Clifton Community Woman’s Club
Please complete this form and return it, along with your check, for the membership dues. Your application and dues will keep your membership active for the full club year (September through June).
I, ______(please print), am applying for:
New Member: Day Unit____ Night Unit____ $80.00(Includes $15 for namebadge) *
Renewal of Membership: Day ____Night____ $65.00(Indicate your unit)
Associate Status: ____$75.00(Add a short note of explanation)
Committees: Please choose at least one committee.
Arts:___ Fine Arts___ Performing ArtsHome Life:
Awards______Artemis House
Charitable Giving______Kate Hanley Family Shelter
Communication: ___ Newsletter___Health Notes
___Publicity___Senior CommunityActivity
___YearbookInternational Affairs(Great Decisions)___
Conservation & Gardening___Membership ___
Education: Schools ___Scholarships___Museum Liaison ___
Finance___Programs: ___Day Unit ____Night Unit
Helping Hands___Public Affairs (Crime Prevention Local Legislation) ____ Ways & Means: ___Clifton Day ___ Homes Tour
Optional Activities:
Book Club___ Bridge Club___ Bunco Club ___
The following information is for the CCWC Directory only and is not sold or given to others.
If you are renewing your membership, please update as needed.
Address ______City______Zip______
Phone (H) ______(C) ______If married, spouse’s name ______
Birthday Month______Day______E-mail ______
I understand that as a member of the CCWC, I shall:
1)participate in the CCWC Homes Tour as a hostess;
2) participate in the Senior Citizens monthly events;
3) serve on at least one committee; and
4) attend a minimum of five club meetings during the year.
Signature ______Date______
If you are being sponsored by a current member, please supply her name: ______
PLEASE make your CHECK payable to CCWC. Return your CHECK & THIS FORM to:
CCWC, P. O. Box 229, Clifton, VA 20124
*New membership dues will be pro-rated for those joining after December as follows:
Jan – April: $32.50 +$15 = $$47.50 May – June: $10 + $15 = $25