliva, John Zelenka and Carri Vavra, Clerk.


The following bills were presented for payment:

John Zelenka 1,071.00 John Zelenka 1,071.01

Carri Vavra 635.54 Source Gas 378.69

Windstream 269.92 Verizon 86.82

Perennial Public Power 1,710.46 Kopcho & Sons Sanitation 2,066.00

Zito Media 34.95 City of Geneva 662.85

Kotas Electric 70.00 Great Plains One Call 5.97

Eakes Office Plus 42.15 MARC 330.28

Century Lumber Center 285.73 Momar 189.93

GAED 120.00 Schwab & Bauer 75.00

Central States Lab 216.34 Central Dist. Health Department 58.00

Feld Fire 16.00 Carquest 73.01

Farmers Cooperative 488.23 Michl Service 477.07

NDEQ 150.00 941 Tax Deposit 585.93

S. Briske moved, seconded by L. Steuben, to approve all items on the consent agenda. The items on the consent agenda include minutes from the April 12, 2011 meeting, financial reports and all bills. Roll call vote: Ayes: E. Milton, S. Briske, L. Steuben. Nays: none. Motion carried.


D. Kotas arrived at 8:29 p.m.

A bid for repairs on the Village Maintenance Shop was reviewed. S. Briske moved, seconded by D. Kotas, to approve the bid from Kenneth Bolte. Roll call vote: Ayes: E. Milton, S. Briske, D. Kotas, L. Steuben. Nays: none. Motion carried.

A new Water Shut Off/Turn On request form was discussed. The Village Clerk will create a template to be reviewed at the next board meeting.

On behalf of the Milligan Auditorium Corporation, Scott Oliva requested a temporary liquor license for the 43rd Army Band performance in the Milligan Centennial Beer Garden on June 30th, 2011. D. Kotas moved, seconded by L. Steuben, to approve the temporary liquor license request by the Milligan Auditorium Corporation for the above date as well as grant permission to use the street and alley during this event as needed. Roll call vote: Ayes: E. Milton, S. Briske, D. Kotas and L. Steuben. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Scott Oliva, on behalf of Oliva Insurance Agency, discussed the insurance renewal with the board. After review, the renewal was approved and signed.

The Application for Manager for the Milligan Auditorium Corporation, License #C-05125, was presented to the board. After review, L. Steuben moved, seconded by D. Kotas, to approve the Manager Application for Scott and Rosanne Oliva in connection with Milligan Auditorium Café located at 523 Main Street in Milligan, Nebraska. Roll call vote: Ayes: E. Milton, S. Briske, D. Kotas, L. Steuben. Nays: none. Motion carried.

Correspondence was read and discussed.

Purchase of a different dump truck for the village was discussed.

A report of a dog incident was reviewed. A letter will be sent to the owner.

Discussion on the date of future board meetings was discussed. S. Briske moved, seconded by L. Steuben, to permanently move board meetings to the third Tuesday of each month. Roll call vote: Ayes: E. Milton, S. Briske, D. Kotas, L. Steuben. Nays: none. Motion carried.

D. Kotas moved, seconded by S. Briske, to adjourn. Roll call vote: Ayes: E. Milton, S. Briske, D. Kotas, L. Steuben. Nays: none. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.

Carri Vavra, Village Clerk