First author et al./ Applied Engineering Letters X (201X) XX-XX


Authors1 (Calibri 12 pt, bold,left alignment)

1Afiliation, country (Calibri 11 pt, left alignment)

Abstract should summarize the content of the paper in not more than 200 words. It is obligatory for an abstract to contain the basic information about: the paper itself, aims, experiment description, applied research methods, meaningful research results and conclusion. Use short, concrete and clear sentences.
Abstract should be concise and in a letter form, if possible. It should be informative, giving the overview and explanation of the conclusion, results or meaningful details of the depicted work. To not write the paper in the first person; do not use mathematical formulae in the abstract, do not cite references and try to avoid the use of acronyms.
Use this document as a“template” for MS Word, version 97 or more recent (Calibri 11 pt, Normal). / ARTICLE HISTORY
Available ….
List 5-8 keywords that reflect the research problem, separated by commas. The given text should be aligned left (Calibri 10 pt, normal).


First author et al./ Applied Engineering Letters X (201X) XX-XX

  1. INTRODUCTION (capital LETTERS – CALIBRI 11 PT, BOLd), left alignment
This section emphasizes the importance of the research and hitherto research in the given filed.
This instruction is intended for authors and the document itself is prepared using the necessary format. The paper is required to be written according to instructions in order to be published in Applied Engineering Letters journal.

The length of the paper should be 4 to 10 pages.

The paper should be written in two columns, A4 format, left and right alignment, using “single spacing“(Calibri 11 pt).

Margin size should be 20mm. The width of each column should be 8cm, and the space between columns must be 1cm (Format>Columns).

  1. the main title (capital letters – CALIBRI 11 pt, bold) – left alignement

Each paragraph is 5mm indented according to the instruction (Format>Paragraph>Indents and Spacing>Special: First line by 5 mm). Leave one blank line before and after the title and subtitles.

Avoid the use of titles at the bottom of the columns, with the text beginning in the next column or on the next page.

2.1Subtitle (Calibri 11 pt, bold) – left alignment

Do not use further subdivisions, e.g. 2.1.1. Use Word program “Equations editor“ for formulae (size 11 pt). Use font size 8pt for indexes and superscripts. The cited text should be written in italic form, size 11pt.

Mathematical formulae should be centred and numbered starting from number 1, which will be set along the right margin of the column, such as in (1):


Equations are separated from the rest of the text by 6pt, such as (Format>Paragraph>Indents and Spacing>Spacing>Before 6 pt, After 6 pt).

All numbers and parentheses in the text and formulae have to be written in regular font form. All variables: a, b, ... , x, y, z should be in italic, while mathematical operators and functions should be vertical, such as:

,, , , , (2)

Indexes should be adjusted according to the already mentioned rules, i.e. if an index is a number or a letter it should be in regular form. If an index contains a symbol or a variable, it has to be set in italic form, e.g.:


SI units are strongly desirable. Avoid combining of different measurement units. Units should be typed in regular form as in the example:


Figures should be limited to the width of one column. If it is necessary, they may be widened across both columns for better view. Set figures as close as possible to the part of the text which makes reference to them.

  1. Materials and methods(capital letters– calibri 11 pt, bold) – left alignment

This section is related to methods used for conducting research. It is obligatory to cite the author of the applied method.

Figures need to be numerated, with caption, and inserted into the text. They should be centred (Format Object + Layout + In line with text) and separated from the general text by6 pt (FormatParagraphIndents and SpacingSpacingBefore 6 pt, After 6 pt). Captions are to be written below the figures and separated from the text by 6 pt (FormatParagraphIndents and Spacing>Spacing> After 6 pt).

Fig. 1. Caption text (Calibri 10 pt) – centred

It is desirable to use drawings and photos of high quality. Moreover, it is highly important for all the figure numbers and characters to be of a good quality, clearly visible and size(≈ 8 – 10 pt), that is, approximately equal to the size of the remaining text.

Table 1.Caption text (Calibri 10 pt) – left alignment

Control factors / Units / Level I / Level II / Level III
(A) Load / N / 20 / 30
(B) Sliding speed / m/s / 0.25 / 0.5 / 1.0
(C) Sliding distance / M / 30 / 90 / 150

All tables should be adjusted to the text, column text should be centred, and tables numbered.

The tables should be set as close as possible to the part of the text which makes reference to them. Large tables may span across both columns.

Table caption should be set above the table, as specified in the example. The width of all table lines, also including the outside lines, should be 1/2 pt. Text and numbers inside the table should be written in Calibri, 10 pt.

Avoidance of footnotes is recommended. Instead, try to incorporate footnote information in the text.

  1. results and discussion(capital letters – calibri 11 pt, bold) – left alignment

This section lists and explains the obtainedresearch results. Also, it is desirable to compare the obtainedresults with other authors' results.


Although it is possible for conclusion to contain the main points of the paper, do not repeat abstract as conclusion. Conclusion may emphasize the significance of the paper, its application and further research possibilities.


References should be numbered and listed in the order in which they appear in the text. Citations should be numbered in square brackets, e.g. [1], [3,5], [7-12] etc. All references must be directly connected to the text.

Reference style Text: Indicate references by number(s) in square brackets in line with the text.

List: Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.

Reference to a journal publication:

[1]M.K. Abbass, M.J. Fouad, Study of wear behaviour of aluminium alloy matrix nanocomposites fabricated by powder technology, Eng. Technol. J., 32 (7), 2014: 1720–1732.

Reference to a book:

[1]W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style, fourth ed., Longman, New York, 2000.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

[1]B. Stojanovic, J. Glisovic, Automotive Engine Materials, in: S. Hashmi (Ed.), Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, Oxford, 2016, pp.1–9.

Doctoral dissertations and master's theses:

[1]A.A. Vencl, The Research of the Al-Si Alloys Tribological Properties Improvement Possibilities in Sliding Conditions (Ph.D. Thesis), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 2007.


[1]D. Mikić, E. Desnica, A. Ašonja, Ž. Adamović, Monitoring the State of the Technical o System in the Exploitation, IV International Conference Industrial Engineering And Environmental Protection 2014 (IIZS 2014), 15th October, 2014, Zrenjanin, Serbia, pp.179-188.

Reference to a website:

[1]Business Communications Company, RGB-108N Metal Matrix Composites in the 21st Century: Markets and Opportunities, 2006. (accessed 15.04.2016).


First author et al./ Applied Engineering Letters X (201X) XX-XX