Sat, March 1, 2014 @ 9:00 am (arrival time 8:30 am)

Parkview Church of Christ Gym

815 S. Dewey St., Sherman TX 75090

************OFFICIAL REGISTRATION FORM************

(For ALL 1st-5th grade Cub Scouts. You don’t have to be a Pack Winner to participate)

Registration Deadline: 5:30 pm Saturday, February 22, 2014.

Register on-line at: https://circle10.camp-master.com/

If it is your first time to use Camp-Master, click on

“I Need a CampMaster Account” button

Or, as an alternate method:

Email this registration form to:

Official Weigh-In is Friday, Feb 28, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Parkview Church of Christ Gym (This is the night before the race)

Parkview Church of Christ Gym, is located at 815 S. Dewey St., Sherman TX 75090, on the east side of Sherman, on Hwy 11 across from Hawn Water Spray Park

Please bring your car in a container such as a shoe box.

Click here to view the “Pinewood Derby Rules & Regulations”


PACK #______I promise that my car was made on or after January 1, 2014.

Rank: (Please check only one) Tiger____ Wolf_____ Bear_____ Webelos _____ Open Class_____

Participant’s Name (First & Last) ______

Phone #: ______(Email Address):______

If participant is a minor, adult or guardian’s information allowing participant to register:

Name: ______

Phone Number: ______(Email Address):______

Registration fee is $6.00 per car

Amount enclosed $______. Please make checks payable to Circle Ten Council.

If you have any questions, please contact Chairman: Kim Moritz at:

or 903-819-5749

***Pinewood Derby Rules & Regulations***


A.)  Maximum overall width (including wheels and axles) shall not exceed 2 3/4 inches.

B.)  Minimum width between wheels shall be 1 3/4 inches, so the car will clear the guide strip.

C.)  Minimum clearance between bottom of car and track shall be 3/8 inches so car will clear the guide strip.

D.)  Maximum height shall not exceed 2 3/4 inches in order for car to safely pass under the electronic finish line.

E.)  Maximum length shall not exceed 7 inches.

F.)  Wheelbase (distance between front and rear axles) may not be changed from original 4 3/8 inches


A.)  Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces. The reading of the official race scale will be considered final! Car may be hollowed out and built up to maximum weight by the addition of wood or metal only, provided it is securely built into the body or firmly affixed to it. No loose material of any kind will be permitted in or on the car. Anything falling off the car after the races start can not be put back on the car.

B.)  Mercury may not be used for adding weight.

C.)  Details such as steering wheels, driver, spoiler, decals, painting and interior detail are permissible as long as these details do not cause the car to exceed the maximum length, width and weight specifications.

D.)  Cars with wet paint will not be accepted


A.)  Only official B.S.A. Scout Grand Prix wheels and axles may be used. Axles may be deburred and polished. Wheels may be slightly sanded to remove casting burrs. This light sanding is the only wheel modification allowed. Beveling, tapering, thin sanding, wafering or lathe turning of wheels or axles is not permitted. “Speed wheels and axles” are not permitted. Any and all wheel and axle modifications must be done with normal household shop tools. The use of C N C machines or manual lathes, etc., are not permitted. Committee’s judgment and/or decision on cars appearing to have machined wheels and/or axles will be final.

B.)  Wheel bearing, washers or bushings are not permitted.

C.)  The car may not ride on any type of springs.

D.)  The car must not have any starting devices or other propulsion (must be freewheeling).

E.)  Hubcaps are not permitted.


A.)  Either dry powdered black or white graphite may be used. No liquid lubrications are permitted.

B.)  Cars may be lubricated the night of check-in. No futher lubrication will be permitted.


A.)  The race is open to all Cub/Webelos Scouts registered in Texoma Valley District. There will be an open race after the Scout race for siblings, parents, and others.

B.)  Cars must have been made after 01/01/14

C.)  The number of entrants, the number of lanes and the time costraint placed on the heat determines races. Computerized race results will determine winners. Trophies will be given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Ribbons for 4th, 5th and 6th place and participant ribbons for all others. The District Champion will be determined by racing the first place finisher out of each heat. Only one District Champion trophy will be awarded.

C.)  If a car jumps off the track, the heat will be run again. If the same car jumps off the track a second time, it will automatically lose the heat. The car will be reviewed by the Race Committee as to its race worthiness.

D.)  If a car leaves its lane and interferes with another car, the heat will run again. If the same car leaves its lane again and interferes with another car, the heat will be run again without the interfering car.

E.)  If a car suffers a mechanical problem, loses an axle, breaks a wheel, etc. and a repair can be made in a reasonable time, the heat will be run again. If not, the car will automatically lose the heat. Breakage or repair outside of this scope may be appealed to the Race Committee. Committee decision is final.

F.)  Order of finish will be determined by electronic means.

G.)  Only Race officials and the boys that are racing will be allowed in the finish line area.

H.)  The Open Division is open to anyone, however the car must pass the same inspection as the other cars. Owners must be present to race. Official weigh-in will be 2-28-14, Friday night before the race from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Parkview Church of Christ gym). Cars will be secured overnight and may not be retrieved until the owner is called to race Saturday morning. The race will start at 9:00AM. THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY’S OR WEIGH-IN’S ON THE MORNING OF THE RACE.

I.)  A car may be entered in only one class.

J.)  Classes are as follows: Class T-Tiger Cubs, Class W- Wolf, Class B- Bear, Class S-Webelos, Class O-Open

K.)  No kit cars are allowed.

L.)  Please have your derby car in a container of some sort (ex. shoebox) that is labeled with name, pack #, and phone # “as no boxes or containers will be provided”. Please do not lock your box or place it in a lock box, this will result in delays and possibly prevent you from racing your car on Saturday morning.


A.)  Each car must pass inspection by the Official Inspection Team (OIT) before they compete. The OIT has the right to disqualify those cars, which do not meet these rules. Car owners will be informed of the violations and given an opportunity to meet these rules. The car must be made to pass inspection by the posted registration closing time (8:00PM on Friday night, 2-28-14).

B.)  Any participant (including the parent of the participant) has the right of appeal to the Race Committee for an interpretation of these rules. In the case of a tie vote the decision of the Race Committee Chairman will be final.

C.)  Unsportsmanlike conduct by any participant or member of the audience will be grounds for Expulsion from the competition and /or race area.

D.)  Any arguing from parents will be grounds for disqualification of that individual’s car!


The race committee will determine the winners of the following special awards: Best Looking, Best Design, Best Engineered, Best Workmanship, Most Original, Most Humorous, Best Scouting Theme and Best Paint Job.


Reference: Cub Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Guidebook