PRINCIPAL, David O’Quinn VICE-PRINCIPAL, Debbie Murray
“Providing quality learning opportunities for all our students”
130 York Street
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
B4V 2M1
Phone: (902) 541-8240 fax: (902) 541-8250
School Advisory Council Minutes
September 20, 2016
Members: David O’Quinn, Principal Claudia Robar, teacher, secretary
Siobhan Doyle, parent, chair Beth Norwood, teacher
Stephanie Martin, parent, vice-chair Kelly Sylvester, teacher
, Secretary Engelina Crouse, support staff
Heather Dalton, parent Sean MacLeod, parent
Michael Graves, community member Stephanie Chipman, parent
1. Call to order: Stephanie Martin and Michael Graves- Absent, Regrets
2. Approval of Agenda: Approved by all
3. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from May31, 2016 approved.
4. Cafeteria Management Discussion
5. Old Business:
A. SAC Budget Update: Balance update: $2401.77 (This year’s $500 from SSRSB is not in yet)
B. School Board Update: Report from independent commissioner Alphonse McNeil found procedure was fine so the review can go ahead as planned. First meeting planned for tomorrow (September 21) held at Hebbville Academy. Final meeting held September, 28 BJSHS. Both open to public but for listening only, no input allowed at these times. Decision will be made at the Sept.28th meeting.
Questions arise for our school if the decision is made to move the high school students. Will students leave our school, grade 6 or 5 &6, will it become one big campus (the 2 school buildings), what about Pentz and Petite schools (answer by November possibly). Suggestion made and agreed that if the decision is made to move the BHS students, then we need to immediately contact the SSRSB and ask to be involved with discussions as to how this affects our school and let them know what we want for the future of our school.
6. New Business
a. S a. Student Enrollment: 453 students as of today. Up 36 from last year.
b. Staffing Update: 0.9 Resource teacher to be hired as a term. Now have 1 full time behavior Support teacher, permanent. TA allotment at 17. (2 time card positions)
c. Calendar 2016-17 : Magazine Campaign will be later due to representative illness. A few new things added since the first of the year.
d. Draft Annual School Report 2015-16 : goes out to parents, made with information from last year. Needs to be reviewed then goes public in October.
e. SSP 2016- 2017 : we have 2 goals continuing from last year, Literacy and Math, looking at strategies to bring these numbers up. We should have a third goal focusing around social/ emotional wellbeing of students. Last year’s survey data showed that grade 5 had a problem in this area. Note that Student Success Planning has become a province wide initiative. Our work on this is done on the CLT days.
f. RCH Policy (Power Point) : Mr. O’Quinn went through the power point presentation as required by SSRSB policy for all students, staff and SAC members. Cathy Shaw is our school RCH advisor, Theresa Provo our RCH worker, Lamar Eason our SSRSB coordinator.
g. Meet the Teacher : September 22, 7:00pm Meet in gym. Stressing attendance is extremely important and playground update for parents
h. H & S request for donation for playground : they need $10,000 to get a design for the new playground. They must raise $5,000 then can get a grant for the other $5,000. After design is done then they apply for grants to build the playground. Right now they have asked for a $1000 donation from SAC to put towards the design fee. Motion made to give $500 right now, another $500 possibly later in the year once finances are settled. Motion carried. Discussion about the possibility of a Natural playground still a component , but insurance/liability is also a factor in that. Gail Sinclair Heath & Safety employee is part of the Playground Committee. Big Budget fund raisers are being discussed. Capital Renovations may also come into play. Pieces of old equipment was saved in case it could be reused.
i. Executive Positions : Sean MacLeod to be vice chair, Engelina Crouse to be secretary. Stephanie Martin no longer a parent from this school so will be done as member. Note: chair to update Agreement Letter with the names of SAC members and send to SSRSB.
7. Adjourn
Next Meeting Date, October 18, 2016 6:45