Minutes of Friends of the Arts Committee Meeting
8th September 2008
Present: FOTA Committee - Joanna Gordon, Katie Ormson, Denise Hoyle, Marje Duray, Anna Cheong, Mary Dorgan, Sherry Steiner, Lisa Barsumian, Liz Cawley, Marie-Louise Bang, Ilse Willems, Corinne Ott. Faculty - Hal Halvorsen, Neal Yocom, Gillan Lynch, Cora Enard, James Wilson, Chris Chater, Debra Dalla Santa, Amy Gamlen (NB: Some MS and US faculty were away on field trips.) Other Volunteers - Beth Babin, Betsy Bladwell, Julia Mullins, Kerstin Lekander, Patti DeBoer, Dawn Patrick.
1. Introduction of faculty & FOTA members
Arts faculty and new FOTA members introduced themselves. After the meeting Liz Cawley joined the committee as Vice Chairman and third MS Liaison. In addition Diena Kaser offered to help Marie-Louise Bang as a Lower School Representative. Thanks very much ladies! The full FOTA Committee for this year is attached.
2. Calendar of Arts Events/FOTA Activities 2008-09
We went through the tentative calendar of events that FOTA will be involved in during 2008-09 (copy attached). The only changes at present were the US Open House is now on the 17th October and the LS Open House is on the 25th September.
3. AMIS Choir Festival – 8th – 12th October
Hal Halvorsen briefly explained what help he requires with the festival. This topic was covered in more detail by the Festival team at a later meeting. The main issue for the committee is to assist in HOUSING requirements for the 70+ Middle School boys attending, especially now we have been told that three sports events will be taking place at the same time, requiring housing as well.
4. Arts Faculty Wish List
Following Mary Lou Bradley’s request last year for a ‘wish list’ from the Arts Faculty, the following topics were raised:
· Digital Harpsicord Proposal - Chris Chater proposed the purchase of a Digital Harpsicord. It costs 2,500 euros. He already has a donation from a departing family of 1,000 euros and is looking for the balance. After discussion, the committee it was decided that his proposal should go first to the LS Director.
· Piano - Neal Yocom informed the committee that the band room needed a new piano. It was decided that he should initially produce a proposal to be submitted to his Director.
· Music Practice Room - James Wilson brought up the ongoing proposal that the space between Neal and Hal’s room, at the top of the stairs, be converted into a small, additional music practice room. The music department is putting together a proposal to convert this space and would like FOTA support for their idea.
· Prefab Music Classroom - Neal and Hal told FOTA about the current sorry state of this music room. It houses the string ensemble for Lower School and leaks badly. They want FOTA support for their request to get this room improved.
· Media Room – James Wilson explained his proposal to divide the current media room with thick glass to be able to hold two separate classes at the same time. The smaller class could also double up as an excellent recording studio when performers are in the other area.
· Visiting Artists – Debra Della Santa talked about wanting to bring in visiting artists, in all areas of the arts; music, art, theatre. The idea is to have someone in the school for a ‘resident week’ working with students in all sections of the school. She also suggested the idea of a fund-raising activity using visual arts; eg dressing teddy bears.
· Usher Shirts for PAC - Hal explained his proposal for new, smart “usher” polo t-shirts for PAC. At present help at concerts is not organized and Hal would like to get High Schoolers looking for CAS hours to help and get them to wear identical shirts. There is often problems with the audience at events entering from the wrong doors, etc, and official-looking ushers would be a great improvement. Hal will look at a catalogue, pricing and get back to FOTA with a proposal.
· PAC Sound - James Wilson brought up the subject of on-stage monitoring speakers in the PAC. This would be a cost of 1,200 euros and would benefit all areas of the arts. The speakers would enable performers to hear the music being played – at present the acoustic system does not allow this. Gillian Lynch confirmed that the speakers were in the operating budget for the next school year.
NB: It should be noted that although FOTA does not have a large budget to work with, we do have plenty of willing hands! We hope the faculty knows that we are enthusiastic in our support of the Arts, ready and willing, with a wide variety of skills within the group, to enhance the great Arts Program at ASP. Any request for specific funding from FOTA should go through a similar channel as requests to the PFA; a request form should be completed and then signed by the respective School Head before being submitted to FOTA. A copy of the form is attached and will be available via the website shortly. However fundraising is not, and will not, be the main focus of this group. Thanks!
5. Class Lists from Arts Teachers
Joanna asked for the remaining class lists from Gillian and Neal. Still to request ceramics, digital music, IB Art. (Various class lists attached) After the meeting Neal’s lists arrived.
6. Website
Joanna explained that an ongoing project is to get the FOTA webpage updated. FOTA also offered help in an initial upgrade of the Arts web pages with photos from the calendar, etc. Chris suggested linking the FOTA page into the Galleries. The final FOTA page will include:
· meeting dates
· minutes
· music lessons – links to US, MS, LS music teachers who will recommend tutors
· Links to the ARTS; drama, choir, visual arts
· Arts Faculty page with photos
· Arts Events/FOTA Activities Calendar
7. Nutcracker
Gillian, Marje and Sherrie updated the committee on what was happening with this show. Hal confirmed that protective linoleum will be laid on the floor in the PAC prior to the performance. US and LS will attend one performance, MS another. FOTA will need to organize refreshments for the participants.
8. Recycling
Jim Denisen asked FOTA members to keep their dry-cleaning plastic for him to wrap his clay. Marie-Louise Bang added that Debra Della Santa wanted any old men’s work shirts to use as art shirts.
9. Lower School French Teachers
Marie-Louise Bang passed on a request by the Lower School French teachers for donations of costumes, sets, etc as resources for the plays they develop as part of the language program. The costumes held in the costume department are generally for older students.
10. New Reception Art Work
Marie-Louise also asked if the art work in the Reception area could be looked at and changed/improved. As a showcase for the Arts at ASP it was not felt that this area is utilized fully.
11. TV in cafeteria
The question was raised about the video played on the TV in the cafeteria. It appears at present to be a repeat of the news. FOTA wondered whether it could be replaced with films of ASP performances or other artistic themes; ballet, art shows, music concerts, etc
12. Budget
Katie briefly went through the budget. Calendar sales are at 1,200 euros to date. An amount of 1,000 euros has been set aside for the AMIS Choir Festival.
13. Volunteer Lists
Joanna passed on the good news that there are 60+ volunteers on her list! (A full list is attached for each Liaison to contact directly for help.) Where possible the specific area of interest for the volunteer is noted. If anyone wishes to make a blanket request for help, Joanna has all email addresses entered into a FOTA Volunteer Group on her system and can forward an email.
14. FOTA Calendar
It was noted that yet again this year there was a mad rush to get the calendar ready on time. It was decided that Joanna would find a volunteer to take on this task who would collect artwork each month, so have all the artwork ready before the end of the school year. Artwork should come from a variety of the arts, and from a varied section of the school. James Wilson offered to look at his calendar program on the MAC to see if it was superior to the one used by Hal. After the meeting Beth Babin offered to take on the role of collecting artwork and Julia Mullins offered to input the data.
15. Further Fund Raiser - Cards
Last year Aaron suggested that FOTA raise money by printing cards using ASP artwork. These had been done in the past and proven to be a great money-raiser. After the meeting Liz Cawley offered to head up this project. Pam Smith also offered to help.
16. Procedures
FOTA’s procedures for setting up, booking and holding receptions were passed out, along with request forms for supplies. RE Supplies from Nicci Brennickmeyer – the form should be used as a guide, but it is easier to send in a request via email directly to Nicci at . A copy of this form is available on the PFA webpage.