Participant Workbook
Table of Contents
WElcome to team vital v
Step 1: Preparation Work1
Section 1 Understanding your Context for Ministry3
Section 2 Claiming Your Purpose and Envisioning a New Future 12
Step 2: Team Vital Session 115
Section 3Vital Worship 21
Section 4 Reaching and Making New Disciples27
Section 5Moving Mission from Asset to Answer35
Section 6Growing Vitality through Small Groups44
Section 7Generosity and Growing Vitality in the Congregation 51
Step 4: Team Vital Session 259
Section 8Finish the Plan – Move into Action 64
Section 9 Resourcing 69
fOLLOW-UP mEETINGS ……………………………………………………………………………………….71
Vital ministry action plan …………………………………………………………………………….75
We believe you will find Team Vital to be a rich and rewarding journey that will empower your congregation to engage and achieve its unique call for making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Team Vital is designed to engage spiritual leaders in creating and implementing a plan to grow a congregation’s vitality. It is a process that is designed to help you assess the strengths of your congregation, explore God’s purpose for you as a church, and carefully look at your context for ministry. By the end of the Team Vital process you will have produced a ministry action plan which will promote vitality and fruitfulness in your congregation and guide your work long into the future.
This workbook will guide you on your journey. Please read it carefully and prayerfully as you prepare for your work. In addition to the manual, each session will have time for guided conversation and sharing with other churches on presentations centered on the five areas of vitality:
As your team embarks on the Team Vital journey together, you will want to use resources on the Team Vital private webpage:
Also the Team Vital overview webpages at Finally, you should not hesitate to contact your Team Vital facilitators if you have questions and/or need more information.
Group facilitator(s): ______
E-mail: ______
Phone: ______
Steps in the Team Vital Process
An Introduction to Team Vital
Vital congregations are those that grow over time, are inwardly transformed andmissionally outbound. These are congregations where life-full stories are being told, where fruitfulness is evidenced, and life-changing ministries are happening. Creating vital congregations is an exciting yet challenging journey that requires ongoing planning for mission and ministry, especially in a time when the resources of time, energy and finances are limited.
Expected Outcomes of Team Vital
·Well-defined understanding of your church ministry assets
·Clear view of your community/mission field
·A Holy-Spirit inspired vision for your church
·Enhanced expertise for doing ministry for the 5 markers of vitality
·An achieved ministry action plan
·A fully-functioning ministry process-improvement strategy
·Stronger connection to other churches in Team Vital
·Increased church vitality!
The Team Vital Process
Planning for ministry is a spiritual process that engages both the leadership of the church and the congregation in prayer, biblical reflection and conversation to discern God’s vision for the church at this particular time and place. The goal of the Team Vital process is to create a guide for ministry that will move a congregation to action in these five areas of vitality:
/ Inspiring worship that invites people into a deeper faith/ Reaching and making new disciples
/ Engaging people to grow their faith through small groups
/ Engaging people in missions
/ Encouraging generosity
Ground Rules
- Be OPEN to the guidance of the Holy Spirit
- Think creatively
- Respect other view points
- Participate actively
- Understand that silence equals agreement
- Stay with the agenda
- Come up with solutions…not problems
- Push beyond the first right answer
Operating Principles
- Be prayerful
- Expect great things
- Attend all sessions
- Engage in working sessions
- Commit to follow-up
- Agree to personal and team accountability
- Keep it simple
- Keep it moving
Words to Use / Words to Avoid
Action / Talk
Results / Reports
Concrete / Theoretical
Solutions / Problems
Accountability / Arbitrary
Can/Will / Might
Opportunities / Obstacles
The goal of Team Vital is to enable local churches to assess who they are as a congregation and the community around them, equip their leadership in understanding the five markers of vitality and create a ministry plan that will lead to vitality. All of which will lead to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Step 1: Preparation Work
To be completed before Team Vital Session 1
- Assess your congregation's context for ministry.
- Assess your congregation's assets for ministry.
- Develop an initial vision for your congregation's ministry
Section 1 Understanding Your Context for Ministry
As you prepare to begin your Team Vital journey you are invited to prepare for the process, explore who you are as a congregationand gain a deeper understanding of your context for ministry. This work should be done both individually and together as a part of your local Team Vital.
Bible Study
Read Acts 2: 41-47 and use the questions below for reflection and conversation.
Those who accepted Peter’s message were baptized. God brought about three thousand people into the community on that day. The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers. A sense of awe came over everyone. God performed many wonders and signs through the apostles.All the believers were united and shared everything. They would sell pieces of property and possessions and distribute the proceeds to everyone who needed them. Every day, they met together in the temple and ate in their homes. They shared food with gladness and simplicity. They praised God and demonstrated God’s goodness to everyone. The Lord added daily to the community those who were being saved. Acts 2:41-47 (CEB)
Questions for Conversation:
- This passage provides one of the earliest descriptions of the church. As you read these verses, what was the church doing so that God would be adding to their number day by day?
- In what ways do you see your congregation living as an “Acts 2” church?
- Name one or two areas where you believe your congregation could grow its ministry to more closely resemble the early church as described in Acts 2.
Register for MissionInsite and create two reports:
- QuickInsite Report
- Quad Report.
If you have not previously registered for MissionInsite, you will find the instructions at Additional instructions are on the MissionInsite web-site: Read and review the Quad and QuickInsite Reports, and discuss together the questions below to get a snap-shot of your community and church.
QuickInsite Report:
Use the information from the QuickInsite Report to complete the following chart on your community:
Community / ChurchPopulation
What is the projected population change (percentage) for your community for the next five years?
In what age groups will you find the greatest shift (either up or down)?
Indicate the breakdown by age group by percentages (note the four categories should equal 100%)
What is the current average age of your community and church?
Children and youth ages 0-17
Young adults ages 18-34
Adults ages 35 to 64
Senior adults ages 65 and over
Indicate the breakdown of the ethnic groups in your community and church by percentages (note the five categories should equal 100%)
Asian (Non-Hispanic)
Black/African American (Non-Hispanic)
Hispanic or Latino
Pacific Island/American Indian/Other (Non-Hispanic)
Average per capita income
Average household income
Anticipated change in the next five years indicated by percentage.
Question for Conversation:
As you review the religiosity theme page, how does this inform the challenge that you face as a congregation in doing ministry in the next 2 – 5 years?
Quad Report:
Review the Quad Report together and discuss the following questions as a team.
Local Church Landscape(pages 7-9 of the Quad Report)
- What do the statistics on Faith and Religious Involvement tell you about your community?
- What does this tell you about the challenges for reaching new people for Jesus Christ?
Program or Ministry Preferences (page 11 of the Quad Report).
- Where are you doing significant ministry that you need to celebrate?
- What interests and assets are already available to meet new areas of ministry in your congregation?
4x4 Neighborhood Walking/Windshield Survey
This activity will generate a fresh, first-hand impression of the neighborhood surrounding the church.
- Select a day when all the members of your Team Vital are available.
- Organize the team in pairs and assign each pair a small section of the neighborhood that they will observe for one hour while they walk, drive or sit.
- Ask each pair to consider:
- What has changed over the last five-ten years?
- Are they seeing anything that surprises them?
- Were they able to notice anything while walking or sitting that they might have missed if they were driving?
- Have the pairs return to the church to debrief, record and discuss what they learned and what it tells them about the future ministry of the church.
Complete the following chart based on your 4x4 Neighborhood Walking experience:
HousingWhat is the age and condition of housing in the neighborhood you’re surveying?
Are yards neat or overgrown?
Parks and public spaces
Are there public spaces where people can gather?
Are public spaces well kept?
Who uses these spaces?
Is there diversity?
Street use
Are there people on the streets at most times of day?
In the evening? How late?
Do they interact with one another?
Are streets and sidewalks well-lit at night?
Commercial activity
What kinds of businesses are there?
Are there boarded-up or vacant storefronts?
Are there grocery stores, pharmacies, and other stores that provide necessities in all parts of the community?
How heavy is traffic in the community?
Is it mostly commercial and industrial – vans, trucks, etc. – or mostly private cars?
Who lives in the community?
Are there identifiable racial and ethnic groups?
Do particular groups seem to live in particular areas?
Faith communities
What kinds of religious institutions are there?
Health services
How many hospitals and clinics are there in the community?
Community and public services
Are there identifiable community service providers and organizations in the community – mental health centers, food banks, homeless shelters, welfare offices, etc.?
Overall impressions
What is your overall impression of the community?
What are the community’s outstanding assets?
What seem to be the community’s biggest challenges?
What is the most striking thing about the community?
What is the most unexpected?
What Are You Learning?
Discuss with your Team Vital the following questions:
- What have you learned about your mission field?
- What surprised you?
- What was confirmed?
- How are your current mission ministries reaching the people and places you discovered through MissionInsite and the 4x4 Neighborhood Walking/Windshield Survey?
- What mission ministries are not translating and why?
- Who is moving into your community?
- What are the interests, beats and rhythms of the people in your community?
- Is it reflected in your worship and ministries?
- What are the people in your community looking for from the church?
Congregational Assessment Worksheets
As a team, complete the following four worksheets:
Worksheet 1: Assets for Ministry
Worksheet 2: Community Connection
Worksheet 3: Challenges for Ministry
Worksheet 4: Reality
Section 2 Claiming Your Purpose and Envisioning a New Future
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8 (NSRV)
Question for Conversation:
- How has your congregation been living out Jesus’ commission as recorded in Acts 1:8?
- Where is your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and ends of the earth?
- How could you more fully embrace Jesus’ commission to make disciples of all nations, and not just those who are near to you or comfortable to embrace?
The vision of the United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey:
We see a church like Jesus Christ – taking risks and being humble, teaching and healing, saving and tending souls,leading and serving, unbound and outbound. We also see a Wesleyan Church – pursuing personal and social holiness, being connectional and bold, being thoughtful and inspirational, working in small groups andhaving a largevision, welcoming all and respecting diversity of thought, practicing the means of grace.
Vision defines a preferred outcome for a congregation.
A preferred outcome means:
- resources and energy for fruitful ministry are aligned behind the same purpose,
- congregations give themselves permission to let go of activities and ministries that no longer meet the needs of the congregation or community, and
- leadership energy is focused and clear.
Vision inspires a congregation to dream God-sized dreams.
God-sized dreams can:
- deepen a church’s faith,
- be accomplished with the help of God,
- empower a congregation to ministry that might seem out of reach,
- stretch the imagination while providing direction and clarity,
- inform direction and set priorities, and
- challenge people to grow in ways that are exciting.
Guidelines for visioning:
- Project 5 to 10 years in the future.
- Dream big, and focus on success.
- Use the present tense.
- Use clear, concise language.
- Infuse your vision statement with passion and emotion.
- Paint a mental picture of you want.
- Have a plan to communicate your vision . . . to all.
- Be prepared to commit time and resources to the vision you establish.
(adapted from Business News Daily)
Questions for conversation on visioning:
- What is the purpose of your congregation?
- What would you like your congregation to become or look like in the future?
- How do you envision sharing this God-sized vision with the congregation and community?
Action Steps
Please bring the following to Team Vital Session 1 so that you can discuss your findings with your peers:
- QuickInsite Report
- Quad Report
- 4X4 Neighborhood Walking/Windshield Results
- Congregational Assessment Worksheets
- An initial draft ofpage A ofthe Vital Ministry Action Plan found in the back of this workbook. You will be building the plan throughout the Team Vital process
Step 2: Team Vital Session 1
- Assess the congregation’s worship ministries
- Develop initial goals for increasing vital worship ministries in the congregation
- Learn key characteristics of congregations that are making new disciples
- Assess the congregation’s ministries of welcoming disciples
- Develop initial goals for disciple making
- Learn about asset based ministry as a means of engaging in mission in the community
- Review the assets of the church and community for doing mission
- Assess the congregation’s ministry of engaging in mission
- Develop initial goals for mission ministry
Congregations sit at a table together for each training to facilitate conversation among team members
8:30 a.m.Gathering
8:50Opening worship/Bible study
9:15Orientation and schedule for the day
9:25Congregational sharing: (5 minutes per congregation)
10:15Section 3 Vital Worship
10:30Conversation among teams about setting goals for vital worship
11:15Congregational sharing:
11:30Section 4 Reaching and Making New Disciples
11:50 Working Lunch – Conversation among teams about setting goals for reaching and making new disciples
1:00 p.m.Congregational sharing
1:15Section 5 Moving Mission from Deficit to Asset to Transformed Community
1:30Conversation among teams about setting goals for mission engagement
2:30Congregational sharing
2:50 Review of homework and sending forth
3:00 Adjourn for the day.
Bible Study and Worship
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord,
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord,
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You, I want to see You.
To see You high and lifted up,
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing, "Holy, holy, holy"[1]
Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me;
place in my hands the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free.
Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see.
Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine![2]
Spiritual Reflection
When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”
He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 22:34-40 (NSRV)
Wesleyan Means of Grace
Courageous and forward-moving congregationspractice spiritual disciplines. JohnWesley taught that God’s grace is unearned and that we werenot to be idle . . . but we are toengage in the means of grace. The means of grace are waysGod works in disciples. They can be divided into works of piety and the works ofmercy.
Works of Piety / Works of MercyReading / Doing good works
Meditating / Visiting the sick
Studying the scriptures / Visiting those in prison
Prayer / Feeding the hungry
Fasting / Giving generously to the needs of others
Regularly attending worship / Seeking justice
Healthy living / Ending oppression and discrimination
Sharing in the sacraments
Sharing y
our faith with others / Addressing the needs of the poor
Sharing our faith with others
ring in the sacraments
Questions for conversation: