Serious Life Threatening Policy
Policy: Tulakogee Conference Center
Tulakogee (KMAK) is prepared to administer first-aid for their campers. It is EXTREMELY important that the camp administration be made AWARE of ANY situation that requires medical attention beyond first-aid:
Examples of but NOT exclusive are:
1. Leukemia – Cancer (under Rx)
2. Diabetic Types I & II
3. Severe Asthmatics (requiring emergency on person inhalers or nebulizers)
4. Chemotherapy
5. Heart condition
6. Organ transplant recipient or on list
7. Growth hormones
8. Severe allergies to insects, food, etc. requiring epi-pen or other extreme meds
Tulakogee administration will evaluate each situation individually in determining what measures need to be taken to ensure the camper’s safety and wellbeing during their stay.
Please complete this form and return to your church/organization administration prior to registering for camp.
Organization ______Date ______
Camp date ______
Campers name ______Age ______
Who will be accompanying camper (signature/relation to camper): (spouse, parent, guardian) X______
This is accurate info (signature): X ______