Community Preservation Committee
Minutes of February 4, 2014
Members present: Louise Tremblay, Harvey Gagnon, Mark Pease, Linda Kawa, Brian Bond, George Malonis. John Hassan , Glen Edwards, Assistant Town Manager, and the recording secretary, Cheryl Fleury, were also present. The meeting was held in the Historical Building at 1660
Lakeview Avenue, Dracut, MA.
Absent: Chairperson Helen Dunlap, and Ken Lania
The Vice Chairperson Louise Tremblay opened the meeting at 7:05 PM.
Open Space
52A Avis Avenue
Glen Edwards, reported an email from Gail Fox on the Avis Avenue property. She is currently waiting for Cornerstone Engineering to finish the survey of lot 52 and 52A to create two single family residential lots, 40,000 sq. ft. with required 175 ft. of frontage on Avis Avenue. She has a P&S Agreement, but the sale is contingent upon both lots meeting the approval of the town. She said once, they are sold then Cornerstone Engineering will complete the Conceptual drawing for the purpose of an appraisal.
Glens Edwards concerns are that we need time even after the completing the appraisal to hold public hearings and inform both the town leadership and public of the value of property. He said that an article for the June 2nd Town Meeting has to be submitted by April 18th Town Meeting. He said if we miss this then the next Town Meeting will not be until November 3rd.
George Malonis reported he reached out to Dana Taplin who is cutting the hay on the land and no further update was available.
Affordable Housing
144 Greenmont Avenue&1530 Bridge Street/update
Brian Bond reported the Feasibility Study that was conducted by the Women’s Institute of
Housing and Economic Development. Brian said it was a positive report. They brought up
funding sources by using tax credits and funding on the property. Brian said DHA will
gather all their information and put in a formal request to meet with Community Preservation
sometime in March. He said that an article for June Town Meeting has to be submitted by
April 18th and if we move forward on this to schedule Public Hearings.
Article#2-1 Motion to Deferred Intervale Park article to June 2014 Town Meeting
George Malonis reported he will update the committee next meeting.
George Malonis reported on Recreation that he reached out Lori Cahill on the status of the
Watermark Company, but no further update on engineering prices.
Old Business
Discuss Jan 28th Meeting with Selectmen
George Malonis reported he represented the Committee at the Jan 28th Selectmen meeting. He said the meeting was in terms of questioning the Recreational selection process criteria.
Harvey Gagnon brought to the meeting a Community Preservation Policies and Procedures book which has documents on our selection process criteria. George said that the meeting went well and the Selectmen had a better understanding of our selection process. George said he would update the CPC book and circulate to the Committee.
Discuss Jan30th Meeting with Capital Planning
Louise Tremblay reported that Helen Dunlap discussed the 9 projects at the Jan 30th Capital Planning meeting. The projects were as follows:
1. DHS Track
2. Garrison/Richardson Property (316 Richardson Rd)
3. Grange Hall Historical Building
4. Historical/Open Space(324 Broadway Rd)
5. Proprietors Rd/Fox Property(385-400 Proprietors Rd)
6. Senior Housing Project on Greenmont Ave
7. Kenwood Ski Tow (766 Arlington St)
8. Dadak Field/Dianna Lane
9. Alden & Ester Fox (52A Avis Ave)
Fox Property - 324 Broadway Rd.
George Malonis has not been able to reach Warren Fox and no further update was available.
Kenwood Ski Tow – Burgess Property
George Malonis said he reached out to Attorney Nigro and no further update was available.
Signage for CPC Properties/update
John Hassan reported he contacted the Greater Lowell Tech Graph Dept. after the Committee agreed on the signage last meeting. John said they are going to make 20 signs, but have not received a price. He said the price will determine if we use the Administrative funds or put an article on for Town Meeting.
John Hassan reached out to Mike Buxton, DPW, and they are unable to build the signage.
He said the GLT Graphic Art Department will be building the whole process for the signage.
John Hassan said he sent an email to the GLT Graphic Art Department on the size of the signage, style and price. John will update the Committee the following meeting.
New Business
Annual Report due Feb. 14th
Glen Edwards reported that Helen sent out an email to the Committee on the Annual Report that is due at the Town Hall by February 14th.
Recording secretary, Cheryl Fleury reported that she will mail the Annual Report to Louise Tremblay, Linda Kawa and Harvey Gagnon, per their request.
CPA Coalition Dues
Louise Tremblay made a motion to approve payment of the CPA Coalition dues $2,875. John Hassan seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Harvey Gagnon reported Grange Hall no further update was available.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of January 7, 2014. Louise Tremblay made a motion to
approve, Brian Bond seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of January 21, 2014. John Hassan made a motion to
approve, Brian Bond seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Minutes June 3, 2013 - tabled until Ken Lania can report them to the Committee.
Louise Tremblay motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00PM. Brian Bond seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.