Ringing Out the News

First Grade Newsletter

Bell’s Bears – August 27, 2015

A Great Start!

We had a great start to our new school year. We have 18wonderful first graders. Our classroom newsletter, “Ringing Out the News,” will be sent by email every week. The newsletter provides information and questions that you can ask your first grader concerning their week at school. You will also be able to access the newsletter on our website.


A Reminder

If your first grader is going home a different way than usual, a note must be sent to school. Also, if your child is being picked up by another person, please send a note stating this person’s name. Thanks for your help in this area.


Breakfast/Arriving at School

If your child is eating breakfast, they should be at school by 7:30. This will give plenty of time to eat so that they will not be tardy for class.

Our Learning Schedule for Next Week

Reading– learning behaviors of a good reader; review of vowels; independent reading; choosing a “good fit” book to read; Freckle Juice activity; Learning the reading strategies of “Cross Checking”

Math: -identify name and value ofpenny and nickel;

Subitize – recognizing quantities without counting

Compose two or more addends with concrete objects.

Writing – writing a small moment book; putting our writing “tool kit” together; generating writing idea

Science/Social Studies – Being a great citizen; creating our science journal

Technology Camp – We will have 4 days of learning how to use iPads and computers!

Did You Know…

…that we are making a storm book! We hope to finish it soon.

…that we read a story entitled “Mrs. Wishy-Washy.” Each first grader got to act out a part. Have your first grader tell you about the funny story and what part they acted out.

…that each first grader has their own book box. We will go “book shopping” for “just right” books to read soon.

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…that some puppet friends came to our classroom! Have your first grader tell you about Wiggles and Honey Bear!

…that we did Chatter Pics on the iPads! Have your first grader tell you about this activity!


Remember to have a free background check completed if you wish to be a volunteer this year. We will be going on a field trip in the spring. It will be necessary to have a background check each year to attend the field trip with our class. We encourage you to have the on-line process completed as soon as possible. There is a link on the Allen ISD webpage.

Email or Telephone

If you have any concerns or need to contact me, the best way is through email or telephone. We will be having conferences later in thefall. However, if you have concerns that need to be discussed now, please contact me and an appointment will be made.


Happy Birthday!

We have 3 birthdays in August – Jack, Adithya, and Anika! We hope that you had a great time celebrating!

If Your Child Brings Lunch From Home

If your child brings their lunch from home, please include the desired condiments, napkin, and eating utensils. The school cafeteria can only supply these items for school bought lunches. Thanks!