Recommended Browser Settings For The Time & Attendance System (IE)

1. Browser cache settings.

In Internet Explorer select the Tools menu.

Select the Tools/Internet Options menu entry.

Select the General tab and click on the "Settings" button.

Confirm that the "Every visit to the page" option is selected, select it if necessary.

Click "Ok" to apply the changes and exit.

2. Browser security.

In order to function properly, the time and attendance system must have JavaScript and session cookies enabled. Because both of these have been associated with security problems, it is strongly recommended that the iTAMS web address be added to the trusted sites group rather than reducing the security settings for general Internet access.

Internet Explorer's ability to save web page information can result in the unintended disclosure of confidential information. This is of particular concern on computers used by more than one person. For this reason, we recommend that IE be set to "not save encrypted pages to disk", and to not save forms information.

2.1. Add iTAMS to the trusted sites list.

In Internet Explorer select the Tools menu.

Select the Tools/Internet Options menu entry.

Select the Security tab

Select the Trusted Sites zone and click on the Sites button.

Add the iTAMS web page address,, to the trusted sites list.

Click the Ok button on the Trusted Sites window and then the Ok button on the Internet Options window. The iTAMS site should now show the green check mark of a trusted site.

2.2. Do not save encrypted pages to disk.

In Internet Explorer select the Tools menu.

Select the Tools/Internet Options menu entry.

Select the Advanced tab and scroll down to the Security section at the bottom of the options list. Make certain that the "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" check box is checked.

2.3. Do not save forms information.

In Internet Explorer select the Tools menu.

Select the Tools/Internet Options menu entry.

Select the Content tab

Click on the Auto Complete button.

Make certain the "Forms" check box is cleared in the "Use AutoComplete" section.

3. Pop-up blocking.

The time and attendance system uses Browser pop-up windows for certain functions. Internet Explorer version 6 and later has a built in pop-up blocker, and there are many third party pop-up blockers for earlier versions of IE. There are too many third party pop-up blockers available for us to be able to provide instructions for them, but below are the steps to take to enable pop-up windows for iTAMS in IE v6, without turning off the pop-up blocker altogether. For third party pop-up blockers, see the technical support person for your department.

Select the Tools/Pop-up Blocker/Pop-up Blocker Settings menu entry.

Add the iTAMS web page address,, to the list of sites that are allowed to use pop-ups.

v1.01.00 / Page 13 / iTAMS-BrowserCacheSettings_IE.doc