B&Q Cub Scout Activity Pack: Notes to leaders

The Cub Scout DIY Activity Badge resource pack has been designed to help steer Cubs through the Badge. All the criteria that Cubs need to meet to achieve the badge are contained within the resource pack.

Please adhere to the following health and safety guidance when working on any of the activities contained within this resource:

Whenever carrying out any DIY activity always wear suitable protective equipment, eg gloves, goggles and dust masks (eg when sanding)

Give clear instructions on the task and the risks involved, eguse of saws, knives or hammers

Demonstrate the safe use and checking the condition of the tools, eg if using knives cut away from yourself and be careful of people near by.

Supervise the activity to ensure children are using tools carefully and wearing the correct protective equipment

Always was hands after any DIY activity

Always clamp wood when measuring and attaching

Be aware that plants can be toxic, ask an expert if you are unsure if a plant is toxic

Do not eat plants unless you are sure they are safe to eat, if in doubt speak to an expert.

The pack is designed to give Cubs an all round introduction to DIY and issues around sustainability. It is designed to allow leaders the opportunity to split a group and concentrate on the practical elements, while being able to occupy and entertain the other Cubs with a relevant activity.

There are also group activities and home challenges, which can be used as both at home and within sessions.

Please be aware that you can contact your local B&Q store and join the waste donation scheme, which may allow you to pick up some of the products and equipment needed for free.

The Group Activities are designed with the need for adult supervision in mind.

The answers for the cable plug is a separate download.

The How To guides will allow Cubs to achieve their DIY Activity Badge. These will require adult supervision. Please check with your local B&Q store as selected stores offer free kids classes to Cubs, Beavers and Scouts. Your cubs will be able to access the support of our experts in store.

The independent games can be done at home or in sessions. They allow leaders to supervise some cubs doing more practical activities.