Memo: Teen Leader Application
To:4-H Teen Leaders (14 years of age by Jan. 1, 2018)
From:Ruth Bullard Cleveland County 4-H & Youth Development
Topic:Summer Camp: Teen Summer Camp Leader Applications are Due April 9, 2018
ClevelandCounty 4-H Summer Camp
June 11-14, 2018
Goddard Youth Camp, Sulphur, OK.
Everyone in a leadership position will be involved in the planning of camp, including theme selection and program design.Summer Camp Teen Leaderswill arrive at camp the afternoon of June 11, to set up the campground. Campers will arrive the morning of June 12, at 10am. All Teen Leadersare required to attend the mandatory camp planning meeting.Depending on how the firstmeeting/training goeswe may or may/not need to havemore.(Individual circumstances will be taken into consideration)
- Teen Leader
- 14+ years of age
- Be enrolled as a 4-H Member 1/1/18
- Turn in a Record Book for the 2017-2018 4-H year. (If you do not turn in a record book you will no longer be a counselor and will not go to camp in 2018.)
- Youth & Parental and/or Guardian Signatures Required.
- Current Working with Minors and Updated Volunteer Application on File or Turned in with Application
- Planning of Camp
- Selection and program design
- Attend all days of Camp including overnight
- Teen Leaders will lead workshops at camp
- Camp Ground Maintenance
- Responsible for campers at all camp functions
- Engage all campers during activities
- Assist with any duties that may come up
- Help campers have a positive experience
4-H Summer Camp
Teen Summer Camp Leader
- If you need more room to answer any question, please feel free to attach another sheet of paper. Please be detailed in your answers; do not assume we know about your 4-H activities and experiences.
- Wemustreceive your application by April 9th, if you are interested in a leadership role at camp.
The number of counselor/staff spaces is limited so we will have to be selective. All Teen Leadersare required to attend the mandatory camp planning meeting. Depending on how the first meeting/training goes we may or may/not need to have more.(Individual circumstances will be taken into consideration)
Name ______
4-H Club ______
Address ______
Phone ______
Age on 1/1/18 _____ Years in 4-H ______
When is your last day of school? ______
Youth & Parental Signature required agreeing to the terms of qualification to apply and serve as a Teen Summer Camp Leader/Jr. Counselor. Failure to meet the qualifications listed on item number #4 forfeits eligibility to attend camp and serve as a camp Teen Summer Camp Leader/Jr. Counselor for Cleveland County 4-H Summer Camp.
Youth Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date: ______
- Why do you want serve in a leadership role at 4-H summer camp?
- List Major 4-H activities in which you have actively participated (priority will be given to those who have participated in at least 2 county activities)
- Other programs and activities which you have participated in that would help you to work closely with 4-H campers and the adult leadership team as a Teen Summer Camp Leader. (In addition to 4-H, list your involvement with other organizations, church, etc….)
- Explain what you feel your responsibilities at camp will be.
- EachTeen Leader will be responsible for teaching or assisting with a workshop or activity. Please include a minimum of 3 ideas you have for workshops or activities.
- Share 3 ideas for a camp theme or focus? Be Descriptive
Essay Questions:
- Allessay questions must be answered.
- Please be thorough in your answers.
- Interviews may be required pending the number of applicants.
- How would you address this scenario: Several campers sharing with you that another camper was bullying them?
- A camper in your cabin is very quiet and never joins in with any of the activities. This camper is not causing problems and is not bothering any of the other campers. How do you get them involved, having fun and meeting the other campers?
3. Why should you be selected to the 2018 Summer Camp Leadership Team?