Town of Greenville Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
January 27, 2009
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM
Roll Call: Peter O’Hara/Chair, Ken Elsbree, Arnie Cavallaro, Reginald Ratcliff, Marlin Henry/Secretary. Absent: Kathleen Whitley-Harm, Tal Rappleyea, Esq.
The Chair advised that Ken Elsbree will chair the February meeting of the Planning Board. Peter will provide the agenda beforehand.
A quorum of three was present to begin the meeting; Reginald Ratcliffe appeared shortly thereafter.
Review of November 25, 2008 meeting minutes:
Motion to accept November minutes as written:
Motion: Ken Elsbree
Second: Arnie Cavallaro
In Favor: 3; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Although not on the agenda, the Board spoke briefly with Keith and Jessica Abrams, proprietors of Greene in Green, in regard to wind turbines and ordinances; literature regarding the Skystream 1.9 kW residential power appliance was provided to the Board members.
Old Business:
There were no cases carried over from the previous meeting.
New Business:
Case 2009-01 YESCHE NYING PO, INC.
5345 Route 81, Greenville
Site Plan Review - entrance gate structure (RR Zone)
Renderings of the traditional 20’ entrance gate were presented by representatives of the Yesche Nying Po, Inc. Bill Silk received the permit application. State highway regulation is 25’ from center of Route 81. Although there are no specific ordinances; the building inspector, architect and engineer are knowledgeable of required codes and regulations.
After the Planning Board reviewed the drawings, a public hearing was scheduled for February 19th meeting.
Report from County Planning Board:
Arnie Cavallaro advised that he was not permitted to participate at the County Planning Board without a resolution from the Town Board. The Chair advised him to ask the Town Clerk to bring it before the Town Board at their next meeting.
1) “City and Towns” publication is available online and by mail; application forms for the February conference in NYC are available in the magazine or on line.
2) Marlin will update the Planning Board directory and forward it by email to all members.
3) A review of new applications and procedures will be held over to the March meeting when Peter will be present and to have Tal’s in-put.
4) After minutes are approved, Marlin will email them to Diane to post on the webpage.
5) The Comprehensive Plan is close to completion. The meeting to review the full draft Plan, previously scheduled for February, will be rescheduled to March. The meeting will include the Town Board, the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals; a public hearing will be scheduled thereafter.
6) Ken Elsbree advised that he recently attended a SEQR presentation where he learned of forms for negative declarations. Tal will be consulted at the next meeting regarding completion requirements and his recommendation.
Motion to Adjourn Meeting
Motion: Arnie Cavallaro
Second: Ken Elsbee
In Favor: 4; Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.