Terms of Reference for Capacity building needs assessments for stakeholders at local, district, provincial and national levels

  1. Introduction

The project on Climate change and Development has been developed as a result of a number of discussions and preliminary work with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MoFA) of Finland. The development goal of the project is to “ensure that national policies in project’s target countries and Finland’s development interventions reduce vulnerability and enhance adaptive capacity to climate variability and climate change, consistent with Government of Finland’s Development Policy, Bonn Commitments, and IUCN’s 2005-2008 and 2009-2012 programmes”.

A pilot phase of the project was implemented between January-September 2007 in collaboration with the IUCN Regional Offices for Southern Africa (ROSA) and Eastern Africa (EARO) and the Forest Conservation Programme (FCP). The pilot phase in Zambia included a number of consultations on various climate change relates issues in the country, community-based climate change risk assessments in seven field sites, stakeholder consultations (informal meetings and a stakeholder workshop), and information dissemination (meeting with parliamentarians). During the implementation of the pilot phase, two additional countries: Tanzania and Mozambique were identified as additional countries to be included in the full-size project proposal. Background studies on the current status of climate change and stakeholder consultations were conducted as part of the pilot phase. Governmental representatives from both countries also attended the stakeholder workshop in Zambia.

Local communities dependent on natural resources, such as forests and water resources, for their day-to-day living are the most vulnerable group to climate change and its effects. The purpose of this project is to improve the adaptive capacity of these beneficiaries by ensuring that the governance framework recognizes the importance of forests and water resources in supporting people’s livelihoods and associate farming systems.

Community-level projects, mainly those dealing with ecosystem or natural resource management, can either improve adaptive capacity of communities or constrain it. However, a lack of climate change awareness and understanding amongst decision makers and development project planners, and a low capacity to assess and address vulnerability, hinders the inclusion of climate change adaptation in decision making, project development and national policies.

  1. Objectives of the Exercise

The objective of the consultancy is to identify the national capacity needs in undertaking vulnerability assessments and implementing adaptation measures. The assessment will be undertaken for stakeholders, implementing partners and beneficiaries of this project in climate change adaptation at individual, institutional and systemic levels.

It is expected that the consultations will be undertaken in a highly participatory manner with detailed consultations at national, provincial levels, district and local levels.

Based on the capacity building needs assessment for vulnerability assessment, capacity building activities (such as training, sending people to workshops, information dissemination), for different stakeholder group will be designed and implemented.

  1. Background of the Exercise

Climate change vulnerability is defined as “the extent to which climate change may damage or harm a system; it is a function of both sensitivity to climate and the ability to adapt to new conditions”[1]. Vulnerability varies in time and in place but it is widely agreed that the poorest people are the most vulnerable to climate change related changes since they have the least means to cope with climatic stress and are the most reliant on natural resources for their livelihoods. Understanding of how local livelihoods are conducted and sustained is a key step in assessing vulnerability. Further, understanding the dynamics of these livelihoods is a key component in comprehending the effects of climate change on them and the type of adaptation interventions or strategies, which will be the most useful.

There is therefore, a clear need to undertake capacity building for undertaking vulnerability assessments of CC as was expressed by stakeholders during the Pilot Phase. This is done by first assessing capacity needs for undertaking vulnerability assessments among stakeholders.

  1. Tasks to be undertaken

The consultant will undertake the following specific tasks using consultative and participatory approaches and methods:


  • Undertake a Situational analysis in order to establish baseline capacity inundertaking vulnerability assessments and implementing adaptation measures
  • Undertake a Stakeholder analysis (Would this come from the consultancy for institutional arrangements?) to identify all stakeholders and actors in climatechange adaptation at national, provincial, district and local levels
  • Assess the capacity-building needs for undertaking vulnerability assessments and implementing adaptation activities for each stakeholder and partner at individual, institutional and systemic levels
  • Identify required training and modes of training for identified stakeholder needs (who, what training, how and when)
  • Present the findings at a stakeholder workshops
  1. Plan of Work

As part of the inception report, provide a detailed mode of work, methodology, key information sources to be used, and institutions / organizations to be consulted in undertaking the task.

  1. Required Expertise

The following personnel qualifications are required to successfully carry out the exercise:

  • A Masters Degree in Environment, Education and Development studies
  • Familiar with the UNFCCC capacity needs and practical experience in the application of vulnerability assessment methods and tools
  • Experience in undertaking vulnerability assessments; and development and implementation of climate change adaptation measures
  • Proven experience in undertaking capacity needs assessments and in developing tailored made-training programmes and modules
  1. Timetable and Reporting

The duration of the consultancy shall not exceed 2 months.

The consultant is expected to produce 2 hard copies and an electronic copy of a draft report written in understandable English for review, 5 weeks from commencement of the work.

IUCN will provide the consultant with comments to the draft report within a week and the consultant will be expected to submit a final report a week later.

  1. Mandate

The consultant will be responsible to and report to the National Project Coordinator at IUCN Zambia Offices for all correspondence related to this work.

IUCN will provide logistical support exclusively for this work in the form of transport costs and per diems at IUCN rates, with prior authorization by the National Project Coordinator.

9. Mode application

Submit a brief proposal describing how the assignment will be done with the budget addressing the national Coordinator for the climate change and development at

[1] IPCC (1997). The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An Assessment of Vulnerability