The Coffee County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, June 10, 2013 at the Coffee County Board of Education office.

The following members were present: Sims, Henley, Jones, Nester, Duncan and Johnson.

The Board recognized the following for being selected as Manchester Times finest: Jennifer Meeks, Finest Elementary School Teacher; Michelle Henley, Finest High School Teacher; Kristen Bryan, Finest Middle School Teacher; Michelle Hummel, Principal to accept for New Union Elementary School selected as the Finest Elementary School and Judy Spears, Finest Secretary.

Parents to address the board with questions and concerns regarding bullying were Denise Rogers, Shellie Keith and Nadine Miller. Dr. McFall addresses the concerns of each and presented a four minute video to regarding Olewus Bullying Prevention Program.

  1. Motion to approve the consent agenda made by Johnson, seconded by Henley.
  2. Minutes: May 13, 2013, May 30, 2013
  3. CCCHS Future Farmers of America 2013-2014 Trips
  4. CCCHS Cheerleaders Trip
  5. Consolidated Application 2013-2014

Approved unanimously.

  1. Motion made by Duncan, seconded by Henley to approve the regular agenda with the additional items as follows: Policies on first reading, policies on first and final reading after policy committee review, and the CCCHS and Coke Cola Contract.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Nester, seconded by Johnson to approve the budget report as presented.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Henley, seconded by Nester to approve the technology plan as presented by Mr. Damewood.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Henley, seconded by Jones to approve the Carl Perkins Budget Transfers as presented.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Johnson, seconded by Nester to approve the Fire Marshall Upgrade Bids with the bid being awarded to Lee Adcock Construction for $230,133.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Henley, seconded by Johnson to approve the Coffee County Central High School paving bid and to utilize the funds leftover from the roof project, awarding the bid to Rogers Group.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Nester, seconded by Duncan to approve the following dates for regular scheduled board meetings:

July 8, 2013

August 12, 2013

September 9, 2013

October 14, 2013

November 11, 2013

December 9, 2013

January 13, 2014

February 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

April 14, 2014

May 12, 2014

June 9, 2014

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Johnson, seconded by Jones to approve the first reading of policies: 1.404, 1.600, 3.206, 5.106, 5.111, 5.112, and 6.202.

1.404 – Appeals to and Appearances before the board – change line 13 from one (1) weekto - five (5) working days - (this will align policy 1.403 and policy 1.404)

Motion made by Esther J. Sims, seconded by Kim Aaron approved unanimously.

1.600 – Policy Development and Adoption – change line 16 the word annuallyand all policy upper left hand corners where it says annually and change it too - biennially.

Motion made by Kim Aaron, seconded by Kelvin Shores, approved unanimously.

2.404 – School Support Organizations – No action taken

3.206 – Community Use of School facilities

Motion by Kim Aaron, Seconded by Esther Sims to amend the policy to include the Jefferson county statement as follows:

11. Groups not already covered by the Board of Education’s liability policy must file a certificate of liability insurance copy in the amount of $1,000,000 with the Coffee County Board of Education.

Approved unanimously.

Main motion on April 23, 2013 approved unanimously.

5.106 – Application and employment –

To strike lines 13-16 from the policy – The cost will be paid by the Coffee County Board of Education. If an employee leaves the Coffee County School System prior to a one (1) year employment contract they may be assessed the criminal background check fee. This assessment may be waived by consent of the director of schools when applicable.

Motion made by Esther J. Sims, seconded by Kim Aaron

Approved unanimously.

5.111- Utilization of Career Level Educators – recommended change to strike line 9 If more than one employee is working on the project, one may be designated by the Board as project director responsible for supervising the other employees in the program.

Striking lines 13 – 15 Current 11- or 12 month teachers who become Level II or III educators or administrators and supervisors who become Level II or III educators shall be eligible for the meritorious portion of the supplement provided through the Comprehensive Education Reform Act.

Striking lines 17-23 – The Board considers ten (10) days away from regular duties for evaluative purposes to be a maximum for Career Level III personnel. However, the board will cooperate with the state and will consider requests for use of Career Level III personnel for more than ten (10) days a year on a case-to-case basis.3 Such requests will be approved by the Board upon recommendation of the director of schools. The director of schools is empowered to grant such permission if time does not permit Board consideration. However, the director of schools will report each request for use of a Career Level III employee for more than ten (10) days to the Board at its next regular meeting.

Motion made by Esther J. Sims, seconded by Kelvin Shores

Approved unanimously.

5.112 – Extended Contracts – Changing line 17, item number 4 as recommended to strike the words “Career Level” and replace them with Extended Contract and to strike the words at each Career Level and add the words “as needed”.

Motion made by Esther J. Sims, seconded by Kim Aaron

Approved unanimously.

6.202 – Home School

Adding the word “annual” to line 10 page 1 after Provide and striking the words by august 1; adding the words “relative to subdivision (b) (4) T.C.A. 49-6-3050” on line 15 after the word teacher; striking the words possess on line 25 and adding the words Parent-Teacher must possess and striking the rest of the sentence after the word GED. In order to conduct classes in grades K-8 and possess at least a baccalaureate degree in order to conduct classes in grades 9-12, or proper State Department of Education exemption.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Henley, seconded by Nester to approve the following policies on first reading: 5.116 and 5.305

Policy 5.116 - Deleting lines 14 and 15.

Policy 5.305 – Add the Following – Military Family Leave Entitlements

Eligible employees whose spouse, son, daughter or parent is on covered active duty or call to covered active duty status may use their 12-week leave entitlement to address certain qualifying exigencies. Qualifying exigencies may include attending certain military events, arranging for alternative childcare, addressing certain financial and legal arrangements, attending certain counseling sessions and attending post-deployment reintegration briefings.

FMLA also includes a special leave entitlement that permits eligible employees to take up to 26 weeks of leave to care for a covered service-member during a single 12-month period. A covered service-member is: (1) a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness*; or (2) a veteran who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable at time during the five-year period prior to the first date the eligible employee takes FMLA leave to care for the covered veteran, and who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a serious injury or illness.*

*The FMLA definitions of “serious injury or illness” for current service-members and veterans are distinct from the FMLA definition of “serious health condition”.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Duncan, seconded by Henley to approve on first and final reading to reflect the current law the following policies: 5.117 and 5.201.

Policy 5.117 – Change line 24 Strike“April 15” Changing it to June 15 to reflect the law change.

Policy 5.201 - Change line 31 Strike “April 15” Changing it to June 15 to reflect the law change.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Nester, seconded by Duncan to approve the surplus property sales and that the monies from transportation be placed in the transportation balance instead of general school.


95-76 VIN: 1BAANCSA4TF069475

95-78 VIN: 1BAANCSA1TF070292

95-79 VIN: 1BAANCSA7TF069471


Food Service

East Coffee Fryer –PITCO

Model SFSE14-S

Serial EO6LAO46564

Made by PitcoFrialator

Approved unanimously.

  1. Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Duncan, seconded by Henley to approve the Coffee County Central High School contract with Coke Cola Company.

Approved unanimously.

  1. Director’s report

Dr. McFall noted progress on the Coffee County New Middle School building project and invited the board to the OAC meeting on June 19th at 2:00 p.m.