RFP for TRM EPC development






FOR Transmit-Receive Module (TRM)

of Dual Frequency SWEEP SAR (NI-SAR)

(SAC/TRM EPC/RFP-06/2015)





Space Applications Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) solicits Indian Industries, having their own design and fabrication facilities in India, to submit bids against this Request for Proposal (RFP) for development and supply of High Power Miniaturized Pulsed Electronic Power Conditioner (EPC) using HMCs and planar magnetic components for Transmit-Receive integrated Module (TRM) subsystem. Electronics Power Conditioner (EPC) provides various high voltage- high current pulsed DC and low voltages-low current continuous DC supplies to cater the powering requirements for Transmit-Receive (TRM) subsystem.

The EPC development is divided in two phases:

Phase-1: Development of Prototype and DVM EPCs

Phase-2: Development, Qualification and production of Flight model EPCs.

The present scope of RFP is limited to Phase-1 development only.

This RFP provides baseline EPC design configuration, electrical and mechanical specifications, tests requirements along with important developmental milestones and expected delivery schedule that should be maintained by the vendor at various stages.

The details are provided as under:

Exhibit ‘A’ : General information and scope of RFP

Exhibit ‘B’ : Electrical and Mechanical Specifications

Exhibit ‘C’ : Quantity, Delivery schedule and payment milestones


1.0  Scope

Vendor is required to fabricate, test and deliver the proto EPCs for design verification usage based on specifications and design provided by SAC. Vendor is required to carry out the miniaturization of circuit provided by SAC using Hybrid Micro Circuits (HMCs) to the extent possible. Vendor is also required to convert the conventional magnetic components used in SAC design to planar magnetic, for better packaging and repeatable performance over large quantity. The development work include following major activities.

Ø  Development and testing of Proto EPC and DVM EPCs using Hybrid Micro- circuits (HMCs), planar magnetic components and other discrete components.

Ø  Feasibility study to realize the EPC in given weight and volume.

Ø  Identifying the circuit elements for hybridization.

Ø  PCB and HMC layout designs as per ISRO guidelines.

Ø  Procurement of components and materials for fabrication of EPC.

Ø  Fabrication and testing of HMCs and test jigs.

Ø  Design & development of planar magnetic components.

Ø  Design and fabrication of mechanical package for EPC.

Ø  Development of One Prototype EPC to demonstrate the performance compliance.

Ø  Fabrication and testing of Development Model EPCs as per table given in Exhibit-C.

Vendor should have capability in terms of fabrication facility, storage facility and test facility as well as necessary technical expertise to build, optimize, test and deliver EPCs.

1.1  Responsibilities of Vendor and SAC

Sr. No. / Development Stages / SAC Responsibilities / Vendor Responsibilities
1 / Provide circuit schematic and bill of material once contract is finalized. / √
2 / Provide the electrical performance results of the circuit proposed for miniaturization under this RFP on printed circuit board using packaged components. / √
3 / Carry out the feasibility analysis to accommodate the EPC circuit within the weight and volume specified in Exhibit-B of this RFP. / √
4 / Generate the procurement specifications and procure components as per quality mentioned in Exhibit-B and submit for SAC approval. / √
5 / Review the procurement specifications generated by vendor and give clearance for the procurement of components. / √
6 / Design of PCB, HMCs and planar transformer/inductor layouts as per ISRO guidelines and submit for SAC approval. / √
7 / Review and approve the layout design of PCB, HMCs and planar transformer/inductor. / √
8 / Carry out the Package design for EPC and HMCs and submit for SAC approval. / √
9 / Review the package design for EPC and HMCs submitted by vendor and give clearance for usage. / √
10 / Carry out thermal analysis to ensure reliable operation of EPC over specified temperature range and submit for SAC approval. / √
11 / Review the thermal analysis carried out by vendor and give clearance for fabrication. / √
12 / Development and fabrication of test jigs and test setups for the testing of EPCs. Test jigs and test setups and submit for SAC approval. / √
13 / Review and approve the test jig circuits and test setups prepared by vendor for the testing of the EPCs. / √
14 / Fabrication of HMCs. / √
15 / Fabrication of PCBs and planar transformer/inductors. / √
16 / Wiring and assembly of Proto EPCs. / √
17 / Testing of Prototype EPC as per given test plan. It will be the responsibility of the vendor to demonstrate the full compliance to the specifications. / √
18 / Review the test results of Prototype EPC and give clearance for development of DVM EPCs. / √
19 / Complete the actions arising out of non-conformances at various stages to the satisfaction of SAC. It will be vendor’s responsibility to obtain the necessary approvals/clearances from SAC at every stage. / √
20 / Fabrication and testing of DVM EPCs as per given test plan. / √
21 / Review the test results of DVM EPCs and give clearance for shipment. / √

2.0  Deliverables

a)  Hardware

Following hardware shall be delivered by the Vendor to SAC stores after the review and acceptance of the test results by SAC.

Sr. No. / Item / Quantity
1 / Proto-type EPCs / 1
2 / DVM EPCs / As per table in
Exhibit C
3 / Test jigs developed for the functional testing of HMCs and EPCs / All test jigs developed for this contract

b)  Documents

One hard copy and soft copy of the following documents shall be supplied by the vendor.

Sr. No. / Document to be supplied along with bid
1 / Vendor has to provide the feasibility analysis report to accommodate the EPC circuit within the weight and volume specified in Exhibit-B of this RFP.
2 / Documents supporting the vendor’s prior experience for the design and development and qualification of Power Electronics Hybrids and Electronic Power Conditioners have to be submitted at the time of quotation.
3 / Certificate for HMC and PCB fabrication line certified by ISRO shall be produced by the vendor. If any of the processes to be used require any Incremental Process Qualification, it shall be clearly identified in the bid.
Sr. No. / Documents to be provided during stages of realization of Proto/DVM EPCs
1 / Procurement specifications of components, materials, package etc.
2 / SAC approved layout of PCBs, HMCs, Planar magnetic/Inductor in CAD format.
3 / Final schematic diagram of EPC circuit.
4 / SAC approved package drawing of HMCs and EPC in CAD format.
5 / Report on thermal analysis.
6 / Test jig drawings in CAD format.
7 / Final test plan document.
Sr. No. / Documents to be provided along with deliverables
1 / Detailed test report of all deliverable EPCs.
2 / Certificate of compliance for all deliverable EPCs.
3 / Copy of failure/deviation analysis reports, if any.
4 / Circuit drawing and interface details of test jig for HMCs and EPC.

3.0  Other terms and conditions

1.  Prior experience of design and development and qualification of Power Electronics Hybrids and Electronic Power Conditioners is mandatory and relevant supporting documents regarding experience has to be submitted at the time of quotation.

2.  The present RFP is for the development and fabrication of DVM hybridized EPCs. This will be followed by fabrication and testing of flight model units. Hence vendors which are qualified for the fabrication and testing of space grade HMCs, PCBs and packages shall only be considered.

3.  Vendor should provide point-by-point compliance to all the requirements as mentioned in Annexure-II, without which their offer shall not be considered.

4.  SAC/ISRO reserves the right to review the progress of work at any time.

5.  SAC reserves the right to modify any part of the design as per project requirements.

6.  In case of any modification to be incorporated during development it should be mutually discussed and agreed upon before implementation.

7.  Vendor has to provide the feasibility analysis report to accommodate the EPC circuit within the weight and volume specified in Exhibit-B of this RFP at the time of quotation.

8.  Vendor shall submit their offer in two parts, i.e. Part-1: Technical proposal including all the details given in commercial proposal without prices (Prices should be masked). and Part-2: Commercial proposal.

Note: Both the proposals should be submitted in separate sealed covers.

9.  Onreceivingtheproperquotationsanddetailsfromthevendor,SACmayhold detailedtechnical discussionswith vendorifrequired.

10.  SAC reserves the right to parallely enter into PO contract with more than one technically qualified vendor.

11.  The vendor shall provide warranty of minimum one year from the date of acceptance of EPC towards the supply of hardware, which is free from any faults in material, workmanship etc. and is in accordance to the applicable specifications and drawings etc.

12.  Intellectual property right for EPC developed by vendor shall rest with SAC, ISRO.

13.  Vendor shall furnish undertaking that the design shall not be used / disclosed in part or full for any other purpose.

14.  As a part of evaluation of offers SAC team may visit and assess the facilities in order to execute the work as detailed in RFP.

4.0 Additional Requirement from Vendors:

(1) In Phase-2 of EPC development at a later stage, SAC may decide for qualification and

Flight Model (FM) production. It is mandatory that the vendor have their HMC and PCB

fabrication lines certified by ISRO.

(2) Certificate for HMC and PCB fabrication line certified by ISRO shall be produced by the vendor along with the bid. If any of the processes to be used require any Incremental Process Qualification, it shall be clearly identified in the proposal.

(3) EPC circuit consists of high power DC-DC converter with currents ranging upto 12A, hence

it is desirable for the vendor to have qualification for following HMC processes also for

Phase-2 development:

a.  Aluminum wire bonding and/or Gold ribbon bonding

b.  Double side hybrid with printed through holes for increased packaging density.


Electrical and Mechanical Specifications of EPC

1.0  Introduction

TRM EPC consists of two multi-output DC-DC converters namely low power DC-DC converter and high power DC-DC converter generating total five pulse and three continuous outputs. The raw bus input to EPC is 60V to 75V DC. Low power DC-DC converter consists of four basic outputs (+5V, +5.7V, +9V, -5.7V). +5.7V and -5.7V basic outputs are followed by low dropout regulators. +5V and +9V outputs of low power converter are followed pulse modulators to generate pulse outputs (+5V Tx/Rx, +5V Rx and +8V Tx). High Power DC-DC converter consists of two basic outputs (+52V, +29V) followed by pulse modulators to generate pulse outputs (+50V Tx, +28V Tx).

The block schematic of EPC and part list is given in Figure-1 and Annexure-1 respectively. The electrical and mechanical specifications are placed as under.

2.0  Electrical and Mechanical Specifications of EPC

2.0.1 Electrical Specifications of EPC

(1) InputVoltage : 60V to 75VDC, nominal 70VDC

(2) Total OverallEfficiency : Betterthan80% @ Full load and 70V Input voltage

(3) Busprotection : AppropriateFuseis to be provided attheinputline.

(4) Over Power/ Over Current : EPC will turn OFF whenever total output power exceeds Protection the rated power by more than 25%.

(5) Operating Temperature Range : -15°Cto+65°C Note: (The design should be such that the

EPC can Turn-on even in extreme cold conditions of ~ -30°C,

though may not meet specifications)

(6) Tele-commands : Interface through opto-isolators with dedicated i/p lines

for EPC ON and EPC OFF commands. Pulse signal with

100±10 msec duration shall activate the respective

command line. EPC should not turn ON/OFF with

voltage pulses of duration less than 5msec on tele-command lines. Following telecommand interface circuit should be used in EPC.

(7) Telemetry : 4.5±0.5VoutputforONstatusand 0V for OFF status

is provided to indicate the ON/OFF status of EPC.

(8) Controlsignalsforpulsedoutputs : Followingfigureshowstheelectrical interfaceforthe

controlsignalsfor pulsed outputs. Returns of these

signalsmustbeconnectedwiththe commonoutput


(9) InputInrushCurrent : Inputinrushcurrentshouldbeapproximately 1.25

times thenominalinput currentatfullloadwhile

issuingof ONCommandaswellasduringthe output

control pulse signals are activated.

(10) Ext.Freq.Synchronizationport : Interface through isolation transformer. EPC should be able

to synchronize with a 4.5V±0.5V (Isource=2mA)external

sync.Signal with 10% duty at 195± 5 kHz frequency. In the absence of an external synchronization signal the converter

shouldoperateatitsown internally set frequency. When

external synchronization is not desiredthesync.input

portcanbe leftopen.

(11) ThermalConsideration : EPC package should beableto handle its own power

dissipation withoutexternalheatsinkat65°C base


(12) Inputcurrentat70VDCI/P

BeforeONcommandisissued : 4mA

Withoutanyload : TBD

Withaveragebutw/opulseload : TBD

Withaverageandpulseload : TBD :

(13) OutputVoltage/Currentrequirement

anddetailspecifications : Aspertable-1

(14) Isolation : 100Megohms (min.) at 500V DC [Isolationbetweeninput

(i.e.Rawbus and on/off command line) and output.]

Chassis should be isolated from raw bus return.

2.0.2 Mechanical requirements of the EPC

Parameter / Specification
Tentative Package Size (max.) +1 / ≤ 155mm X 132mm X 55mm
Tentative Weight (max.) +1 / 800gms
Interface +2 / Number of connectors and its locations are to be finalized through mutual discussion and agreements.
Material / Alluminium alloy 6061T651
Surface treatment / Black Anodization on all surfaces

Note: +1 Vendor should try to minimize the size and weight of EPC.

+2 Chassis GND (an electrical connection to the EPC mechanical housing) is

required to be brought out on a pin of D-sub connector


Tentative OutputVoltageandCurrentrequirementsofEPC

Parameter / O/P-1 / O/P-2 / O/P-3 / O/P-4 / O/P-5 / O/P-6 / O/P-7 / O/P-8
Input Voltage / 60 to 75VDC (nominal 70VDC)
O/P Voltage / +50V / +28V / +8V / +5V / +5V / +5V / -5V / +5V
Condition / Tx
(0 to +50V) / Tx
(0 to +28V) / Tx
(0 to +8V) / Tx/Rx
(0 to +5V) / Rx
(0 to +5V) / CW / CW / CW
O/P Current (A) / 6 to12
(nominal 10) / 1.25 to 2.5
(nominal1.75) / 0.1  to 0.2
(nominal 0.15) / 0.15 to 0.3
(nominal 0.225) / 0.075 to0.15
(nominal 0.112) / 0.15 to 0.3
(nominal 0.22) / 0.075 to0.15
(nominal 0.112) / 0.05 to 0.1
Configuration 1
Min. Pulse width(µsec) / 12 / 12 / 12 / 12/526 / 526 / -- / -- / --
Min. Duty cycle
(%) / 2.22 / 2.22 / 2.22 / 2.22/ 97.4 / 97.4 / -- / -- / --
Min. PRF (Hz) / 1850 / 1850 / 1850 / 1850 / 1850 / -- / -- / --
Configuration 2
Max. Pulse width(µsec) / 42 / 42 / 42 / 42/356 / 356 / -- / -- / --
Max. Duty cycle
(%) / 10.5 / 10.5 / 10.5 / 10.5/89 / 89 / -- / -- / --
Max. PRF (Hz) / 2500 / 2500 / 2500 / 2500 / 2500 / -- / -- / --
Line Regulation
(60 to 75V DC) / ±1%
Load Regulation** / ±2% / ±1.5% / ±1% / ±1% / ±1% / ±1% / ±1% / ±1%
Regulation / ±1% (-15°C to +65°C)
O/P Voltage
Accuracy / ±100mV
O/P droop including transient # / 1V / 500mV / 200mV / 200mV / 200mV / -- / -- / --
Ripple (max.) # / 100mV
O/P voltage rise time (max.) # / 1µsec / 1µsec / 1µsec / 1µsec / 1µsec / -- / -- / --
O/P voltage fall time
(max.) # / 1µsec / 1µsec / 1µsec / 1µsec / 1µsec / -- / -- / --

** Load regulation is specified for 50% to 100% variation in pulsed output current for all pulsed outputs. All Measurements will be carried out at load end with load kept ~20cm away from EPC output connector.