Opposites Lotto KS1 Group activity for 6 children
Print document twice, laminate and make 1 set into 6 baseboards and cut 1 set up as individual cards.
Word List:
good/bad down/up dry/wet fast/slow small/big out/in cold/hot empty/full hard/soft clean/dirty top/bottom high/low new/old inside/outside rich/poor ugly/pretty wide/narrow dark/light
To play
Individual cards are placed face down in table centre. Children take turns to pick up and read a card . All check their own cards for the opposite [there is only one match], they can take the card and cover if the group agrees it is correct.
high / uglynew / up
inside / full
in / old
slow / soft
poor / dirty
good / fast
down / small
dry / out
cold / empty
hard / bad
clean / top
wet / dark
outside / bottom
big / narrow
rich / light
hot / pretty
low / wide