Hertfordshire Information and Parent Support Strategy Action Plan 2008-2009
/ ACTIONS / LEAD PERSON & CONTRIBUTORS / TIME SCALE / OUTCOMES / PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT1. Locally accessible universal provision of information and support: A wide range of information, parent support and family learning programmes is accessible universally to parents and carers. / 1.1 Increase awareness of the Children’s Services Directory among practitioners and ensure that it is used routinely in Children’s Centres, ExtendedSchools, libraries and other universal access points
1.2.Ensure that there is a range of local access to information, including face-to-face information, leaflets, website, helpline/call centre services, but that all of these reflect a single core source of information (see Objective 6: Quality Assurance)
1.3.Ensure that the Children’s Information Service develops to meet the requirements of s.12 of the Childcare Act for a more accessible, holistic service, in preparation for re-branding as the Family Information Service in the Autumn (See Objective 10)
1.4.Complete guidance on the information and parent support element of the core offer and disseminate to Children’s Centres and ExtendedSchools
1.5.Develop role and recruitment of Extended School Parent Support Workers and Children Centre Outreach Workers and related specifications.
1.6.Ensure that all Children’s Centres ½ of Primary Extended Schools and a third of Secondary Extended Schools are meeting their basic core offer for parent support, and offer support to achieve this where necessary. This should include family learning, to ensure that there is equal access to family learning opportunities across the county, and also the development of parent and toddler groups and toy libraries in response to changing social and demographic needs.
1.7.Complete the work of the Project Group to develop Transition Information Sessions in schools / Elaine Dunnicliffe
Elaine Dunnicliffe
Sally Orr
David Silverman
Caroline Swindells
David Silverman
Caroline Swindells
Kathy Dunnett
Caroline Swindells
Helen Ashdown
David Silverman
Jane Rouse
Kathy Dunnett / 31st March 2009
31st March 2009
30th September 2008
30th June 2008
30th September 2008
30th September 2008
31st March 2009 / All practitioners are aware of the Children’s Services Directory and are using it on a regular basis
All families have access to up-to-date and accurate information at local Children’s Centres, schools, community centres, libraries etc.
All families have easy access to up-to-date and accurate information relating to childcare, benefits, employment, play, parenting support, family learning and other related topics, on-line and by telephone.
All staff in Children’s Centres and ExtendedSchools will have clarity regarding what is required of them in relation to parenting support.
Parents will have accessible support of trained workers on site in schools and children’s centres
Parents have access through schools and children’s centres to a wide range of support opportunities according to their individual needs
Good practice guidelines established so that all parents have the opportunity to attend high-quality Transition Information Sessions when their child starts primary / middle/ secondary school, where they receive holistic information and advice on topics related to their children’s learning and development at these vital stages. / Survey questionnaires and mystery shopping to be undertaken to gauge knowledge and use of CSD in key outlets and access points and amongst practitioners.
As above
Audit of information, monitoring of volume of calls and e-contact, survey questionnaires and mystery shopping
Monitoring through Self-Evaluation mechanisms
Monitoring of compliance with specifications relating to support workers in schools and children’s centres.
Children’s Centre and Extended School SEFs reveal compliance with core offer requirements.
Monitoring of objectives of Starting School Project Plan.
2. A needs-led approach to parent support for more vulnerable families: Specific targeted information, parenting support, family learning programmes and parent support are available and accessible locally to more vulnerable children and their families. / 2.1. Consolidate use of Extended School SEF and Children’s Centre Community Profiles to inform District Plans, and ensure that these are responsive to the needs of families who do not traditionally engage with services.
2.2. Ensure that the above Plans specifically include provision such as support for parents of children with disabilities and special needs.
2.3. Complete spending plans for 2008-09 for commissioned parenting support
2.4. Ensure that the Transition Information Sessions Project addresses the need to engage with non-traditional users of services. / District Partnership Team Managers.
Extended Schools co-ordinators
Children Centre managers
As above
District Partnership Team Managers
Parenting & Information Officers
Kathy Dunnett / 30th June 2008
30th June 2008
30th June 2008
31st March 2009 / The more vulnerable families who do not traditionally find it easy to engage with services, are enabled to access support which is responsive to their needs, thus increasing opportunities for their children to achieve positive outcomes.
Parents of children with disabilities / special needs are enabled to access local support which is responsive to their and their children’s’ needs.
At least 3 parenting courses per term in each District / Borough Council area, enabling over 1,000 parents countywide to receive structured support, in addition to workshops and information / advice sessions
The more vulnerable families who do not traditionally find it easy to engage with services, are enabled to access information advice when their child starts primary / middle / secondary school / All District Plans reveal links to local Children’s Centre Profiles and Extended School Self Evaluation Frameworks, especially in relation to most vulnerable families.
All District Plans make reference to support to parents of children with disabilities and special needs.
Monitoring of service level agreements for commissioned parenting support through district partnership teams.
All schools involved in Starting Schools Project show evidence of developing good practice in relation to non-traditional users of services.
3. A trained and skilled workforce: A trained workforce will be developed and their skills enhanced to deliver information, parenting support, family learning and support in partnership with parents across the County. / 3.1. Establish initial parenting facilitator training course to meet immediate need
3.2. Complete initial audit of parent support workforce in partner agencies including clarification of individual roles and level of training, through CAMHS survey. This will include new roles, i.e. PSAs, Children’s Centre Outreach Workers, Children & Young People’s Workers
3.3. Develop and begin to deliver a workforce development programme to support the emerging roles of the above and other practitioners with contact with parents, addressing training needs at various levels (e.g. day-to-day work with parents; parenting course facilitation; support work in schools and Children’s centres; specialist knowledge and skill areas).
3.4. Commission Training Providers to address above identified needs
3.5. Explore the implications of proposed required qualifications for the Post-16 teaching workforce, for the delivery of Family Learning / David Silverman
Susan Bugden, Parenting & Information Officer,
Louise Purser, CSF Learning & Development
Maria Nastri (CAMHS)
David Silverman
David Silverman
Caroline Swindells
Kathy Dunnett
Maria Nastri
As above
Jane Rouse / 30thJune 2008
30th June 2008
30th September 2008
31st December 2008
31st March 2009 / Parents will be supported by a workforce of appropriately trained course facilitators from a range of professional backgrounds.
As above
As above
As above
Parents will be offered Family Learning opportunities by a workforce of appropriately trained course facilitators / OCN Accredited training course to take place in-June 2008.
Analysis of audit of parent support workforce
Parenting Support Workforce Development Programme in place, and monitored for quality according to National Occupational Standards and guidance from National Academy of Parenting Practitioners.
As above
Report on qualifications required for Family Learning delivery, and implications, to Strategy Steering Group, in line with LSC requirements.
4. Monitoring outputs and Evidencing impact and outcomes: Evidence is gathered to evaluate the effectiveness of information, parenting support, family learning and support in partnership with parents. / 4.1. Establish use of on-line system using Inquisite, for monitoring reach of commissioned parenting support.
4.2. Investigate options and agree standard user-friendly evaluation tools for measuring child outcomes of parent support and family learning
4.3. Investigate opportunities to commission academic research to evaluate effectiveness of a selection of parenting support programmes, in relation to child outcomes. / Dorothy Blatcher
Ginny Thorne
District Partnership Teams / Parenting & Information Officers
David Silverman
David Silverman / 30th June 2008
30th September 2008
30th September 2008 / Following analysis of monitoring information increased targeting of commissioned support so that the more vulnerable parents are enabled to access support.
Evidence of impact of specific parent support activities will enable these to be targeted and delivered to those parents for whom they will have maximum benefit.
As above / All Parenting and Information Officers using on-line monitoring routinely. Analysis of results and feedback to Parenting & Information Officers.
Aanlysis of standard evaluation questionnaires and case study methodologies, in collaboration with psychology services
Links made with academic institutions for exploring research opportunities in field of parenting support.
5. Dissemination of good practice at the local level: Parent Support Fora are established and promoted in each District. Alternatively, parent support is included in agenda of District Children’s Centre and Extended Schools Fora. / 5.1. Establish Parenting Fora covering every District Council area or incorporate thesewithin District Children’s Centre ad Extended Schools Fora. / District Partnership Team Managers / 30th September 2008 / Parents will receive the highest standard of support due to regular sharing of local good practice. All practitioners in the field of parent support will have the opportunity of improving practice through focused discussion with peer group and parent participation will enable support to be shaped by parents’ perspectives. / Parenting Forum or equivalent established coveringeach District / Borough Council area and these for a will feed back to Strategy through Parenting & Information Officers.
6. Quality Assurance. To establish an effective mechanism for quality assurance, including evidence base, and value for money, in the provision of information and parent support. / 6.1. Ensure that there is a core of accurate, up-to-date, customer-focused, geographically specific information which meets the requirements of s.12 of the Childcare Act and which is available countywide through the CSD and CIS
6.2. Develop mechanisms for ensuring that all agencies undertake to use the same source of information, and to feed all new information into this source, to ensure it is up to date.
6.3. Establish Preferred Supplier List for commissioned parenting support, including clearly stated quality criteria and requiring evidence-based practice and adequate training (See Objective 3: Trained and Skilled Workforce)
6.4. Review Quality Guidelines
6.5. Disseminate revised Quality Guidelines to providers
6.6. Ensure that there is an effective mechanism for monitoring the quality of both targeted and universal family learning. / Elaine Dunnicliffe
Elaine Dunnicliffe
David Silverman
Ginny Thorne
District Partnership Teams: Parenting & Information Officers
David Silverman
David Silverman
Jane Rouse / 30th September 2008
30th September 2008
30th September 2008
30th September 2008
31stDecember 2008
31st March 2009 / All families have easy access to up-to-date and accurate information relating to childcare, benefits, employment, play, parenting support, family learning and other related topics, including face-to-face, printed information, , on-line and by telephone.
As above
Families are receiving highest possible quality of support from approved providers who meet quality criteria.
As above
As above
Families are receiving highest possible quality of Family Learning opportunities from approved providers who meet quality criteria. / Surveys, questionnaires, mystery shoppingreveals that families are gaining appropriate access to the information they need and are satisfied with the service they receive.
Staff surveys reveal that staff are using the systems appropriately, and reviews of accuracy of information confirms that it is being regularly updated.
Evaluations and satisfaction surveys
As above
As above
As above
7. Participation and Equality. To ensure that we work in partnership with parents, they are regularly consulted and have a direct influence on support they receive. Provision of support is responsive to this feedback, and to the diverse needs of communities. / 7.1. Ensure that parent support providers are required to show that they are developing provision in response to service user feedback.
7.2. Develop an Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) to accompany the strategy
7.3. Develop a mechanism for ensuring that the EIA is implemented in the districts according to local needs and demographics. / District Partnership Teams
David Silverman
David Silverman / 31st March 2009
30th September 2008
30th September 2008 / All parents are given the opportunity to work in partnership with providers to shape and influence the support they are offered
Parents receive support which is, as far as is practicable, responsive to the diversity of needs within local communities and which avoids unfair discrimination
As above / Termly monitoring reports include evidence of provision shaped by service user feedback, in each District / Borough Council area.
Equalities Impact Aassessment agreed by multi-agency steering group, including mechanisms for monitoring its implementation locally.
As above
8. Capacity and resources. Opportunities are sought to build the capacity for delivering parent support, including drawing on government and external funding opportunities and partnership opportunities, including with the PVI sector / 8.1. Establish a strategic lead and further action plan for Information services to support this Strategy
8.2. Recruit two parenting experts, with DCSF grant funding, to assist in implementing the targeted elements of the Strategy, in line with DCSF guidance.
8.3. Explore mechanisms for linkage between statutory and PVI sector agencies in order to draw in funding in partnership
Investigate opportunities for additional resources to support non-LSC-funded universally available Family Learning. / Sally Orr
Michael Francis
David Silverman
David Silverman
Ginny Thorne
Jane Rouse / 30th April 2008
30thNovember 2008
30th September 2008
30th September 2008 / All parents continue to be provided with up-to-date and accurate information, co-ordinated efficiently and effectively at a county strategic level.
More vulnerable parents, and their children, are receiving the highest possible standards of support, due to the input of additional resources into planning, training and evaluation of impact on children’s outcomes.
Parents benefit from additional resources resulting from increased links with PVI sector
Parents benefit from additional resources for Family Learning / Strategic lead established for Information strand
Evaluations and satisfaction surveys
Evaluations and satisfaction surveys
Audit of Family Learning provision.
9: Links with the CYPP and District Children’s and Young People’s Plans. / 9.1. Ensure that all District CYPPs have a parent support and information element to them which reflects the priorities of this Strategy and local needs. / David Silverman
District Partnership Teams / Parenting & Information Officers / 30th June 2008 / Parents, including the most vulnerable, and those who do not traditionally engage with services, are enabled to access support locally which is responsive to their needs, thus increasing opportunities for their children to achieve positive outcomes. / All district CYPPs include Parenting Support and Information element.
10: Raising the profile of parent support and information across partner agencies: A communications strategy which raises the profile of information and parent support, externally and internally, and emphasises the importance of information, parental involvement, support for parents and family learning in achieving positive outcomes for children. / 10.1.Develop a communications strategy for promoting the Strategy across partner agencies and externally
10.2.Formally launch the strategy across partner agencies, with an event / conference and associated publicity, emphasising the importance of all 4 strands
10.3.Produce and disseminate a parent-friendly version of this Strategy
10.4.Formally launch re-branded Family Information Service
10.5.Strengthen the Strategy Steering Group to maintain strong multi-agency collaboration on delivery of all four strands of the strategy. / Dee de Bruin
David Silverman
David Silverman
Michael Francis
Dee de Bruin
Sally Orr
Michael Francis
Elaine Dunnicliffe
All members of Strategy Steering Group / 30th June 2008
30th September 2008
30th September 2008
31st December 2008
31st March 2009 / Hertfordshire’s commitment to high-quality, accessible support and information to parents is well-known and understood by both practitioners and the general public
As above
As above
The new Family Information Service brand begins to have a recognised profile which is well-known and understood by both practitioners and the general public
Parents benefit from a holistic, well-co-ordinated multi-agency approach to parent support and information / Surveys reveal general awareness of the strategy.
As above
As above
As above
All key partner agencies attending and contributing to steering group