#102-4268 Lozells Avenue, Burnaby, V5A OC6
Phone: 604-257-4700, Text: 778-927-2873 (for deaf & hard of hearing only) Fax: 604- 291-7806, email: , web page:
1. Roll Call
Present – Paul Simpson, Tommy Fagan, Patti Tonks, Paul Chateauneuf, Shona Kelly, Richard Tonn, Mike Vanderlans, Simi Hundle, Sylvia Auger, John Delima, Drew Parris, Gwen Stafford
Excused –Karen Sunner, Corrina Chase
Reading of the Aboriginal Acknowledgement Welcome
Reading of the CUPE Equality Statement
Guest- CUPE National Rep - Tracey Mathieson
Minutes of Nov 4, 2017
Accepted as reported.
3. Treasurer’s Report for December 2017
Surplus - $19,538.01
Bank Balance $342,590.77
Defence fund -$48,785.39
4. Pay the Bills for December 2017
5. Correspondence
A letter to Russell Horswill for a 3rd Stage Grievance Meeting regarding Taylor Park.
BC Assessment for the office property.
6. Reports
President’s Report – P. Simpson.
The Union has been fighting the custodial change. But the Board gave approval. The service we deliver we felt would not be adequate with this proposal. That all being said I think most people were happy with it. It did increase jobs so we did benefit with. As for the posting of the jobs, there was a bit of a mess. We only had 2 concerns reported to the Union office of which were rectified. We have heard rumours but people needed to contact the Union office with their concerns. Clerical are concerned they are being asked to open buildings. With some schools not having custodial coverage until 10:00 am, it is posing a problem. We need to remember safety and security of our members. If you are in the building by yourself and opening the building this is a security risk. The Security guards have been asked to help open the 14 schools.
I want to talk about the Executive. We have stewards working at night on their own time. The Executive put in a lot of personal hours. I ask that you respect our Executive as they really do work a lot for you and do a lot on their personal time. I would like to thank Paul Chateauneuf for his 16 years of dedication to the Union. He has worked for the Board for 30 years. Thank you and good luck with your retirement.
Chief Shop Steward’s Report – D. Parris
No report.
Political Action – K. Sunner
CUPE 379 Peer to Peer on Facebook. Follow us.
Health & Safety – M. Vanderlans
Diffusers have been a problem for members. To have them in the building they would need WHIMS label. We have to remember some schools are scent free.
New West & District Labour Council –
Nothing to report
CUPE Metro – J. Harsch
At spring break there will be courses offered – Political Action and Intro to Stewarding.
March 8 is International Women’s Day.
Union Education – J. Delima
0 Applied, 0 approved
CUPE Spring Week-Long School May 27 – June 1, 2018 @ Kamloops.
Job Related Education – G. Stafford/S. Hundle/ P. Tonks
This benefit is funded through the Board office.
Meeting in a few weeks.
Job Evaluation – S. Hundle.
A lot of jobs were completed in December. Letters should be coming out. This is a committee not to get raises but to make sure the job descriptions are accurate. EA’s, we are still fighting to get the pay increase. It has gone to the Board re conflict of agreement.
Uniform Committee – would like to thank Paul Chateauneuf for his work on the committee.
Board Meeting –
Roy Uyeno has put his notice in and will be going to Richmond, congratulations to him.
Approval of the new Custodial Manager. – Ken coming from Delta.
Harpinder Hothi is the new HR Manager and will be dealing with CUPE
Donations – J. Delima
Nothing to report
Unfinished Business
Where are things with the Nov 10 day without pay? - The Board was looking for a day to replace a day from Spring Break. A manager at the Board made the decision without realizing the impact on CUPE.
There is a concern about the opening and closing of Schou and other buildings. This is taking work away from our members.
EA concerns about students with safety plans, which doesn’t mean the EA’s are safe. It would be helpful if students could be shared rather than burn out one EA with a difficult student by themselves. The Union’s position is that EA’s should not be hit on the job. When the Union knows that there is a student that is habitually hitting or hurting members, it is not acceptable and must be addressed, please contact the Union office. Tracey Mathieson addressed this; that this is such a big concern that it is being dealt with at different levels up to the Provincial level. Reminder to members that when there is any type of injury or abuse, make sure you fill in the form and report it. Members do have the right to refuse unsafe work and the Union must be notified.
At the last meeting it was deferred to the Executive to decide about a special meeting for the EA’s. We need to make sure all members are informed regarding violence in the work place. A lot of the issues that had been discussed are bargaining issues that we cannot change on our own. So the Executive decided that a meeting could be held to hear concerns but it cannot be a committee that actually makes bargaining changes. Those changes will have to be done by the bargaining team.
Motion: to apply to the Board for a joint workshop between the Board and CUPE on Violence in the Workplace.
New Business
Motion: for CUPE to sponsor up to $3000 for the SunRun 3rd Annual CUPE team.
If you want to register you need to contact the Union office to register. Please do not share the password. Each member needs to individually contact the office. Early registration ends Feb 9, 2018
Good of the Union
Thank you Paul Chateauneuf for your 16 years of Union work.
Thank you to CUPE for the Christmas Children’s party.
Collective agreements are available at the back of the room.
50/50 Draw -$122.50 to member$122.50 to food bank. Won by – New member
Cut off to sign in for the draw is 9:30 am.
$1500 Snowball Draw – Christopher Singh would have won if they had attended.
In Attendance 67 members
11. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am