SBB PTO Meeting MinutesNovember 17, 2015

Attendees: TinaMcLoughlin, Karen Waggoner, Erin Leghorn, Susan Turley, Andrea Frickman, Amber Haugeto, Steve Wheeler, Meg Bergandahl, Megan Kasparek, Mara Harris, Katie Zuliani, Jacqueline Wilson, Nancy Clang, Liz St. Louis, Pam Porter

Co-Chairs Report:

  • Thank You:A thank you parents and teachers support for a busy month.
  • Thank you notes for Teacher Appreciation from: Ms. Porter, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade teams, and Ms. O’Connell
  • Thank you note from Steve Schneider regarding bus for Coast Guard Academy Concert.
  • Nurses requested a new thermometer. One was purchased for $27.00.

Treasurers Report:

Cash in: $15759.96
Pies & Cookies $2608.00
Fields of Fire$1015 (profit $290, 29%)
Book Fair total sales $8248.96 (profit $1500 cash, 18% of sales)
Mystic Knotworks $798.00 (profit $433.25, 54% of sales)
Bake Sale (5th grade field trip) $1266
Donation for 5th Grade Field Trip (Horgans) $100
Costume dance $71
Author visit sponsorship by Meg and Peter Bergendahl $1100 / Fees:
Movement for the Actor $475
Robotics (late payers) $75
Cash out: $8369.85
Staff Appreciation $261
Bingo $77.19
Teacher Stipend $347.70
Scholastic Book Fair $6748.96
Fields of Fire: $725
Robotics team registration $100 (2 teams)
Costume Dance Prizes $30
Administrative $80

Groton Parent Council: Erin Leghorn // November meeting focused more on older kids, nothing for elementary schools.

Fundraising Updates:

  1. Shutterfly: Shutterfly will donate 15% of school from Holiday orders.
  2. Amazon Smile: A message will be sent out to remind parents to use Amazon Smile for holiday orders.
  3. Book Fair: Using the money from Book Fair to help fund Steve Swinburne visit for writing workshops.
  4. Pies and cookie dough: Delivery will be November 20th. Pick up on the 20th after school.
  5. Yankee Candle: Fundraiser had 24 sellers, $1300 profit. If school pays invoice quickly, we get an extra 3%.
  6. Original Artwork: total of 60 kids ordered from original artwork.
  7. Pequot Plant Farm Wreaths: Forms going home on November 18. Forms to be returned on the 24th.
  8. Winter Break Readathon: Kendra Nelson to run fundraiser.
  9. Wendy’s: Karen Podurgiel to run fundraiser in winter.

After School Programs Updates:

  1. NESS: Meg Bergandahl // Cancelled November program because not enough kids signed up. Will try again in January.
  2. Mystic Arts Center: Andrea Frickman // for K – 2 on Wednesdays in November lasting for 5 weeks.Starts November 18th. 7 kids signed up for program. Grades 3-5 will start in January.
  3. Drama: Tina McLoughlin // 19 kids signed up for class, originally supposed to be 12. Fee is $25.00. There will be a session held for K-2 in winter. There will be another session held for the older kids in the spring.
  4. Bingo: Susan Turley // Upcoming Dates: February 12 and May 20th. Discussed kids bringing own snacks or donate toys to help with cost of event.
  5. Robotics: Jacquelyn Wilson // wants to extend date so the kids can learn more about programming. Teams did well in competition.

PTO Sponsored Events and programs:

  1. Yearbook: Erin Leghorn // have to sell 131 books to break even. Will distribute flyers again in January. Need final count at the end of February. Discussed getting corporate sponsors and options for messages for 5th graders.
  2. Author Visit: Steve Swinburne will run a writing workshop on December 1 and 2. These workshops will be tailored to each grade level. Cost was $2300.
  3. Cookies and Pajamas Reading Event: date has been changed from December 10th to January 14th. Literacy committee is hosting event to bring families together to read together.
  4. Movie Night: Friday, December 11 – Polar Express. A reminder on the flyer will be to parents to make sure the kids do not run around.
  5. Rollerskating: Hosted by NEA on December 11th from 5 – 7.
  6. Bruins Game: will be on January 17, 3:00. Cost is $20, includes hats, popcorn, and drink.
  7. Happy Kid HandbookWas to be held on Friday, December 18, but tabled until Spring. Discussed opening author visit to other parents in Groton Public School District. Discussed using local resources such as Groton Public Library to host visit.

Principal’s Report:

  1. Update from Literacy Committee. A bulletin board will be put up with recommendations for books for students. The idea is to get kids hooked on books.

New Business:

No new business

No December meeting