Informal Summary of District Leadership Council Meeting
Sun Valley, Idaho
May 21, 2010
Ken Reglin, PDG
Bret Vaterlaus, ADG
Gene Day, PDG
Gene Hoge, Immediate past DG
Richard Cook, Ex. Assistant
Rusty Broughton, PDG and Rotary Foundation Chair
Nina Gammons, ADG
Kathleen Simko, DGE
Dr. Princewill Lgodalooyakhilome (Nigeria)
Charles Keller, Past President, RI
Nancy Koonce, District Treasurer
Kevin Learned, DG
Terry Gilbert, DGE
Patricia Nilsson, District Secretary
Tracy Haworth, member Boise Rotary Club
1. The minutes from the January 8, 2010, DLC meeting were approved with two minor corrections and a compliment.
2. Financial Report:
Nancy Koonce reviewed the balance sheet. The difference in income is due to the lack of conference fees being included by the end of April. The district has a healthy cash balance and is in good shape. Investments are down due to the cash not yet received for the conference. There are $11,000 in year end outbound student funds. This is due to the increased fees and the number of students.
Nancy then reviewed the Profit and Loss Previous Year Comparison handout. Income was basically the same as last year. Minor differences in expenses by category were reviewed. Total administration expenses were down $10,000. The total foundation expenses were down $4,000. Net ordinary income shows a $15,000 income compared to $8,000 last year. Kevin Learned explained that the categories are different than last year.
Nancy then reviewed the self-funding programs, such as district conference. RYLA income was down and expenses were up compared to last year. PETS and mid-winter assemblies operated at a loss as the registration fees cover only half of the cost.
Nancy compared the actual expenses to the budget. The district budgeted a $7,900 loss but there is actually $15,000 of income, meaning the district is $23,000 ahead of budget. Several DLC members thanked Richard Cook and Nancy for the progress in improving the financial tracking systems. When the financial reports are compiled at the end of the year, they will be brought to the DLC in August or September for formal approval.
3.DDF Report:
Kevin reviewed the DDF report. What RI calls “Share” is what the district also calls District Designated Funds. RI only reports intermittently. Kevin reviewed how a portion of our donation to RI comes back three years later. The district will have approximately $118,000 for authorized foundation programs this year. Charles Keller described that the Share program is confusing to every district. Several districts think they have spent all of their DDF but oftentimes have not. All of the money is kept at RI and is drawn against – the districts do not have to handle the money. Gene Hoge asked about the Polio Plus match this year. Kevin replied the match was done this year. We will not have an Ambassadorial Scholar this year, so we will have that money available. With Bob Rainville not heading up the World Committee this year, we will not have a pipeline for matching funds. Kevin suspects we will have a lower volume of grants.
Terry reviewed the proposed policy regarding whether we need to provide grants to pilot districts. Rusty explained that it is a simple issue but a hard decision. The pilot districts no longer can match their district or club money with non-pilot districts. We have one side who thinks we are leaving money on the table if we had pilot districts. Kathleen Simko asked what money is available to match. Kevin replied we cannot match with Rotary Foundation money. Example, we have $100,000 but none of it is matched if it is a pilot district. Gene Day said we don’t have another country set up if we drop Ecuador. Rusty replied that Bob Rainville is working with Peru and we also have Nigeria and Thailand. Charles Keller replied that changes will be made at the end of the test period. It may be substantially revised from what it is today. Kathleen Simko discussed a concern that she doesn’t like to put obligations on future years. She would like to see it split between projects that are one-time gifts and projects that leverage monies. Ken Reglin agreed with Kathleen that we don’t want to cut the legs out of existing projects we have supported. Rusty wants to explore other alternatives. Clubs can give where they want. She is not convinced either way. Terry replied that some clubs have recognized that they should have sought a match. Kathleen Simko moved that for the next 2 years our district use DDF to fund a minimum 60% with non-pilot districts and up to 40% with pilot districts. Seconded by Kevin Learned. Motion passed unanimously.
4.Policy Changes
a.Adoption of changes to DLP for policy decisions made this year.
Kevin Learned moved to approve the redraft of the DLP with regard to the policy decisions made by the DLC over the past year. Motion passed.
Kevin Learned moved to approve the changes to the changes proposed.
b.Council on Legislation:
Kevin suggested to the District Secretary that we will need to get a process in getting this out to the clubs and draft policies for our manual regarding notifying our clubs on how they can propose legislation. Charles Keller said that 80% of the delegates are first-timers to the convention.
ACTION: Develop policy on how we select our RI Convention representative and a process on how clubs can propose legislation.
c.Use of Rotary lists by District Officers
Kevin suggested we add a policy statement to the DLP that at Rotary lists should not be used for non-Rotary business. Richard Cook said that he has added a statement to the district directory that the directory is only for use by Rotarians.
ACTION: Develop policy to add to the DLP on the use of Rotary member lists.
d.Review of financial statements by District Treasurer
Kevin said we realized that when the financial statements come out that the responsibility for review and dissemination of the statements lies with the District Treasurer, not the Executive Assistant. The separation of duties needs to be further detailed in the DLP.
ACTION: Include the DLP the specific responsibility for review and dissemination of the statements lies with the District Treasurer, not the Executive Assistant.
e.Sitting governor should not incur obligations in next governor’s year without his or her consent
Kevin said we want to make clear in the DLP that sitting Governors should not create obligations for the following year without approval of DGE.
ACTION: Include a procedure in the DLP to require DGs to not obligations in next governor’s year without his or her consent
f.Not billing dues for new clubs for six months
Kevin proposes that they won’t be billed for district dues for six months until the next regular billing cycle. If they are created in July, they won’t be billed until the next February.
ACTION: Include a procedure in the DLP to not bill new clubsfor six months until the next regular billing cycle.
g.Policy on the use of DDF for grants to pilot districts (see above)
h.Policy on reimbursement of conference expenses
Kevin asked if this should be a policy as there are four district officers who are obligatory to attend the district conference. He thinks the district budget would pay the expenses of those four officers, and up to $200 for AGs and other DLC members.
Terry asked to establish a task force to compile the policy changes for the DLP. He asked Kathleen Simko and Gene Day to participate.
ACTION: Add policy to DLP to pay the district conference expenses for the sitting District Governor, DGE, DGN and Foundation chair for and up to $200 for AGs and other DLC members unless otherwise reimbursed by their club.
i.Role of DLC and this meeting-DGE meeting in future
Kevin said that this meeting should be about the next year, not the past year. His view is that the meeting should be chaired by the DGE to discuss issues for the next year. Terry said that next year Kathleen Simko will chair this meeting.
Other Business:
Terry Gilbert distributed the district budget for 2010-2011 and asked for ratification. He is not suggesting a dues increase and is based on a membership of 1974. He discussed the reserve fund categories. We have ambitious goals based on the visioning session. There will be membership and visioning training on July 17 in Twin Falls. He distributed a request for additional “visionaries”. On July 31 in Twin Falls Greg Podd will come to Idaho to conduct an Institute. This will be followed by sessions in the fall to crosstrain each other. From January through April they will request clubs to be trained. His goal is to find 24 Rotarians who are committed to this Institute represented the three geographic areas of the District.
Charles Keller described the RI focus on leadership training at the club level. Gene Hoge described our proposed program as a Leadership Institute similar to the Wyoming and Arizona programs. Charles Keller will send material on this program to Terry Gilbert.
Terry distributed brochures on an awards program. He described the work of the Awards committee and it will be presented at the Presidents meeting. The Humanity in Motion award will provide a monetary award to the honored club. The Friendship Exchange is being proposed again. Rusty complimented Terry on setting up the awards program.
Gene Day moved to approve the budget, seconded by Kathleen Simko The budget was approved by the DLC.
Gene Hoge asked if there is a way to add funds for special projects. Kevin said any adjustments go through the budget committee who then recommend any adjustments to the DLC per the DLP.
Gene Hoge asked if we should have a policy to establish a permanent conference chair.
Terry said the next DLC meeting is scheduled for August 27th via video conferencing.
Terry Gilbert presented the District Strategic Plan. There are seven major goals that will require us to work as a team to achieve them. This is not a one-year plan and he has worked with the DGE and DGN. Terry said visioning has been presented to 9 clubs so far this year with 2 more clubs scheduled for sessions by the end of the calendar year. Nina commented that the district strategic plan can serve as a model for clubs on how to follow-up their visioning session. Kathleen Simko moved and Rusty Broughton seconded a motion to accept the District Leadership Plan. Motion passed unanimously.
Non-Functioning Clubs: Terry said that he has been alerted by one club that they may be non-functioning. Communication is key to overcome this problem.
Gene Day suggested we need to do significant adjustments on the operation and organization of the DLC. We have tried to do a bunch of things and have forgotten about how and when we meet. A potential problem is that for the next few years we have 4 district governors in a row from the Treasure Valley. We have to guard against the leadership becoming informal. We also seem to have little involvement from the eastern part of the state. He suggested we need to hold face to face meetings at least 3 times a year around the state. We need to encourage the AGs to attend the meeting in their area. He added that we need to think of how our club boards are set up. He suggested we set up a task force to suggest changes and new communication systems. Ken Reglin concurred with Gene’s thoughts. He would challenge the head of the DG nominating committee to seek candidates from the central and eastern areas. Kathleen said that we’ve seen is a good succession plan that can help makes things happen. We have to start grooming candidates now in other areas. She would rather have multiple candidates in line if they are the best people. Nina said it is one of the AG’s responsibilities to identify people in their area. They need to know when the nominating committee is meeting to suggest the names at that time. Richard Cook commented that the committee assignment how few members there are from central and eastern Idaho. Terry has asked the DLC to be members of a standing committee. Charles Keller stated the best recruiters for DG are the past DGs.
Regarding setting a permanent conference chair, Gene Hoge described the reason for considering this idea. Kathleen Simko created a manual that has since disappeared. She said there is a benefit of having continuity. She already has a conference chair selected. Bret said continuity is important but need to bring something new each year. The conferences are about meeting and talking with other people. Ken thinks the DGs should pick their own chairs for the conference.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20am.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Nilsson
District Secretary
C:\Documents and Settings\pnilsson\My Documents\DLC Minutes May 21 2010.doc