Beck Elementary
Sandy Conklin
Lyndsie Smith
Assistant Principal
Patricia Porter
Counselor and
WATCH. D.O.G.S. Campus Coordinator
Beck’s Mission Statement
In partnership with the community, Beck Elementary is committed to
success for all learners, ensuring a safe environment that implements
rigorous, relevant curricula and focused instruction.
The strength of a community’s public schools reflects on the quality of the community and neighborhoods. While the most important “stakeholders” in our schools are the students, local businesses and organizations have a vested interest in the success of schools as well. Beck Elementary is committed to strengthening the partnership between community and parent volunteers and our school.
At Samuel Beck Elementary, we take our mission seriously.In partnership with the community, Beck Elementary is committed to success for all learners, ensuring a safe environment that implements rigorous, relevant curricula and focused instruction. Our mission recognizes the benefits that community partnerships bring to our school, and most importantly, our students.
This handbook for WATCH D.O.G.S. volunteers was created as a guide for establishing, strengthening, and maintaining effective father involvement in the schools.
All about WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students)
The NationalCenter for Fathering is a non-profit research and educational organization. The organization’s vision is to assure that every child is involved with a father or father figure. The WATCH D.O.G.S.program is one of the father involvement initiatives of the NationalCenter for Fathering and is designed to increase male participation in schools. Fathers or father figures are encouraged to volunteer for one full day in the school during the school year.
WATCH D.O.G.S. Program Goal
The goal of the program is to help every school in America be positively influenced by the committed involvement of fathers and father figures in the lives of their children and students (
WATCH D.O.G.S. volunteersperform a variety of tasks during their volunteer day including monitoring the school entrance, assisting with unloading and loading of cars, monitoring the lunch room, supervising recess, helping staff with various tasks, or assisting in classrooms throughout the school.
How do I volunteer forthe WATCH D.O.G.S.program?
Criminal background check
Northwest ISD policy requires that every volunteer must complete and submit a criminal history background check form before interacting with students. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS. A new criminal history background check form must be completed by volunteers each school year. The background form is located on the NISD and Beck websites.
Sign-Up to Volunteer
We're using VolunteerSpot to organize our upcoming activity.
Please sign up for WD Volunteer - here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
WATCH D.O.G.S. are:
Approachable: Smile, talk to students, listen to them, encourage and recognize citizenship and leadership, and give lots of high fives.
Available: The goal is to be of service to the school, the teacher, and to all students.
Positive Role Models: Model character, integrity, respect, and leadership for students and staff.
End-of-Day Survey
All WATCH D.O.G.S. volunteers are asked to complete an online survey prior to leaving at the end of the day. The survey provides the school with valuable information that is used to improve the program.
Volunteers are expected to keep confidential any information about the school (pupils, teachers, parents, staff and principals) while performing duties as a volunteer.
- If a student confides that he or she is the victim of sexual, emotional, chemical or physical abuse.
- If a student confides that he or she is involved in any illegal activity.
- If a student confides that he or she is considering homicide or suicide.
Should one of these exceptions arise, you are required by law to immediately notify the student’s principal. Note on your calendar when this information was reported and to whom it was given. Remember, this information is extremely personal and capable of damaging lives, so do not share it with anyone except the appropriate authorities.
How Will Watch D.O.G.S. Support Education
and Safety atBeck Elementary?
Being a Good Role Model and Getting Involved:
- ENCOURAGE STUDENTS! (with lots of smiles and high fives, etc.)
- Help with traffic flow of vehicles and students at arrival and dismissal times
- Monitor hallways and entrances
- Monitor buildings - inside/outside. Report any issues to the front office.
- Visibility during lunch and recess
- Eat lunch with students
- Speak to classes about the importance of education and career choices
- Read to students or work with small groups of students
- Work with students on flash cards, educational games, or technology support
- Actively and positively engage with their student and other students
- Support art and music with your presence and a set of helping hands
- Deliver items to the classrooms
- Assist with tasks in the front office or the volunteer room
- Assist teachers with putting up or taking down bulletin boards
- Help the teacher with a variety of classroom tasks
- Smile and be a hero for a day!
Maintaining Boundaries:
- Always use the men’s restroom, located next door to the teachers lounge
- Refrain from the use of cell phones in the classroom
- Children are not to sit in the lap of a WATCH D.O.G.S., even if they are the parent.
- Report any discipline issues or concerns to staff to address.
- Do not espouse political or religious beliefs to students
Student Safety:
- Wear their Official Uniform T-shirt only at school while performing official WATCH D.O.G.S. duties. Shirts are available for purchase twice a year through Patricia Porter or one will be loaned to you on the day you volunteer.
- Sell or give their official WATCH D.O.G.S.® T-shirt to someone who isn’t an
approved WatchD.O.G.S. volunteer
- Avoid activities such as chasing, wrestling, or picking up students during recess