October 11, 2016
A resolution of the Orange County Board of Supervisors approving the submittal of the Ortega Highway (SR-74) Widening improvement project to the Orange County Transportation Authority for funding under the Comprehensive Transportation Programs’ Measure M2 Regional Capacity Program (RCP), Arterial Capacity Enhancements (ACE).
WHEREAS, the County of Orange desires to implement the Ortega Highway (SR-74) Widening transportation improvements that are eligible for the Comprehensive Transportation Programs’ Renewed Measure M2 Regional Capacity Program (RCP), Arterial Capacity Enhancements (ACE) funds administered by Orange County Transportation Authority; and
WHEREAS, the County of Orange has been declared by the Orange County Transportation Authority to meet the eligibility requirements to receive Measure M2 “Fair Share” funds; and
WHEREAS, the County’s Transportation Element is consistent with the County of Orange Master Plan of Arterial Highways; and
WHEREAS, the County of Orange will ensure matching funds are paid for each eligible project as required by the Orange County Comprehensive Transportation Funding Programs Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, the Orange County Transportation Authority intends to allocate funds for transportation improvement projects within the incorporated cities and the County; and
WHEREAS, the County of Orange will not use M2 funds to supplant Developer Fees or other commitments; and
WHEREAS, the County of Orange must include all projects funded by Net Revenues in the seven-year Capital Improvement Program as part of the Measure M2 Ordinance eligibility requirement; and
WHEREAS, the County of Orange authorizes a formal amendment to the seven-year Capital Improvement Program to add projects approved for funding upon approval from the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby:
1. Request the Orange County Transportation Authority allocate the Comprehensive Transportation Program’s Measure M2 Regional Capacity Program (RCP), Arterial Capacity Enhancement (ACE) funds in the amounts specified in the Ortega Highway (SR-74) Widening improvement project application to the County of Orange. Said funds shall be matched by Rancho Mission Viejo and Caltrans funds as required and shall be used as supplemental funding.
2. Authorize the Director of OC Public Works or designee to apply for and accept the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Comprehensive Transportation Program’s Measure M2 Regional Capacity Program (RCP), Arterial Capacity Enhancement (ACE) grant monies to be used for the Ortega Highway Widening Project; to sign such application; and, upon notification of funding award, to execute a cooperative agreement with Rancho Mission Viejo to provide matching funds; to execute a cooperative agreement with Caltrans to prepare and provide the Project Approval and Environmental Documentation (PA & ED) and matching funds, as well as to fund any future escalation of project costs; and to invoice the Orange County Transportation Authority for payment of allocated funds as appropriate.