QWS update #2 February 18, 2008

Skeena Quality Waters Strategy

Thanks to all of you who met with me at stakeholder meetings orcontacted me by phone and email during the past two months.
I have learned an incredible amount about steelhead angling and itsimportance to the communities that live along the SkeenaRiver.
The Skeena Quality Waters Strategy website is now live. Visit:
Take some time to inform yourself about the issue and download andread the brochure, which will also be available in your community andat public meetings.
The open house / public meetings will be held between February 25 andMarch 1, 2008. Notices are appearing in area papers and there will bemedia coverage. For a schedule of the meetings, go to: or see below.
As part of the consultation process, we urge you to become informedand then fill out a Response Form that can be found at:
Printed copies of the response form will be available at the OpenHouse / Public Meetings.
Following consultation with public and stakeholder groups, WorkingGroups, composed of local resident anglers and angling guides willdevelop Angling Management Plans, which will be brought back to thepublic for review in the fall of 2008. There will be three groups fordifferent parts of the SkeenaRiver watershed -- Terrace/PrinceRupert/Kitimat, Hazelton, and Smithers/Houston. To be eligible, groupmembers must show:

* knowledge of the waters under discussion
* endorsement by their angling peers
* ability to focus on local-level planning
* agreement with the principles, goals, rules of engagement andtimeline for the process

I strongly encourage you to consider getting involved in theseWorking Groups. For more information, go to:
If you need any other information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Alan Dolan BSc, MSc
Facilitator, Skeena Quality Waters Strategy
Alan Dolan & Associates

Open House 5-7 pm, Public Meeting 7-9 pm
Feb 25, 2008 Houston - Seniors' Centre, 3250 14th St
Feb 26, 2008 Smithers - Hudson Bay Lodge, 3251 Highway 16
Feb 27, 2008 Hazelton - Kispiox Valley Hall, Kispiox Rd
Feb 28, 2008 Terrace - Coast Inn of the West, 4620
Lakelse Ave
Feb 29, 2008 Kitimat - Kitimat River Lodge Community Centre
Open House 12-2 pm, Public Meeting 2-4 pm
March 1, 2008 Prince Rupert - Highliner Plaza, 815 1st Ave W