Instructions for Applicants and Application Form
Delete this page when you have a complete draft of your application
To be an eligible proposal, applications must be submitted in the required format.
Minimum 12 point font (10 point font will be accepted for references and footnotes only).
If using Track Changes in Microsoft Word, you must accept all changes and save as the final version before submitting.
Convert your completed document to a single file before uploading (PDF or Word.doc only).
Ethics approval (section A4)
Prior to commencing your project you should read the University policy for responsible practice in research:
Human ethics approval might be needed for your project.
Completing this proposal form is not an application for human ethics approval.
Budget (section B1)
Please consult the ANU Research-led Fellowships Scheme guidelines to ensure that items requested are allowable:
If an item is funded from another source, indicate that source in the Funding Source column. If the source is the fellowship, leave blank.
Post the dollar value of items only, not cents.
Values are to be in Australian dollars.
Budget justification (section B2)
Fully justify each budget item requested in terms of need and cost.
In justifying your budget, ensure that you explain the personnel costs in terms of expertise required.
Requests for travel should follow the University’s travel policy and procedures:
Project approach (section C2)
Be sure to mention any existing projects or linkages that you will build upon or test.
Project Timetable (section C3)
ANU Research-Led Education Fellows will be expected to attend at least four meetings coordinated by the Lead Fellow, as well as complete events in the project timetable. The suggested dates and times of meetings should be proposed by the Lead Fellow by early February 2014.
Dissemination strategy (ANU) (section C4)
Here you outline how you will share the ideas and insights of your project with other people in your College and with other Colleges.
Dissemination strategy (Outside ANU) (section C5)
Be specific about the destination journal(s) or edited works for your work
Consider how you might seek external funding after completing the fellowship
References (section C6)
Can be submitted in the formatting style that is conventional for your discipline
CV and Education Leadership Track Record or Potential (section C7)
Please attach a CV of no more than 5 pages in length. This should include a brief account—including evidence—of your education leadership track record or potential at ANU. Evidence of contributions under this heading may include:
Contribution to curriculum reform or renewal at course or program level;
Contribution to School, College or University Education activities (eg symposium, workshop);
Active attendance at School, College or University Education activities;
Mentoring of other staff in education.
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ApplicationANU Research-led Fellowships Scheme
Individual or team application
Individual application
Lead applicant details
First name
Last name
Current position
Campus address
Staff type / Academic staff / Professional staff
Gender / Female / Male
Priority addressed (select at least one).
Projects are restricted in focus to coursework (undergraduate or graduate) students.
1. Student perceptions of research, and barriers/supports to participation in research
2. Research and the first year experience
3. New opportunities for research intensive staff to participate in curriculum renewal or to develop education activities
4. Assessing the development of students as researchers
5. Putting students on track for publication and grants applications
6. Fostering group or interdisciplinary/inter-professional research by students
7. Undertaking and applying educational research for the improvement and enhancement of learning and teaching
8. Facilitating ethics clearance for coursework students
9. Evaluating the contribution of physical and virtual learning spaces to the development of students as researchers
10. Fostering student research collaborations with international partners of outstanding reputation
Lead Fellowship
Would you like to be considered for the role of Lead Fellow? / Yes / No
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Section A: Summary InformationA1: Fellowship Project Summary
Project Title
Project Summary(100 words maximum)
Explain the project and its expected benefits. (eg what problem will you address? What opportunities will you provide?) in a way that can be understood by a multidisciplinary panel and readers outside of the University. Should your project be funded, this summary will appear on the University website.
A2: Total funding requested
Total funding requested
(up to $20K in 2014; and $25K for a Lead Fellow in 2014)
A3:Have you received funding for this or for a similar project? (If yes, please provide details)
Funding scheme / Year(s) / Amount awarded
A4: Will the TEG require human ethics approval?
Yes / No
Section B: Budget and Budget Justification
B1: Budget(add more rows as necessary)
Item / Funding source / Amount
Total requested
B2: Budget justification(500 words maximum)
Section C: Project Description
C1: Project aims(250 words maximum)
What are the key aims of your project? How do they align with the priority area(s) and criteria of the Research-led Fellowships Scheme?
C2: Project approach(750 words maximum)
Outline and justify the methods and steps to be used
C3: Project Timetable(Add new rows where necessary)
Date / Activity
C4: Disseminationstrategy: ANU(250 words maximum)
Explain how you plan to let staff within the College—and beyond—know about the aims and outcomes of your project.
C5: Disseminationstrategy: Outside ANU (250 words maximum)
Explain how you plan to let people outside of the ANU know about the outcomes of your project and to build on the project in future.(maximum 250 words)
C6: References
Include a list of all references cited in the application. This list should be no more than one A4 page in length, with the minimum font of 10 pt.
C7: CV and Education leadership track record or potential
Please include a CV of no more than 5 pages in length with your application.
Section D: Project Endorsement
The project application must be discussed with the College’s Education Office (or equivalent), and requires the endorsement of the College Associate Dean (Education).
Associate Dean (Education)
Signature / Date
Signature / Date
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Please submit this form by email in Word or PDF format to: th the subject heading ‘ANU Research-led Fellowship’.
2014 deadline: 10am, November 15, 2013
ANU Promoting Excellence
Centre for Higher Education, Learning & Teaching