Ken Abrams, director(925)552-3041 email:
To develop an aesthetic sensitivity to choral music as an art form; to gain an understanding of musicianship and musical styles; to further develop the voice; and to work as a cohesive unit, each individual contributing their talents. Performing is a major component of this class. The material covered and the literature studied are directly related to this end and attendance at all performances is of the highest importance.
Chamber Singers is an advanced, audition-only group. It is a co-curricular class, meaning that instruction occurs during the school day as well as on occasional nights and weekends. This is especially important in the area of performances. Only severe illness and school or religious conflicts will be considered for absence from a required or scheduled event. Any exception MUST be worked out, in writing, with the director several weeks prior to the event. The director will supply students with a comprehensive performance calendar the first week of school. Failure to attend a scheduled performance will be reflected in the student’s grade and may jeopardize the students future participation in Chamber Singers.
Because of the intense nature of this course, students must have an extraordinarily high level of commitment and self-motivation. Students must also be well-disciplined and able to work in large, as well as small, groups with or without the benefit of an adult instructor. ALL Parents are expected to contribute by volunteering as chaperones, acting as drivers for field trips and performances, and assisting in the coordination of performances, benefits, events and tours as necessary.
(The grading scale may be adjusted according to the number of assignments given)
30-40%Participation and Attitude - Determined by the student’s actions while in rehearsals, performances, field trips, sectional meetings and while working with other students. Also includes preparation and attendance.
20-25%Class Work/Assignments/Special Projects - Includes musicianship lessons, homework, or assignments such as costume preparation, uniforms, deadlines, permission slips, activities (such as dinnershow) and related responsibilities (outfits and costumes, promptness, rehearsals, etc.). At other times of the year this category includes projects and auditions, written critiques and extra-curricular assignments.
20%Concert Attendance and Responsibilities - Includes promptness and attendance at concert events as well as other responsibilities (set up, take down, rehearsals, etc.). Also includes all scheduled events such as tours, festivals, CMEA, etc. Attendance at Spring Festivals and Competitions is of the utmost importance.
20-25%Quartet Exams - Vocal exams given one to three times a quarter. Graded areas include note accuracy, tone quality, breathing, diction, memorization, etc.
5%Pre-Concert Participation – This is a “Class” grade that the students as a team earn each day prior to a major concert or event.
A. Concert Attendance - Any exception MUST be worked out, in writing, with the director several weeks prior to the event. If a student fails to attend a scheduled performance, the earned grade will drop 2 levels. Only severe illness and school or religious conflicts will be considered for absence from a required or scheduled event. Concerts include major performances, festivals, competitions and tours. Students who miss a concert or required event for an excused reason will receive a make-up assignment (usually in the form of a green choral critique)
B. Tardiness, Gum Chewing, Hats and Cell Phones
1st offense - warning, loss of points
2nd offense - work detail, loss of points, contact parents, information sent to administrator
further offenses - contact parents, work detail, further loss of points, information sent to administrator who may also choose to discipline student.
C. Excessive Absences - Student’s participation grade is based on his/her presence in the class. If student is not present, he/she does not earn participation points. Some of these points, 2% of the overall grade, may be made-up through extra credit.
D. Uniforms/Grooming - It is the student’s responsibility to wear the required uniform for their performing group to all performances. Specific uniform requirements will be outlined at Back to School Night. It is the responsibility of each student to properly maintain their uniform including cleaning, pressing and mending. Students are also expected to be neatly groomed at all performances. Long hair must be pulled back or pinned up with fly-away ends sprayed or pinned down. Make-up should be used tastefully. Necklaces, bracelets and thumb rings should not be warn. Small post style earrings are accepted. No diamond or sparkly earrings may be worn at ANY time. Men should be clean-shaven with hair combed. Students will receive assigned points for their uniform and grooming at all concerts and may not be allowed to perform if they do not meet the stated standards.
I have read this agreement and understand the responsibilities and requirements involved with being a member of the SRVHS Chamber Singers. My parents have also read this information and support me in my decision to participate in this ensemble. We understand the grading scale and the expectations required of me. We also understand that if the student does not meet the standards of the class and their grade suffers as a consequence, student will be dropped from the class. In addition, students must participate in all of the required performances and attend all festivals and events in order to maintain their membership in the class. Lastly, Chamber Singers are STRONGLY encouraged to participate in our annual choir tour!!
Student’s Name (print)Parent’s Name (print)
Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature