BASICSProgram Graduate Assistant
BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) is a brief motivational intervention for high-risk college students that uses alcohol screening and feedback to reduce problem drinking, excessive drinking, and binge drinking by enhancing motivation to change, promoting healthier choices, reviewing myths and facts about alcohol, and teaching coping skills to moderate drinking. Supervised by the BASICS Program Coordinator, the BASICS Program Graduate Assistant conducts BASICS sessions with students and providesdirect assistance to the BASICS Program Coordinator.
- The BASICSProgram Graduate Assistant will be responsible for facilitating the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS), which is an one-on-one prevention and early intervention program to address drug use and high-risk drinking among indicated students
- Collect and analyze student session data
- Manage Excel, BASICS Feedback and Maxient databases and paperwork for each individual student sessions
- Act as a resource for students that need to utilize campus services
- Facilitate 5 wellness programs each semester
- Attend trainings on motivational interviewing or any other health education area of interest
- Attend weekly supervision meetings with supervisor
- Provides assistance to the Center for Wellness Promotion (CWP) through a variety of tasks, including, but not limited to: typing, organizing, creating marketing materials, delivering presentations to student organizations, academic courses, Greek Life/Residence Halls, outreach and tabling activities, pamphlet tracking and stocking, data collection and entry, program/event planning, bulletin boards, etc.
- Supervise and mentor Center for Wellness Promotion interns, as needed
- Keep a weekly activity log and a monthly log of accomplishments, including events, wellness programs, as the year progresses
- Other duties as assigned
Performance Expectations: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
- Adhere to all departmental and University policies and procedures
- Interest and enthusiasm for college health promotion, ATOD, and student leadership development
- Familiarity with Microsoft applications (Excel)
- Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Maintain office hours reflective of current departmental needs
- Able to work independently and autonomously
- Demonstrates creativity, initiative-taking and flexibility
- Demonstrates critical thinking and problem-solving abilities with an openness to learning
- Ability and willingness to give and receive constructive feedback
- Fulfill the duties outlined in the position job description, and meet reasonable verbal and written expectations given by the supervisor and CWP staff
- Work with direct supervisor to develop a schedule for each semester. Request changes to the schedule, as well as any leave requests, to your supervisor at least one week prior to the proposed change
- Refrain from working on other responsibilities (homework, personal e-mail, other jobs you may have) during your work hours
- Must be a full-time graduate student enrolled at UNC Charlotte with a minimum Undergraduate GPA of 2.8. All disciplines will be considered, though Public Health, Health Administration or Health Communications are most relevant and preferred
- Previous experience in ATOD prevention, peer education, student leadership training or with college health promotion is preferred, but not required
- Applicants must be free from illegal drug use, and be a mature and responsible person.
- Though not required, the CWP prefers applicants to be 1st year graduate students who would be open to a 2 year graduate assistantship, contingent upon satisfactory review process (conducted every semester/year)
Hours and Compensation
- This Graduate Assistantship is a 20-hour per week position at $7,920 for 34 weeks (equates to $11.50 an hour) with a proposed start date of August 23, 2016.
- The CWP requires all Graduate Assistantships to complete a paid week-long orientation and training the week prior to classes starting (M-F, 8am-5pm each day). Pay for this training is in addition to the assistantship stipend listed above
- This position often requires the ability to work independently, with occasional nights and weekends
Application Procedure and Interview Process
Please complete the Online Application, where you will upload your Cover letter, Resume (include GPA and course highlights), 2 Professional Letters of Recommendation and any supporting documents (e.g., examples of work completed, writing sample, fliers and PowerPoints created, etc.).
If selected for interview, the process is as follows:
- A face-to-face or Skype interview
- Invitation to do a health/wellness presentation to CWP staff and campus partners.
Please call the Center for Wellness Promotion at 704-687-7407 for if you have questions or if you would like additional information. Information about the CWP is also available on our website at We appreciate your interest!