FY 2006

Resource Allocation Management Program (RAMP)

Planning Documents

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


I. Mission and Focus Statements of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 3

A. The Statement of Mission 3

B. The Statement of Vision 3

C. The Statement of Values 3

D. Statement on Diversity 4

E. Focus Statement 4

II. SIUE Long-Term Goals 5


Retaining Critical Faculty and Staff 7

School of Pharmacy Implementation 9

International Education Support 15

Academic Quality Improvement Program Initiative 19

Strategic Academic Program Initiatives 23

Enhancing Teaching/Learning Support 26


I. Mission and Focus Statements of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

As part of the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP), the Goal IV Strategic Planning group revised the mission, vision, values and diversity statements. The process involved over 80 individuals representing various constituencies within the planning group. A description of the process can be found under Goal IV on SIUE's AQIP web site (http://www.siue.edu/AQIP).

A. The Statement of Mission

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is a public comprehensive university dedicated to the communication, expansion and integration of knowledge through excellent undergraduate education as its first priority and complementary excellent graduate and professional academic programs; through the scholarly, creative and research activity of its faculty, staff and students; and through public service and cultural and arts programming in its region.

B. The Statement of Vision

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, as a premier Metropolitan University, will be recognized nationally for the excellence of its programs and development of professional and community leaders.

C. The Statement of Values

Recognizing public education as the cornerstone of a democracy, SIUE carries out its mission based on certain fundamental, shared values. We value:


·  Social, civic and political responsibility, globally, nationally, locally, and within the University

·  Active partnerships and a climate of collaboration and cooperation among faculty, staff, students and the larger community

·  Environmental stewardship


·  High quality student learning

·  Continuous improvement and innovation

·  Outstanding scholarship and public service

·  Standards consonant with the premier status to which we aspire


·  Accountability to those we serve and from whom we receive support

·  Honesty in our communications and in our actions


·  Inclusion of the rich diversity of humankind in all aspects of university life

·  Respect for individual differences

·  Intellectual freedom and diversity of thought

·  Access for all who can benefit from our programs


·  Creation, preservation, and sharing of knowledge

·  Application of knowledge in a manner that promotes the common good

·  Life-long learning

D. Statement on Diversity

All societies and peoples have contributed to the rich mix of contemporary humanity. In order to achieve domestic and international peace, social justice, and the development of full human potential, we must build on this diversity. SIUE nurtures an open, harmonious, and hospitable climate that facilitates learning and work. Each member of the University is responsible for contributing to such a campus environment.

SIUE is committed to education that explores the historic significance of diversity in order to understand the present and to better enable our community to engage the future. Integral to this commitment, SIUE strives for a student body and a workforce that manifests diversity.

E. Focus Statement

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville serves traditional college-aged undergraduate students, with many commuting from the surrounding area, as well as older, part-time, and minority students. The campus offers a balance of instruction, research, and public service programs consonant with its role as the only public university in southwestern Illinois. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville also administers the School of Dental Medicine at Alton and operates a center in East St. Louis. In addition to pursuing statewide goals and priorities, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville:

·  offers undergraduate programs and master's programs encompassing instruction in the arts and sciences, education, social services, business, engineering, and the health professions in order to improve the quality of life, economy, health care, and environment in the greater St. Louis metropolitan area;

·  emphasizes graduate-level programs that prepare practitioners and professionals in those fields that are particularly relevant to addressing the social, economic, and health-care needs of the region;

·  focuses off-campus programs in southwestern Illinois, except in fields such as nursing in which the University is distinctly positioned to offer off-campus completion programs for the entire central and southern Illinois areas;

·  addresses the need for dentists in the central and southern regions of the state through its School of Dental Medicine; and

·  addresses the need for pharmacists in the central and southern regions of the state through its School of Pharmacy.

II. SIUE Long-Term Goals

The primary focus of SIUE’s long-term goals is student learning. Achieving the following goals will help students become lifelong learners and effective leaders in their professions and communities:

Engaged Students and Capable Graduates—Attract a diverse student body, including traditional, non-traditional, commuter, and residential scholars, and nurture, educate, and graduate students who achieve the objectives for baccalaureate, graduate, and professional degrees.

Innovative High Quality Programs—Develop, deliver, and continually improve high quality academic programs appropriate for a Metropolitan University.

Committed Faculty and Staff—Recruit and support a diverse faculty and staff known for providing the highest quality educational opportunity, scholarship, and service.

Harmonious Campus Climate—Foster an harmonious student-centered campus characterized by integrity, cooperation, open dialogue, and mutual respect among individuals with different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.

Active Community Engagement—Achieve an integral and indispensable relationship with Illinois and the St. Louis metropolitan area; work cooperatively within SIU to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

Sound Physical and Financial Assets—Develop, maintain, and protect the University’s assets in a financially, aesthetically, and environmentally responsible manner.

Excellent Reputation—Participate and excel in actions that earn national recognition for quality.

Academic Quality Improvement Program

SIUE is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. SIUE has joined the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP), a new and innovative method for maintaining regional accreditation. As part of the process, SIUE has selected four AQIP action projects on which the institution will focused over the nextpast three years. Information on these four action projects may be found at www.siue.edu/AQIP. The four action projects are:

Goal 1: Measures of Student Learning

Goal 2: Reshape New Student Transitions

Goal 3: Improve Student and Administrative Services

Goal 4: Strategic Planning Process

SIUE provides an annual Action Project Update that is reviewed by external evaluators who provide feedback on the institution’s progress. This feedback is included in SIUE’s Results Performance Report.

In the third year, SIUE prepared a Systems Portfolio which provided answers to questions pertaining to the context, processes, results, and improvements for each of the nine AQIP criteria. SIUE's Systems Portfolio was reviewed by an external appraisal team with a report provided to the University on April 29, 2004. The report contains a developmental assessment and strengths and opportunities for improvement for each of the nine AQIP criteria as well as an analysis of SIUE's strategic issues. This feedback will be considered as SIUE identifies the next set of action projects for 2004-2007. A SIUE team will attend the AQIP Strategy Forum in fall 2004 to determine SIUE's next action projects.

RAMP 05 06 Assumptions

The University Planning and Budget Council identified and used the following assumptions when developing SIUE’s FY 05 operational budget.

1.  SIUE’s general revenue appropriation will be reduced by 2% or $1.258M.

2.  Enrollment in FY 05 will equal to that of FY 04; no growth, but no loss.

3.  SIUE must implement the “Truth in Tuition Bill.”

4.  SIUE must implement the increased minimumSIUE's planning for FY 06 assumes that enrollment will remain constant. The requests included in this document are for general revenue funds only. Additional income to be realized from an increase in the rate of tuition will be used to strengthen the academic base, partially replace general revenue lost in recent years, and fund part of a salary increase in accord with decision rules used historically by the IBHE. wage of $6.50/hr. in January, 2005.



Retaining Critical Faculty and Staff

I. Request Identification

A.  Name of Institution: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

B.  Title of Request: Retaining Critical Faculty and Staff

C.  Total new state resources requested: $763,085 1,580,000

D.  Proposed date for initiation: FY 06

E. Date of submission of request: RAMP 06

F. Program Abstract: This request for new state resources will allow the University to maintain move faculty and staff salaries at the 50th percentileto the median of SIUE peer institutions.

II. Relationship to THE ILLINOIS COMMITMENT and Institutional Priorities

New state resources are requested to provide for recruitment and retention of critical faculty and staff. These funds will be used to recruit and retain faculty and staff in high demand areas, to increase salaries toward national peer medians, and to provide performance-based salary incentives. This request is in accordance with the Illinois commitment goal to ensure accountability for program quality and with SIUE's long-term goal of:

Committed Faculty and Staff—Recruit and support a diverse faculty and staff known for providing the highest quality educational opportunity, scholarship, and service.

This long-term goal will be accomplished in part by improving the competitive salary position of faculty and staff. Maintaining salaries that are comparable to peer institutions allows the University to attract and keep high quality faculty and staff that are meritorious in teaching, scholarship and service..

III. Justification for the Budget Request

This request is for new state general revenue to fund a 3% salary increase and a 3% salary equity increase. Funding for the 3% salary increase will be from the income fund. Funding for the 3% salary equity increase will be apportioned in the following manner: two percent of the salary equity increase will be provided by new general revenue and SIUE will match 1% of the salary equity increase through existing resources. and the 2% salary equity increase will be provided by new general revenue. SIUE will match 1% of the salary equity increase through existing resources.

IV. Program Results and Performance Measures to Assess Program Effectiveness

Salary equity studies of peer institutions will be conducted annually to determine whether these new state resources and internal reallocations are allowing the University to maintain its salary position relative to these peer institutions.




Code / Current
Year / Budget Year / 2nd
Year / 3rd
Year / 4th
1 / Total Resource Requirements / $1,899,6140 / $3,605,144$2,370,000 / $3,605,1442,370,000 / $3,605,144$2,370,000 / $3,605,144
2 / Resources Available from Federal Sources / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
3 / Resources Available from Other Non-State Sources / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
4 / Existing State Resources / 1,899,6140 / 1,899,6140 / $3,605,144$2,370,000 / $3,605,144$2,370,000 / $3,605,144$2,370,000
5 / State Resources Available through Internal Reallocation / 0 / $475790,000 / 0 / 0 / 0
6 / New State Resources Required from Income Fund / 0 / 475,0000
New State Resources Required from General Revenue / 0 / $755,5301,580,000
Breakdown of New State Resources Required for Budget Year:
7 / Staff / $1,230,530580,000
8 / Equipment and Instructional Materials / 0
9 / Library / 0
10 / Contractual Services / 0
11 / Other Support Services / 0


School of Pharmacy Implementation


A.  Name of Institution: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

B.  Title of Request: School of Pharmacy Implementation

C.  Total Requested: $895,000

D.  Proposed date for initiation: FY 06

E.  Date of submission: RAMP 04

F.  Program Abstract: This Program Priorities Request seeks new state resources to continue the implementation of the School of Pharmacy at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to address the pressing health care need of a shortage of pharmacists in central and southern Illinois. The School of Pharmacy was approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education at its April 2, 2002 meeting.


SIUE’s focus statement calls for the University to “offer undergraduate programs and master’s programs encompassing instruction in the arts and sciences, education, social services, business, engineering, and the health professions in order to improve the quality of life, economy, health care, and environment in the greater St. Louis metropolitan area.” The new program would replicate the Schools of Dental Medicine and Nursing success in preparing health care practitioners to serve the citizens of central and southern Illinois.

The SIUE program intends to admit 75 students for each cohort beginning in FY 06 in a 4-year professional program and to graduate approximately the same number to meet pharmacy industry demand. Positioned as the School of Pharmacy for central and southern Illinois, students from throughout the region could matriculate to SIUE for their professional education. Targeted student populations would include two special groups: science majors who desire to make a program change during their college career and Illinois residents who desire to return to the University to enter pharmacy as a second career. It should be noted that in existing Schools of Pharmacy a number of the students are individuals pursuing pharmacy as a second career. The SIUE School of Pharmacy, located in the second largest metropolitan area in the state, is well located to serve this type of student. These contributions will help meet the Illinois Commitment goals of supporting business and economic growth in the state and providing additional educational opportunities to the state’s citizens. The programs also meet SIUE's long-term goals of Innovative High Quality Programs and Active Community Engagement.


It is recommended by the a pharmacy school dean who served as a consultant and the American Council of Pharmaceutical Education that an 18 – 24 month start-up period be provided for a dean to hire faculty, establish a curriculum, and begin the accreditation process. During the start-up, library and equipment would be purchased prior to the hiring of new faculty and enrollment of the first students. Thus, resource requirements outlined in RAMP 03 reflected incremental increases to phase-in the operation of the School of Pharmacy. The School of Pharmacy is anticipated to be fully operational in FY 09. A class size of 75 students will require a faculty of approximately of 40 members, including the Dean and other School administrators as outlined in the following table.